最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库A4版 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、把生产资本分为固定资本与流动资本,其依据是( )。 A.在生产过程中不同的价值转移方式 B.在生产过程中不同的物质存在形态 C.不同部分在剩余价值生产中的不同作用 D.不同部分的不同运动速度 【答案】: A 2、Although the great white shark has a fearsome ______,in a straight fight,it is outclassed by the killer whale. A.reputation B.imagination C.aggression D.acquisition 【答案】: A 3、Passage 2 A.Third parties will have to buy fraud insurance B.Regulators have come up with promising solutions C.Banks'defense against cyber attacks is strong D.Third parties will check clients’data monthly 【答案】: B 4、下列贷款中至少归为次级类的是(  )。 A.借款人利用合并、分立等形式恶意逃废银行债务,本金或者利息已经逾期 B.本金和利息虽尚未逾期,但借款人有利用兼并、重组、分立等形式恶意逃废银行债务的嫌疑 C.同一借款人对本行或其他银行的部分债务已经不良 D.本金或者利息逾期 【答案】: A 5、通常,“瘦狗类”业务的特征是(  )。 A.市场增长率高,相对市场占有率低。 B.市场增长率低,相对市场占有率高 C.市场增长率高,相对市场占有率高 D.市场增长率低,相对市场占有率低 【答案】: D 6、下面没有语病的句子是(  )。 A.路是人走出来的,但是走过的地方都不一定成为了路 B.一条小船很难度众生,必须是众人建造的大船才能同舟共济 C.相信科学的人们决不会让封建迷信影响他的思想 D.大路的向天边延伸很远很远直到遥远的看不到天际 【答案】: D 7、2020年3月24日外交部发言人耿爽表示,近日中国驻英国、法国、意大利、沙特等国的使馆向中国留学生发放了装有防疫物品和防疫指南的(  )指导他们科学防疫,帮助他们加强防护,传递来自党和政府的关心和问候,来自祖国人民的呵护和叮咛。 A.爱心包 B.防疫包 C.宣传包 D.健康包 【答案】: D 8、资料:欧洲的经济学家Mr.T首先跟你谈了欧洲的一些优势,以及一些好的企业。请根据下列资料回答问题 A.100 million euros B.150 million euros C.20 million euros D.30 million euros 【答案】: B 9、哲学与具体科学之间的最主要区别是(  )。 A.哲学是一门抽象的理性学说,具体科学是具体化的感性学说 B.哲学研究世界发展最一般的规律,具体科学研究世界单一领域或方面的规律 C.哲学具有民族性、阶级性,具体科学没有国界,是超阶级的学说 D.哲学思想源于理论斗争,具体科学研究源于实践需要 【答案】: B 10、资料:In the United States of America, banks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which received their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the superintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the state authority. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking. A.National Banks in the USA refers to “State Banks” B.The group banking system usually exists in the states where branch banking is prohibited C.Stateside branching implies that bank branches are allowed to operate anywhere within the state D.Limited branching allows bank to operate branches within geographic territories authorized by the state law 【答案】: A 11、资料:Native ads - or ads that take on the look and feel of the content surrounding them - are taking over digital advertising. A.a business history book B.a textbook about advertisement C.a business report website D.an introduction of a novel 【答案】: C 12、甲乙在银行存款共9600元,如果两人取走各自存款的40%,然后甲再从存款中转账120元给乙,这时两人存款数相等。那么甲的原存款为多少元? A.3500 B.3900 C.4200 D.5000 【答案】: D 13、苏州曾经是经济兴盛、文化发达、人才荟萃之地,明末清初以后,苏州士绅除少数人发生身份和观念转化外,多数人的传统观念仍根深蒂固。而作为社会主流的士绅观念和意识往往通过各种渠道浸润展延,严重影响一般民众,正因如此,晚清苏州民风靡弱闲散,生活节奏缓慢,缺乏早期现代化必需的紧迫感与开拓精神。清末及民国初期,苏州人很少愿意将资本投入到现代实业中,以至于苏州钱庄吸收的存款在当地难以消纳,不得不转向外埠了求出路。 A.清末苏州资金消纳的途径与方式 B.苏州民众在士绅观念影响下的转变 C.民国初期苏州实业发展衰落的原因 D.士绅观念制约了近代苏州的现代化进程 【答案】: D 14、According to economic theory,a nation should produce and export those items ( ) it gains a competitive advantage. A.from which B.for that C.by what D.about it 【答案】: A 15、资料:Job Responsibilities: A.Teaching Assiatant B.Senior Manager C.Administrative Assistant D.Secretary 【答案】: D 16、( )is believing. A.Seeing B.Seen C.To be seeing D.To see 【答案】: A 17、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。 A.The conceptions of globalization vary B.The disciplines in the social sciences vary C.There are less conceptions of globalization D.There are many disciplines in the social sciences 【答案】: C 18、资料:“I wouldn’t be here today if not for the generosity of strangers,” said Michael Moritz, while announcing a major donation to Oxford University. A former Time Magazine reporter, Mr. Moritz left journalism to become one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. Through Sequoia Capital, the firm he joined in 1986 and has led for many years, Mr. Moritz was an early investor in Google, Yahoo, PayPal and LinkedIn. His personal fortune is estimated at well over $1 billion. Oxford University announced last Wednesday that he and his wife, the novelist Harriet Heyman, donated £75 million, or $115 million, to fund a new scholarship program aimed at providing financial aid to students from low-income backgrounds. Behind the headlines about the size of the gift was a family story of immigration, education and a sense of obligation that transcended generations. A.an independent journalist or reporter who sells news to websites B.a person with an unnaturally strong interest in unpleasant things C.a latest news item that released exclusively on the internet D.an online link that directs people to the most heated issue 【答案】: B 19、资料:The mar
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