银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验通关考试题库含银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验通关考试题库含答案解析答案解析 单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、5 月 30 日召开的国务院常务会议指出加大“定向降准”措施力度,6 月 9日央行宣布对符合审慎经营要求且“三农”和微小企业贷款达到一定比例的商业银行降准 05 个百分点,这是央行在两个月内第二次定向降准。客观来看,两次“定向降准”直接释放出的资金并不算多,对整体流动性影响不大,但这个信号的“示范引导”作用更加突出,因为这意味着中国政府鼓励和引导其他金融机构更多地将信贷资源配置到中微小企业和其他有利于“调结构”的领域。A.加大“定向降准”措施力度 B.“三农”和微小企业贷款达到一定比例 C.本次“定向降准”直接释放出的资金 D.信贷资源配置到中微小企业和其他有利于“调结构”的领域【答案】A 2、因此把才学比作剑,当使用的时候就拿出来,而不用的时候就藏入鞘中,不将其把玩炫耀。否则很少有不因此而得祸的 A.B.C.D.【答案】A 3、个人计算机属于()。A.小巨型机 B.中型机 C.小型机 D.微机【答案】D 4、调节过高收人向来是达成社会和谐的根本举措之一。两个原因使这一行为在世界范围与得到支持:第一,从经济学上来说,调节过高收入,可以使社会资源不至于沉淀到某些特定人士之手,以收人的形式自外于经济循环;第二,高收人阶层得到的社会资源多,理应为社会做出较大的贡献。A.构建和谐社会需要调节过高收入 B.调节过高收入有利于经济循环 C.高收入阶层并没有对社会做出更多的贡献 D.调节过高收人理应得到高收人阶层的支持【答案】C 5、From next term,students in our school_an email instead of a letter,to be toldthe exam results.A.will send B.are sending C.are sent D.will be sent【答案】D 6、代位继承是指被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡时,由被继承人的死亡子女的晚辈直系 血亲继承其应继承的遗产份额的制度。A.继承人甲在继承其父的遗产时突遭车祸身亡,财产由甲的儿子乙继承 B.甲先于其弟乙死亡,甲的儿子丙代父继承乙的财产 C.甲、乙系夫妻,在一次意外事故中,甲、乙先后死亡,其子丙继承二人的财产 D.甲、乙系父子,在一次意外事故中,乙被推定先于其父甲死亡,乙的儿子继承了甲的 遗产【答案】D 7、2013 年 10 月 21 日,北京市教育考试院公布了中、高考改革方案,该方案规定,从 2014 年起北京市()。A.高考提高英语科目分值,降低语文科目分值 B.中考提高英语科目分值,降低语文科目分值 C.中考降低英语科目分值,语文科目分值不变 D.高考降低英语科目分值,提高语文科目分值【答案】D 8、存款人销户时,需交回()。A.各种重要空白凭证和开户许可证 B.各种重要空白凭证 C.开户许司证 D.不需交回各种重要空白凭证和开户许可证【答案】A 9、某企业 20002006 年销售收入的年平均增长速度是 27.6,这期间相应的年平均发展速度是()。A.4.6 B.17.6 C.127.6 D.72.4【答案】C 10、2001 年 3 月 1 日星期三,那么 2003 年 5 月 1 日是星期几?()2010 年交行真题 A.星期二 B.星期三 C.星期四 D.星期五【答案】B 11、广告:指为了商业目的,由商品经营者或服务提供者承担费用通过一定媒介或一定形式如报刊、电视、路牌、橱窗等,直接或间接地对自己推销的商品或者所提供的服务所进行的公开宣传活动。A.钢材场老板为了更好地销售钢材,向邻县的包工头送礼一百万 B.奥巴马为了当总统,不惜重金在电视和报刊上发表演说 C.公司规定办公电脑要用统一品牌 D.李宁牌服装赞助法国体育代表团出征奥运会,获得良好的社会效应和经济效益【答案】D 12、-Do you think that she will finish the work on time?A.leaves B.is left C.is leaving D.has left【答案】B 13、根据下列内容,回答 191-195 题。A.She sang well,but she didnt practice singing hard B.She enjoyed singin9,but she had a terrible voice C.She was a good singer,but she could not sing the high tones well D.She sang terribly,and she was not singer at all【答案】C 14、现由甲、乙、丙三人完成一项工程,如果由甲、乙两人合作,需要 12 小时完成;如果由乙、丙两人合作,需要 l0 小时完成;如果甲、乙、丙三人合作,需要 6 小时才能完成,则这项工程如果全部由甲单独完成,所需小时数为()。A.15 B.18 C.20 D.25【答案】A 15、第 43 题答案是_ A.come out B.stand by C.go back D.turn up【答案】C 16、一个班 48 个人参加考试,语文及格的有 36 人,数学及格的有 38 人,英语及格的有 40 人,只有 4 位同学三科都不及格,至多有多少人三门科目都及格?()。A.26 人 B.30 人 C.35 人 D.36 人【答案】C 17、在我国的债券回购市场上,回购期限是()。A.1 个月以内 B.3 个月以内 C.6 个月以内 D.1 年以内【答案】D 18、有一段阶梯,如果每步跨 4 级,最后会剩下 2 级,如果每步跨 5 级,最后则会剩下 1 级。已 知这段阶梯的级数可以被 3 整除,则这段阶梯共有()级。A.42 B.46 C.63 D.66【答案】D 19、The old town has narrow streets and small houses_are built close to each other A.they B.where C.what D.that【答案】D 20、When it comes to friends,I desire those who will share my happiness,who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me.I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love.It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours,too good not to share.A.our exploration of London was a memorable gift to both of us B.we were unwilling to tear ourselves away from London C.our unpleasant feeling about London disappeared D.we parted with each other in London【答案】A 21、In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States,not only does poverty exist there,but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate.Most acts of violence were committed by young people.57%of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age.A.poverty B.being parent less C.lack of education D.easy access to guns【答案】D 22、Question 61-63 refer to the following email.A.He is relocating to a different office B.He is receiving an award C.He is being promoted to manager D.He is attending a product trial【答案】D 23、下列诗句描写菊花的是()。A.纵被东风吹作雪。绝胜南陌碾成尘 B.不要人夸好颜色。只留清气满乾坤 C.疑是广寒宫里种,一秋三度送天香 D.寂寞东篱湿露华。依前金靥照泥沙【答案】D 24、对员工按年终业绩评价,属于()。A.前馈性评定 B.形成性评定 C.过程性评定 D.总结性评定【答案】D 25、Questions refer to the following article.A.People believed that dealing with environmental problems is bad for the economy B.There has been more environmental campaigners discussing about the issue C.The climate change agenda was influenced by politics D.The EU was going along with US and China【答案】C 26、()工程的投人试运行,标志着我国内地电网的全面互联。A.青藏直流联网 B.青藏交流联网 C.宁夏直流联网 D.宁夏交流联网【答案】A 27、In recent decades,there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention,the so-called Southeast Asian Tigers have rivaled the westernlions for stock cliches that make economic headlines.The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist(有利)for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysiasPrimeMinisterMahathir.Hehasattemptedtoforgean international reputation as a snarling tiger,but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows.Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia,Thailand and Indonesia,these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies.This is often exemplified by Dr.Mahathir,who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic cri
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