最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库完整题库含答案(实用) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、Land is a major social and political issue, very explosive and very much inclined to ______ a lot of conflict in different parts of the country. A.provoke B.irritate C.inspire D.hoist 【答案】: A 2、资料:The federal government on Wednesday recommended an endangered-species listing for the loggerhead turtles in U.S. Waters, a decision that could lead to tighter restrictions on fishing and other maritime trades.Environmental groups who’ d been pushing an endangered listing said the proposal was a “turning point”they hope will lead to greater turtle protections. A.Nature is quite fair regarding the survival of turtles B.Turtles are by nature indifferent to human activities C.Course of nature will not be changed by human interference D.The turtle population has decreased in spite of human protection 【答案】: D 3、下列不属于禁止债权转让的情形的是(  )。 A.根据合同性质不得转让 B.依照法律规定不得转让 C.按照当事人约定不得转让 D.依照债权人要求不得转让 【答案】: D 4、根据我国《反洗钱法》及中国人民银行的规定,银行等金融机构在反洗钱方面承担的相关义务不包括(  )。 A.协助反洗钱调查 B.对反洗钱工作的信息进行适度公开 C.及时报告大额和可疑交易 D.建立内部反洗钱工作机制和规程 【答案】: B 5、资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. A.his way of speaking and behaving B.his way of acting and thinking C.his learming and behavior D.his physical appearance and his personality 【答案】: D 6、下列说法不正确的是( )。 A.舞低杨柳楼心月—柳永 B.两情若是久长时—秦观 C.此情无计可消除—李清照 D.可惜流年、忧愁风雨—辛弃疾 【答案】: A 7、There was a ___ rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors. A.calm B.mad C.frantic D.wild 【答案】: C 8、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Haven’t you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language? A.the experience of learning a second language has bad effect on people’s brain B.there is no difference between a later second language learner and one who doesn’t know a second language C.the earlier you start to learn a second language,the higher the grey matter density is D.the ability of learning a second language is changing all the time 【答案】: C 9、Mum,would you please buy me an ipad A.would B.shall C.may D.must 【答案】: B 10、剩余价值(). A.在生产领域中产生,可以离开流通领域 B.在流通领域中产生,但不能离开生产领域 C.在生产领域中产生,通过流通领域来实现 D.既在流通领域中产生,也在生产领域中产生 【答案】: C 11、用汇编语言或高级语言编写的程序称为( )。 A.用户程序 B.源程序 C.系统程序 D.汇编程序 【答案】: B 12、一般而言,物价水平年平均上涨率不超过2%~3%的是( )。 A.爬行通货膨胀 B.温和通货膨胀 C.恶性通货膨胀 D.奔腾式通货膨胀 【答案】: A 13、—Why are you standing there,Maggie? A.be hind B.in front of C.be side D.next to 【答案】: B 14、 关于股票和公司债券的公开行为,以下说法正确的是(  )。 A.股票发行实行核准制,公司债券实行审批制 B.股票和公司债券均实行审批制 C.股票和公司债券均实行核准制 D.股票发行实行审批制,公司债券发行实行核准制 【答案】: C 15、苏州曾经是经济兴盛、文化发达、人才荟萃之地,明末清初以后,苏州士绅除少数人发生身份和观念转化外,多数人的传统观念仍根深蒂固。而作为社会主流的士绅观念和意识往往通过各种渠道浸润展延,严重影响一般民众,正因如此,晚清苏州民风靡弱闲散,生活节奏缓慢,缺乏早期现代化必需的紧迫感与开拓精神。清末及民国初期,苏州人很少愿意将资本投入到现代实业中,以至于苏州钱庄吸收的存款在当地难以消纳,不得不转向外埠了求出路。 A.清末苏州资金消纳的途径与方式 B.苏州民众在士绅观念影响下的转变 C.民国初期苏州实业发展衰落的原因 D.士绅观念制约了近代苏州的现代化进程 【答案】: D 16、American travelers abroad have discovered that they can buy more foreign____with their dollar. A.currented B.currently C.currency D.current 【答案】: C 17、资料:From Coins to Credit Banking Throughout the Ages is a concise history of banks and the banking industry from ancient times to the present. James Gallagher, who has made a career of covering financial news for several newspapers, has done a careful job of investigating his subject. Although he presents the facts carefully, Mr. Gallagher has made what could have been a dry book into one that is interesting and enjoyable. By telling amusing anecdotes about historical figures, he makes them come alive. Even people who are not particularly attracted to the subject matter will find this book engrossing. A.dull B.vacant C.arid D.humors 【答案】: A 18、资料:Candle Light College Limited A.clerk in a clothing store B.Technician C.stock broker D.recent college graduate 【答案】: D 19、Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about$125 billion in economic losses each year,according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum,an organization led by Annan,the former United Nations secretary general. A.How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming B.How human and economic losses from climate change can be reduced C.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale D.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards 【答案】: D 20、下列银行中不是政策性银行的是( )。 A.中国农业发展银行 B.国家开发银行
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