银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库内部题库(综合卷) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、 银行汇票持票人在代理付款行开户的处理中,代理付款行收到在本行开户的持票人送交的汇票、解讫通知和进账单,经审核无误后,以汇票作借方传票,第二联进账单作贷款传票。其会计分录为( )。 A.借:××存款一一持票人户   贷:存放联行款项(联行往账) B.借:××存款一一持票人户   贷:银行存款 C.借:银行存款   贷:××存款——持票人户 D.借:存放联行款项(联行往账)   贷:××存款一一持票人户 【答案】: D 2、若信道的复用是以信息在一帧中的时间位置(时隙)来区分,不需要另外的信息头来标志信息的身份,则这种复用方式为(  )。 A.异步时分复用 B.频分多路复用 C.同步时分复用 D.以上均不对 【答案】: C 3、Thank you for your recent order. Although most of your items have ____ shipped, the Full-Spectrum Desk Lamp (model B07) is temporarily out of stock. A.ever B.often C.lastly D.already 【答案】: D 4、关于我国的军衔制度,下列说法正确的是()。 A.士兵军衔肩章版面底色有棕绿色、天蓝色、黑色三种 B.军官军衔一般分帅、将、校、尉、士五个等级 C.刘伯承、陈毅、粟裕等人曾被授予元帅军衔 D.中国人民解放军第一次实行军衔制度是在1949年 【答案】: A 5、This nomination will take two months, after which the commission will make its____to the president. A.recommendation B.accommodation C.motivation D.promotion 【答案】: A 6、资料:Your Company Logo and Contact Information A.the transfer of key staff B.an extensive survey of all employees C.the help of Jamine Anson D.some meeting with the staff of Plant Operations 【答案】: A 7、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the world's leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday. A.More efforts will be needed to ensure a sustained economic growth B.Investment from the government contributes most to the world economy C.The market is pessimistic on the world economy D.The world economy is growing rapidly and steadily 【答案】: A 8、3月份,企业销售商品5万元,5月份收到款项。企业应该在何时确认收入?(  ) A.3月 B.5月 C.3月到5月间均可 D.当年即可 【答案】: A 9、资料:From: Peter Manx pmanx@bettertraining.co.au A.To sell a publication B.To recruit a consultant C.To request information D.To offer a service 【答案】: D 10、God by definition is supernatural and cannot, in principle, be______by science which deals exclusively with the natural world. A.investigated B.responded C.suspected D.stated 【答案】: C 11、The government has to try every means to______the rate of inflation. A.bring back B.bring down C.bring forth D.bring about 【答案】: B 12、I had just posted the letter when I remembered that hadn’t( )the cheque。 A.imposed B.enclosed C.involved D.contained 【答案】: B 13、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBC’s History Wall, a striking art installation at the bank’s London headquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the bank’s archives and arranged in chronological order. A.It strengthens the company’s relations with customers and employees B.For carmakers, they can overhaul old designs for the modern era C.It can help companies to become the most profitable in the market D.It can give companies ideas for new products 【答案】: C 14、由两个以上的个人共同出资,通过签订协议而联合经营的企业属于(  )。 A.合伙制企业 B.个人业主企业 C.有限责任公司 D.股份有限公司 【答案】: A 15、 银行对客户的义务有(  )。 A.为客户保密 B.取得利息 C.诚信义务 D.谨慎义务 【答案】: A 16、Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer’s life. A.how we dream during sleep B.what kind of benefits dreams bring to people C.why we dream during sleep D.what dreams are 【答案】: D 17、If you____the trigger of a gun really hard and really fast, it doesn't fire any faster or harder than if you just squeezed it gently. A.condense B.squeeze C.obtain D.lost 【答案】: B 18、资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britain’s major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to restore trust post-Brexit. A.Serious unemployment B.Wars C.Foreign talents drain D.Social instability 【答案】: C 19、 关于股票和公司债券的公开行为,以下说法正确的是(  )。 A.股票发行实行核准制,公司债券实行审批制 B.股票和公司债券均实行审批制 C.股票和公司债券均实行核准制 D.股票发行实行审批制,公司债券发行实行核准制 【答案】: C 20、下列哪一职位,不属于国务院的组成人员?(  ) A.国务院副总理 B.国务委员 C.国务院副秘书长 D.审计长 【答案】: C 21、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below. A.allowed, without B.banned, with C.allowed, with D.banned, without 【答案】: A 22、下列语句中,没有语病的一项是(  )。 A.自从李师傅开了修理高级手表的直播视后,短短的十分钟内,先后有一万二干人次前来观摩学习。 B.减免高速公路通行费后,公路货运量较去年同期增加了1.5倍,高速通行费减少了0.8倍。 C.许多消费者前来喝咖啡,并非是因为这家店的咖啡好喝,而是因为心忧患券到期不能使用。 D.上午八点,随着飞机舱门缓缓打开,英雄们鱼贯而出,站立在通道两侧的数百名欢迎队伍立刻鼓掌,欢迎英雄们回家。 【答案】: A 23、Consequently,a sustainable business model can______companies to better adapt to complex environments and achieve susta
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