银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库【基础题】 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、______ that the pilot couldn’t fly through it. A.The storm so severe was B.So severe was the storm C.So the storm was severe D.Such was the storm severe 【答案】: B 2、What’s corrosion? It’s a chemical______in which metal is transformed into salt and oxides. A.react B.action C.reaction D.response 【答案】: C 3、The differences ____the difficulty of understanding what is happening to the economy at present. A.suggest B.understate C.criticize D.underline 【答案】: D 4、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are takingplace. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. A.the sleeper’s own mind B.the sleeper’s feeling C.the sleeper’s imagination D.the sleeper’s wishes 【答案】: A 5、The first IC’s were made____the early 1960’s. A.in B.from C.for D.of 【答案】: A 6、转让票据权利的票据行为是(  )。 A.出票 B.背书 C.承兑 D.提示 【答案】: B 7、资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least since the eighth century. Traditionally it was a preservative, but it also imparts flavor. To some, the taste is bitter and unpalatable, and thus many brewers use only minimal amounts. But, depending on variety, growing conditions, and other factors, hops can impart a range of flavors that connoisseurs say rivals that of wine grapes. Starting in the nineteen-seventies, small brewers on the West Coast began dramatically upping the amount of hops in their brews. One of their most popular products was the India pale ale, or L.P.A., a brew that has been around since the late eighteenth century. The story goes that necessity drove the British to add large quantities of hops in order to preserve the beer they shipped to India, to quench the thirst of the Sahibs managing the Empire there. A.Because connoisseurs said its flavor rivals that of wine grapes B.Because there were different varieties C.Because it helped preserve beer D.Because only some people didn’t like the taste 【答案】: A 8、金融风险的高杠杆性表现为( )。 A.金融机构的资产负债率低 B.金融机构的注册资本金要求高 C.金融体系的风险传染快 D.衍生金融工具以小搏大 【答案】: D 9、下列各项中,不应确认为应付职工薪酬科目来核算的有(  )。 A.利润分享计划 B.社会保险费和辞退福利 C.职工工资和福利费 D.差旅费 【答案】: D 10、主营业务利润率属于哪种财务比率(  )。 A.结构比率 B.效率比率 C.相关比率 D.利润比率 【答案】: D 11、债券的发行价格与市场利率、债券收益率有直接的关系,若市场利率低于债券收益率时。债券为(  )发行。 A.溢价 B.折价 C.平价 D.时价 【答案】: A 12、资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.” A.It designs classic car models B.It produces hand-made cars C.It research and develop car-related technologies D.It creates advertisements for the cars 【答案】: B 13、The sleeping soldier received a strong ___ from his commanding officer. A.respite B.reprimand C.revulsion D.rookie 【答案】: B 14、如果一个公司经营状况严重恶化,要谨慎采用哪种用组织变革方式?(  ) A.改良式 B.渐进式 C.计划式 D.爆破式 【答案】: D 15、材料一:为进一步支持实体经济发展,优化流动性结构,降低融资成本,中国人民银行决定下调金融机构存款准备金率1个百分点,其中,2019年1月15日和1月25日分别下调0.5个百分点。同时,2019年一季度到期的中期借贷便利(MLF)不再续做。这样安排能够基本对冲今年春节前由于现金投放造成的流动性波动,有利于金融机构继续加大对小微企业、民营企业支持力度。 A.库存现金+商业银行在中央银行的存款 B.法定存款准备金率×库存现金 C.法定存款准备金率×存款总额 D.存款准备金-法定存款准备金 【答案】: C 16、Serena often has a long discussion with ______ colleagues about sales figure forecast for Q1 FY 2014. A.herself B.hers C.her D.she 【答案】: C 17、张先生认识赵,钱、孙、李、周五位女士。 A.赵 B.钱 C.孙 D.李 【答案】: D 18、根据《商业银行法》的规定,商业银行可以( )。 A.从事信托投资和股票业务 B.代办保险 C.向非银行金融机构和企业投资 D.从事股票业务 【答案】: B 19、4辆车运送货物,每辆车可运16次;7辆车运送,每辆车只能运10次。设增加的车辆数与运送减少的次数成正比,且每车次运送货物相等,运送货物总量最多是多少车次?(  ) A.72 B.74 C.64 D.68 【答案】: A 20、外汇市场的双重交易结构是指()。 A.发行交易与流通交易 B.直接交易与经纪交易 C.发行交易与经纪交易 D.个人交易与机构交易 【答案】: B 21、下列哪个选项不在世界四大文明古国之列?( ) A.巴比伦 B.雅典 C.埃及 D.印度 【答案】: B 22、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell. A.perfect B.more perfect C.most perfect D.perfectest 【答案】: A 23、资料:Asked to name their favorite city, many Americans would select San Francisco which began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay. The town was little more than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1846 during the war with Mexico. A.attractive lifestyle, good seafood, desirable weather B.tourist attraction extreme seasons, cable cars C.wagon trains, gold mining, good climate D.cable cars, pleasant climate, flat terrain 【答案】: A 24、票据丧失的补救措施不包括( )。 A.停止支付 B.挂失止付 C.公示催告 D.提起诉讼 【答案】: A 25、Excel中单元格C4表示在工作表的第(  )行,第(  )列。 A.4,5 B.3,4 C.5,4 D.4,3 【答案
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