最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库完整版带答案(黄金题型) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers, but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments. A.Task mastering students work on a teacher-assigned task B.It involves four-person teams C.Each student in the group acts as an “expert” D.teacher-assigned task is divided into equal parts 【答案】: A 2、在凯恩斯的几个持币动机理论中,他认为下列哪项(  )对利率最为敏感。 A.投机动机 B.预防动机 C.交易动机 D.无私动机 【答案】: A 3、农村革命根据地大多分布在南方,主要原因是(  )。 A.北伐战争的影响 B.北方是军阀统治中心 C.南方地形复杂,便于开展游击战争 D.农村革命根据地的领导人多是南方人 【答案】: A 4、 Ellen Brown says the exercises help ______ her pain and stiffness from arthritis. A.rectify B.reclaim C.reconcile D.relieve 【答案】: D 5、On behalf of board of directors I appreciate you for providing the____information. A.request B.requester C.requesting D.requested 【答案】: D 6、俗话说“酒香不怕巷子深”,从营销的角度看,这种观念(  )。 A.认为努力满足客户的需求就能赢得市场 B.认为盈利的根基在于把握正确的推销方式 C.认为应依赖口碑来推销产品 D.认为提升产品的质量是最重要的 【答案】: D 7、在1月18日凌晨结束的2021斯诺克大师赛决赛中,20岁的中国球员(  )战胜英国名将约翰·希金斯夺冠,成为历史首位“00后”大师赛冠军。 A.颜丙涛 B.颜振涛 C.丁俊辉 D.王涛 【答案】: A 8、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the world’s middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction, according to a United Nations report published on Thursday. A.blocking B.undergoing C.supporting D.stressing 【答案】: C 9、It is clear that children between the ages of 3 and 6 years already have negative attitudes towards fat and a(  )a thin body. A.infection B.reference C.preference D.like 【答案】: C 10、属于南宋的作者是( )。 A.苏轼 B.周邦彦 C.范成大 D.雎景臣 【答案】: C 11、Passage2 A.who has not been instructed how to use a life preserver B.who has a little experience in using a life preserver C.who uses a life preserver without permission D.who becomes nervous before a disaster 【答案】: A 12、The title page identifies the airplane model in airline ______ the manual was prepared. A.to B.for C.which D.for which 【答案】: D 13、Passage 7 A.It is vital for one to reach the goal desired B.It is likely to entail serious consequences C.It will enable people to be more creative D.It will more often than not end in regret 【答案】: A 14、字长是CPU的主要性能指标之一,它表示( )。 A.最长的十进制整数的位数 B.CPU一次能处理二进制数据的位数 C.计算结果的有效数字长度 D.最大的有效数字位数 【答案】: B 15、资料:Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as You Scale A.startup company that maintains its original quality in the process of scaling up B.An insurgent company that turned into an incumbent company C.An insurgent company that managed to make steady profits D.startup company that succeeded in scaling up 【答案】: A 16、The left wing party wants to keep these two actions ________. A.combination B.combining C.combined D.combine 【答案】: C 17、 证明实物资产是否存在的非常有说服力的证据是( )。 A.书面证据 B.环境证据 C.实物证据 D.口头证据 【答案】: C 18、阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 A.authorized B.credited C.entitled D.qualified 【答案】: C 19、The fact is that _____ is given to seniority and many people would rather be the tail of a lion than the head of a dog. A.priority B.focus C.emphasis D.attention 【答案】: A 20、下列各项中,既包含在M0中,又包含在M1中的是(  )。 A.流通中的现金 B.农村存款 C.企业单位活期存款 D.城乡居民储蓄存款 【答案】: A 21、营业利润不包括以下哪项内容?(  ) A.营业外收入 B.营业收入 C.投资收益 D.其他业务收入 【答案】: A 22、2008年全球金融危机爆发以来,世界主要国家央行开始采取特殊货币政策,美国在利率水平已经接近纪录最低时,推出了一系列非常规货币政策,包括为了支持银行贷款的长期流动性供给,为压低长期利率的资产购买计划等,除美国以外,美国、日本和欧洲银行也采取了非常规货币政策。IMF于2013年5月16日发布了《非常规货币政策:最近经验与前景》报告,报告称发达国家的非常规货币政策在很大程度上帮助实现了该国政策目标,诸如持续两年左右的购买国债计划帮助美国和英国的GDP增速提升了约2个百分点,然而,发达国家的这些政策对世界其他国家也造成了很大的影响,大量资本流入拉丁美洲和亚洲,导致新兴市场的汇率过度升值和波动。 A.汇率 B.投机性货币需求 C.货币供给 D.物价 【答案】: B 23、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.X展望了中欧之间的商业机遇,请根据下列资料回答问题。 A.Foreign entrepreneurs B.Job seekers C.Fresh graduate D.Company employees 【答案】: A 24、最广义的投资银行定义是指( )。 A.任何经营华尔街金融业务的银行 B.指经营一部分或者全部资本市场业务的金融机构 C.投资银行是指经营资本市场某些业务的金融机构 D.在一级市场上承销证券筹集资本和在二级市场上交易证券的金融机构 【答案】: A 25、下列句子中语序排列最连贯的一项是(  )。 A.(4)(1)(3)(5)(2) B.(1)(4)(3)(5)(2) C.(1)(5)(2)(4)(3) D.(4)(3)(5)(2)(1) 【答案】: B 26、某有限责任公司被吊销营业执照,以下为法律顾问提供的法律意见,不正确的是(  )。 A.公司应当自被吊销营业执照之日起15日内成立清算组 B.清算组由董事或者股东大会确定的人员组成 C.公司逾期不成立清算组,债权人可以申请人民法院指定人员组成清算组 D.清算组代表公司参与民事诉讼活动 【答案】: B 27、资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailed maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This will help scientists around the world better understand some of the most basic processes involved in melting glaciers, which are major contributors to rising sea levels. A.Freeze easily B.Move quickly C.Long-lasting D.Extremely cold 【答案】: C
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