2021-2022学年黑龙江省佳木斯市同江市六校八年级(下)期末英语试卷 I.Multiple choice(本题共20分,每小题1分)Choose the best answer from A.B or C according to the meaning of the sentence. 1.(1分)On the one hand,people in Singapore can speak Putonghua.On_____other hand,they can also speak English.(  ) A.a B.an C.the 2.(1分)Boys and girls,the more careful you are during the exam,_____ mistakes you'll make.(  ) A.the more B.the fewer C.the less 3.(1分)When Ben woke up,the sun was_____.(  ) A.rising B.raising C.running 4.(1分)All of us jumped with_____when we heard the good news.(  ) A.excitement B.excite C.excited 5.(1分)—Could you help me with my math? —Certainly,feel_____to ask me.(  ) A.good B.free C.well 6.(1分)—I haven't been to Shanghai.What about you? —_____.I plan to visit it this summer holiday.(  ) A.Me,too B.Me neither C.Neither did I 7.(1分)China is_____ beautiful country that so many foreigners want to visit it.(  ) A.so B.such C.such a 8.(1分)Kate has learned Chinese_____.(  ) A.for ten years ago B.ten years ago C.since ten years ago 9.(1分)My parents often tell me that_____I study hard,I will achieve my dream.(  ) A.if B.unless C.when 10.(1分)The Caspian Sea is ______ than any other salt lake in the world.(  ) A.deep B.deeper C.deepest 11.(1分)Today,more and more people begin to ________ the importance of saving water.(  ) A.waste B.realize C.control D.cause 12.(1分)Xiao Ming offered_____a big house for his parents in the city.(  ) A.buy B.to buy C.buying 13.(1分)Don't spend your life_____with others.(  ) A.try to compare B.to try comparing C.trying to compare 14.(1分)Aron used his knife to_____half his right arm.(  ) A.cut down B.cut off C.cut up 15.(1分)Our teacher always encourages us_____English.(  ) A.speak B.to speak C.speaking 16.(1分)He can speak English,_____?(  ) A.does he B.can he C.can't he 17.(1分)_____have you had that bike over there?(  ) A.How many B.How long C.How much 18.(1分)It's important for us_____nature.(  ) A.protect B.to protect C.protecting 19.(1分)I like_____in the open air.(  ) A.painting B.paint C.paints 20.(1分)—I argued with my best friend.I don't know what I should do. —_____Write her a letter.(  ) A.It's not a big deal. B.You're kidding! C.What's wrong? Ⅱ.Cloze test 21.(15分)Choose the best answer to complete the passage. Darren and Tim are good friends.They like exploring(探险).Last summer they had a(1)   holiday.They were on vacation in the (2)   .They wanted to cross the sea in a boat for a week. They saw many blue whales (3)   the trip.These blue whales were large.They fed on the small sea animals.At first Darren and Tim were very excited because they(4)   saw so large ones.But soon (5)   happened.They were watching them (6)   the whales hit the boat.Suddenly, (7)   started coming into the boat and they were in trouble.They had to jump into their lifeboats(救生艇) (8)   before the boat went down into the sea. (9)    terrible! They were (10)    .The blue whales left them.They were out of danger.They had enough food and water for about twenty days.They(11)   a small machine.The machine could change sea water into drinking water.They also had a fishing line.These two things could help them to live. Darren and Tim (12)    fishes and ate them for the next sixteen days.They saw some ships during those days.They (13)   when they were passing,but no one heard.Just when they were disappointed,the persons in a fishing boat found them and saved them. No matter what (14)   we meet,face it bravely and never(15)   . (1)A.seven﹣day B.seven days C.seven﹣days (2)A.village B.sea C.countryside (3)A.in B.for C.during (4)A.never B.always C.often (5)A.terrible something B.something terrible C.anything terrible (6)A.before B.after C.when (7)A.whales B.food C.water (8)A.quietly B.quickly C.happily (9)A.How B.What C.What a (10)A.perfect B.fair C.lucky (11)A.lost B.had C.drew (12)A.caught B.found C.drank (13)A.slept B.shouted C.jumped (14)A.interest B.difficulty C.opinion (15)A.give away B.give out C.give up Ⅲ.Vocabulary(本题共10分,每小题1分)Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given. Only one word for each blank. 22.(1分)Believe in    (you),and you'll succeed. 23.(1分)His parents have been    (marry) for thirty years. 24.(1分)Some    (achieve) in medical research helped control the terrible illness. 25.(1分)The boy repaired these     (break) bikes and then gave them to the poor kids. 26.(1分)We should try our best to be    (succeed). 27.(1分)Why not    (communication) with your parents? 28.(1分)We can    (simple) lie on the sand to relax ourselves. 29.(1分)Some of Chinese children like eating     (west) food. 30.(1分)I'm considering     (join) the English club. 31.(1分)It's     (believe) that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! Ⅳ.Communication(本题共20分,每小题10分)(A)Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue.You have one more a
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