最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库精选题库有答案解析 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、关于总需求曲线,以下表述错误的是(  )。 A.总需求曲线反映的是产品市场和货币市场同时处于均衡时,价格水平和总需求量的关系 B.扩张性的财政政策使总需求曲线向右移动 C.扩张性的货币政策使总需求曲线向右移动 D.总需求曲线向右上方倾斜 【答案】: D 2、If you want children to work hard,you must(  )their interests more. A.look up to B.look into C.give rise to D.go in for 【答案】: B 3、公共物品消费的性质是( )。 A.非竞争性和非排他性 B.非竞争性和排他性 C.竞争性和非排他性 D.竞争性和排他性 【答案】: A 4、资料:The federal government on Wednesday recommended an endangered-species listing for the loggerhead turtles in U.S. Waters, a decision that could lead to tighter restrictions on fishing and other maritime trades.Environmental groups who’ d been pushing an endangered listing said the proposal was a “turning point”they hope will lead to greater turtle protections. A.It threatens the sandy beaches on which sea turtles lay eggs B.The rising climate makes it difficult for their eggs to hatch C.The rising sea levels make it harder for their hatchlings to grow D.It takes them longer to adapt to the high temperature in the beach 【答案】: A 5、在下列关于数据库技术的描述中,错误的是(  )。 A.关系模型是目前在DBMS中使用最广泛的数据模型之一 B.从组成上来看,数据库系统由数据库和应用程序组成,它不包括DBMS及用户 C.SQL语言不限于数据查询,还包括数据操作、定义、控制和管理等多方面的功能 D.OFFICE软件包中的EACCESS软件是数据库管理系统 【答案】: B 6、The customer wanted to get a refund,because the purchased merchandise was neither good in quality(  )price. A.or B.nor C.for D.but 【答案】: B 7、The ______ to build up space stations on the Mars is, if we cannot say it is impossible, at least very hard to fulfill. A.admiration B.ambition C.administration D.orientation 【答案】: B 8、失业对社会稳定和经济健康发展都有十分严重的危害,为了对失业进行更深入地研究,经济学按失业的原因将其分为不同类型,下列不属于经济学按失业原因分类的是(  )。 A.摩擦性失业 B.结构性失业 C.放开性失业 D.周期性失业 【答案】: C 9、填入括号中最恰当的词语是(  )。 A.反思干预 B.反省干预 C.反思干涉 D.反省干涉 【答案】: B 10、下列哪一种情况,可越权批办文件?( ) A.经过授权 B.避免积压 C.急需处理 D.属一般性文件 【答案】: A 11、材料二:2018年上半年,我国经常账户逆差1801亿元,资本和金融账户顺差4247亿元,其中,非储备性质的金融账户顺差7451亿元,储备资产增加3192亿元。 A.国际收支平衡按单式薄记原理编制 B.国际收支平衡表表上的数据是“存量”而非“流量” C.国际收支平衡表是某一时点的统计报表 D.国际收支平衡表记录了一国或地区在一定时期的国际收支情况 【答案】: D 12、 对其他货币资金主要审查其真实性和合法性,在方法上一般采用主要实证法,具体运用时主要采用( )。 A.询问法 B.核对法 C.核对法和盘点法 D.抽查法和盘点法 【答案】: C 13、资料:Above the line promotion uses mass media such as the press,radio,television,cinema or poster sites. This type of promotion is usually paid for. Each of the possible media methods can be used to target audiences in different market segment. There are both strengths and drawbacks to these forms of media: A.by registering their support on the internet B.by applying for a job in UNISON C.by distributing newspaper adverts to people in the community D.all above 【答案】: A 14、The leaves have been swept into huge______. A.heaps B.pyramids C.layers D.loads 【答案】: A 15、资料:Job Description A.communicate B.response C.ransom D.manage 【答案】: A 16、If we had followed his plan,we would have done the job with(  )money and(  )people. A.fewer,less B.less,less C.less,fewer D.fewer,fewer 【答案】: C 17、Let's face it.Gardening fanatics like nothing better than to have their hands stuck in the soil or to be trimming,pruning,or harvesting the fruits of their labors.But for once,here is an obsession which benefits the whole community by beautifying the environment and producing cooler,more fragrant,and cleaner air.To recognize that fact,the Tampa City Council has decided to award generous prizes to the most beautiful displays this spring. A.February 12 B.April 25 C.June 1 D.August 3 【答案】: C 18、使预算约束线在保持斜率不变的条件下作远离原点运动的是(  )。 A.x的价格上涨10%而y的价格下降10% B.x和y的价格都上涨10%,收入下降5% C.x和y的价格都下降10%,收入不变 D.x和y的价格都上涨10%,收入上涨5% 【答案】: C 19、Similarly, he told couples to seek marital counseling____if they’re having trouble communicating. A.on the brink B.on the verge C.in particular D.ahead of time 【答案】: C 20、How quickly they accomplish this transfer depends not only on how soon the ants agree on the best available site but also on how quickly they can _____there. A.stay B.migrate C.choose D.prefer 【答案】: B 21、By the end of next month we(  )the task. A.will finish B.will be finishing C.will have finished D.have finished 【答案】: C 22、 同城票据交换中,提人行提回借方票据时,应贷记( )。 A.待清算票据款项 B.存放中央银行款项 C.活期存款 D.其他应收款 【答案】: A 23、资料:“I wouldn’t be here today if not for the generosity of strangers,” said Michael Moritz, while announcing a major donation to Oxford University. A former Time Magazine reporter, Mr. Moritz left journalism to become one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. Through Sequoia Capital, the firm he joined in 1986 and has led for many years, Mr. Moritz was an early investor in Google, Yahoo, PayPal and LinkedIn. His personal fortune is estimated at well over $1 billion. Oxford University announced last Wednesday that he and his wife, the n
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