LogisticsTransportation 运 输 物 流shopping cartshopping trolleyAfter we stepped into the 21 century,express logistics superior in its speed,experienced a booster at the rate of 30%every year in China.进入21世纪,快递物流产业 作为现代物流产业中的一 个新型产业,在我国每年 以30%的增长速度迅猛发展。网购者e-shoppers剁手党hands-chopping peopleonline shopaholicl预售 Pre-salel定金 depositl尾款 balancel加入购物车 add to cartl下单 place your orderl秒杀 flash salel买到便宜货 grab a bargainl团购group-buyingl秒杀 flash salel现金券/抵金券rebate couponl打折券 discountl红包、优惠券Redenvelopes&CouponsNow,singles Day has been in it is 14th year so far and the operation of these express packages is no longer a problem for countries with the most high-speed and high-speed rail miles.Perfect high-speed transportation network throughout the airport transportation,Double 11 for transportation,equivalent to a small spray in the sea.到目前为止,双十一已经有了14个年头,对于拥有高速、高铁里程最多的国家,这些快递包裹的运行已经不是问题。完善的高速交通网络,遍及各地的机场运输,双十一对于交通运输,就相当于大海中一个小浪花了。Modern transport refers to the use of automobiles,trains,ships,aircraft and other means of transport,Transport people or things from one place to another.现代交通运输:指使用汽车、火车、船舶、飞机等 运输工具,把人或物从一个地方运输到另一个地方。The main modes of modern transport:road transport,railway transport,water transport,air transport,pipeline transport.现代交通运输的主要方式:公路运输、铁路运输、水路运输、航空运输、管道运输。How to choose the right mode of transport:according to the purpose of passengers travel,the nature of the goods themselves,etc.consider the transportation price,the speed of transportation,the number of transportation and so on.如何选择合适的交通运输方式:根据旅客出行的目的、货物本身的性质等,考虑运输价格的高低、运输速度的快慢、运量的多少等方面。Thanks For Watching!小组成员:组长组员1组员2组员3组员4组员5
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