银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库内部题库含答案(预热题) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below. A.more than B.less than C.the same as D.not comparable with 【答案】: C 2、Only when humanity began to get its food in a more ( ) way was there time for other things, like sports games and entertainment activities. A.predictive B.provocative C.protective D.productive 【答案】: D 3、资料:The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. A.working in a bank B.printing a book C.attending a night school D.growing beans for sale 【答案】: C 4、资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas. A.India B.Tajikistan C.Pakistan D.Bangladesh 【答案】: A 5、资料:Stress is a common factor in life. Children experience stress from school, new social situations and simply growing up. Adults feel the stress of working, paying bills, raising kids and maintaining households. Seniors also feel stress, even though some may have retired, raised their children and paid off their homes. Certain amounts of stress are a part of life for people of all ages. A.Affect B.Improve C.Intensify D.Worsen 【答案】: D 6、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。 A.The conceptions of globalization vary B.The disciplines in the social sciences vary C.There are less conceptions of globalization D.There are many disciplines in the social sciences 【答案】: C 7、3+14+35+146+555+854+965+986+997=(  )。 A.3555 B.5000 C.4000 D.4555 【答案】: D 8、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers? A.Aimed to B.Helpful to C.Harmful to D.Related to 【答案】: B 9、To keep up with the infrastructure ______ the profession also needs to learn how to run large projects more effectively and efficiently in order to make the entire design-engineer-operate lifecycle digital. A.boost B.boom C.construction D.prosperity 【答案】: B 10、资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas. A.The project will only improve road in Tajikistan by three miles but it will do great help B.Local people welcome the projects C.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank can start the projects quickly with the finance of other institutions D.The project in Bangladesh is also financed with other institutions 【答案】: D 11、The earliest telephones required a different pair of wires for each phone ___ you wished to connect. A.that B.which C.where D.to which 【答案】: D 12、 根据我国现行宪法和有关法律的规定,下列选项中构成违宪行为的是(  )。 A.国家主席代表中华人民共和国接见外国使节 B.国务院根据全国人民代表大会常务委员会的授权决定,对储蓄存款利息所得减征个人所得税 C.国务院某部发布《关于认真学习贯彻(行政机关公务员处分条例)的通知》 D.某自治区人民代表大会常务委员会制定本自治区的自治条例 【答案】: D 13、We have experience in loading data ___ several A/C-manufacturers such as Boeing,Airbus,British Aerospace,Fokker,De Havilland and ATR. A.in B.to C.beside D.from 【答案】: B 14、银行机构财务监管的内容不包括( )。 A.收入的来源与结构 B.支出的去向与结构 C.资产的来源与结构 D.收益的真实状况 【答案】: C 15、下列各项中,不具有行政主体资格的是( )。 A.乡镇人民政府 B.公安派出所 C.街道办事处 D.公安局法制科 【答案】: D 16、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are takingplace. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall
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