最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库附参考答案(B卷) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、And that quest has brought______benefits that improve our lives in countless ways. A.tangible B.displayed C.conditional D.proved 【答案】: A 2、下列历史人物中,存在师生关系的有(  )个。 A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 【答案】: C 3、Passage 4 A.the money paid by the insurers B.the cost of administering insurance C.the money paid by the insured D.the amount of each premium 【答案】: C 4、“没有哪一次巨大的历史灾难,不是以历史的进步为补偿的。”恩格斯这句话蕴含的哲理是(  )。 A.矛盾双方相互排斥 B.矛盾双方相互渗透 C.矛盾双方在一定条件下相互依存 D.矛盾双方在一定条件下相互转化 【答案】: D 5、资料:How did Tencent take WeChat so far ahead of its rivals? The answer lies partly in the peculiarities of the local market. Unlike most Westerners, many Chinese possessed multiple mobile devices, and they quickly took to an app that offered then an easy way to integrate them all into a single digital identity. In America messaging apps had a potent competitor in the form of basic mobile-phone plans, which bundied in SMS messaging. But text messages were costly in China, so consumers eagerly adopted free messaging app. And e-mail never took off on the mainland the way it has around the world, mainly because the internet came late; that left an opening for messaging apps. A.QQ’s strong user base B.the lack of competitors C.local market opportunity and innovation D.all of the above 【答案】: C 6、按照中国人民银行的规定,各银行每月日平均拆入资金余额,不得超过其上月末各项存款余额的()。 A.5% B.4% C.6% D.3% 【答案】: A 7、商业银行经营的核心是( )。 A.扩大贷款规模 B.市场营销 C.增加资本金 D.提髙收益 【答案】: B 8、以下不属于金融衍生品的是(  )。 A.股票 B.远期 C.期货 D.期权 【答案】: A 9、阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 A.stated B.remarked C.said D.told 【答案】: C 10、 通过观察持续数期的会计报表,比较各期的有关项目金额,分析有关指标的增减变动情况,并在此基础上获知有关企业发展前景信息,这种会计报表分析方法被称为(  )。 A.趋势分析法 B.比较分析法 C.因素分析法 D.比率分析法 【答案】: B 11、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below. A.CD is automatically renewed for the same period unless having other instruction B.CD isn’t automatically renewed for the same period at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal C.CD is automatically renewed for the same period without any other instruction D.CD is automatically renewed for the same period with permission of the bank manager 【答案】: C 12、Henry’s business is much worse than before, therefore, he has to ______ the expense of his corporation. A.cut into B.cut in C.cut down D.cut off 【答案】: C 13、下列属于中国银行业监督管理委员会监管标准的有( )。 A.促进金融稳定与金融创新 B.监管成本最优 C.增进市场信心 D.增进公众对现代金融的了解 【答案】: A 14、物体的惯性大小取决于(  ) A.物体的运动速度 B.物体的质量 C.物体的加速度 D.物体受到的合力 【答案】: B 15、Two years ago,Rupert Murdoch’s daughter,Elisabeth,spoke of the“unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions”.Integrity had collapsed,she argued,because of a collective acceptance that the only"sorting mechanism"in society should be profit and the market.But"it's us,human beings,we the people who create the society we want,not profit". A.The quality of writings is of primary importance B.mmon humanity is central to news reporting C.Moral awareness matters in editing a newspaper D.Journalists need stricter industrial regulations 【答案】: C 16、Little help seems to_____ the disaster-hit area since the explosion took place 3 hours ago. A.offer B.have been offered C.be offered D.have offered 【答案】: B 17、三废(废气、废水、废渣),对社会产生的效应属于(  )。 A.消费的正外部性 B.生产的正外部性 C.生产的负外部性 D.消费的负外部性 【答案】: C 18、资料:There's a good chance that spicy crunchy tuna roll you ordered for lunch doesn't actually contain any tuna at all. A.To emphasize the importance of seafood providers' responsibilities B.To show that the problem of fake or mislabeled fish has already been solved C.To introduce a new technology of scanning D.To illustrate that seafood providers also take actions to reduce fraud 【答案】: D 19、Passage 6 A.quieter B.cheaper C.wider D.faster 【答案】: D 20、It was the training(  )Sam had at school(  )made him an excellent runner. A.what;what B.that;that C.what;that D.that;which 【答案】: B 21、一次化妆舞会中,男士戴着蓝色的帽子,女士戴着红色的帽子。每个男士看见的蓝色帽子比红色帽子的2倍还多6个,每位女士看见的蓝色帽子是所见红色帽子的3倍。那么房间里一共有(  )人。 A.37 B.27 C.39 D.29 【答案】: A 22、省、自治区、直辖市的设立、撤销、更名,须报( )审议决定。 A.全国人民代表大会 B.国务院 C.全国人大常委会 D.省级国家权力机关审议决定 【答案】: A 23、在我国,对于项目型管理的企业来说,会优先采取哪一种运作模式?(  ) A.事业部制 B.矩阵制 C.直线职能制 D.职能制 【答案】: B 24、Today,only 4 million people live and work on farms in the United States,but they produce more than enough food for 200 million Americans.They are able to do this because modern agri
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