最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库大全含答案下载 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the world’s middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction, according to a United Nations report published on Thursday. A.greater economic dynamism B.aid from developed countries C.changes of developing countries D.trade among developing countries 【答案】: B 2、Mobile and portable technologies allow learners to access information irrespective of their physical context, for example on a bus or,______as a way to provide learners with location-based information. A.simultaneously B.generally C.accordingly D.alternatively 【答案】: D 3、下列属于消费信用的是(  )。 A.赊账 B.银团投资 C.直接投资 D.出口信贷 【答案】: A 4、As ___, I think business English is more practical than other courses. A.an International Business student major B.an International Business major C.a International Business student major D.an International Business major student 【答案】: D 5、 反映企业在某一特定日期财务状况的会计报表是( )。 A.利润表 B.资产负债表 C.现金流量表 D.所有者权益变动表 【答案】: B 6、某公司开发出了一种高科技化学产品——“照片保护剂”。其主要功能是可以防止彩色照片褪色、泛黄、粘连等病变。该产品可以广泛应用于家庭、企业、档案部门、婚纱影楼、照相馆及其他有照片存放的单位。经过市场调查,普通消费者对该产品兴趣不大,而婚纱影楼和档案部门对该产品很感兴趣。该公司是一家小型企业,人员和资金实力较弱,该公司应该采取的目标市场策略是(  )。 A.体验营销 B.集中营销 C.差异营销 D.无差异营销 【答案】: B 7、国办印发意见,要求2021年底前,各地相关政务服务便民热线归并统一为“(  )政务服务便民热线”。 A.12304 B.12345 C.12045 D.12205 【答案】: B 8、It is a widely agreed point of view that the ( )of policies to conserve energy nationwide will inevitably involve personal sacrifice. A.implementation B.manifestation C.demonstration D.expedition 【答案】: A 9、某企业从外地购进甲种材料,买价3200元,外地用杂费120元,那么该材料实际成本是(  )。 A.3320 B.3200 C.120 D.3080 【答案】: A 10、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBC’s History Wall, a striking art installation at the bank’s London headquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the bank’s archives and arranged in chronological order. A.Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca -cola B.New designs inspired by old products are not good C.Young companies do better than old companies in using history D.Consumers often trust old-aged companies more 【答案】: D 11、下列诗句中,出自杜甫笔下的是(  ) A.出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟 B.遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人 C.在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝 D.天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来 【答案】: A 12、The orphanage is just one of her(  )causes. A.phonetic B.philanthropic C.prevalent D.lunatic 【答案】: B 13、在智能手机的配置中,“ROM”指的是(  ) A.闪存 B.运行内存 C.只读内存 D.随机存储内存 【答案】: C 14、(  )is no reason for discharging her. A.cause she was a few minutes late B.Owing to a few minutes being late C.The fact that she was a few minutes late D.Being a few minutes late 【答案】: C 15、The story reaches its ___ in chapter ten. A.talliness B.height C.climax D.top 【答案】: C 16、资料:For the development of Crunchy Nut (a product),K company has used various methods of primary data collection. Primary market data may involve qualitative research or quantitative research. Qualitative data is connected more about opinions, feelings and attitudes. Quantitative data is in numerical form and is usually gathered from a large sample of respondents. A.The development of Crunchy Nut B.K Company's production line C.Qualitative data collection D.Two approaches to data collection 【答案】: D 17、A new power station was set ______ in my hometown. A.up B.out C.about D.forth 【答案】: A 18、下列不是商业票据市场的特点的是( )。 A.采用信用发行的方式 B.可以提高发行企业的信誉 C.对利率的变动反应灵敏 D.发行成本很高 【答案】: D 19、资料:The federal government on Wednesday recommended an endangered-species listing for the loggerhead turtles in U.S. Waters, a decision that could lead to tighter restrictions on fishing and other maritime trades.Environmental groups who’ d been pushing an endangered listing said the proposal was a “turning point”they hope will lead to greater turtle protections. A.It threatens the sandy beaches on which sea turtles lay eggs B.The rising climate makes it difficult for their eggs to hatch C.The rising sea levels make it harder for their hatchlings to grow D.It takes them longer to adapt to the high temperature in the beach 【答案】: A 20、资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company. A.on the letterheads and packages B.in the social media platform C.advertisements on TV D.All of above 【答案】: D 21、下列科学家中属于美国科学家的是(  )。 A.西门子 B.诺贝尔 C.爱迪生 D.马可尼 【答案】: C 22、2019年1月21日电,国家统计局21日对外公布,经初步核算,2018年全年我国国内生产总值(GDP)为900309亿元,经济总量首次站上(  )的历史新台阶,稳居世界第二位。 A.80万亿元 B.90万亿元 C.100万亿元 D.110万亿元 【答案】: B 23、 下列选项中,不属于会计核算的基本前提(假设)的是( )。 A.会计分期 B.会计主体 C.复式记账 D.持续经营
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