三三年年(2020-20222020-2022)真真题题汇汇编阅编阅读读填填表表专专项项【辽辽宁宁省省专专用用】(2022辽宁阜新中考真题)Memory is very important.It helps you remember who you are,where you live,what you have learnt and what you plan to do in the future.Some scientists believe that there are three types of memoryimmediate,short-term and long-term.Immediate memory holds information for less than a second,e.g.the name of a road you have just seen.Then it either forgets it or passes it into short-term memory.Short-term memory can hold about seven items of information at a time,e.g.telephone numbers.It holds them for about 30 seconds.Then it either forgets them or passes them into long-term memory.Long-term memory can hold information for the whole of our lives,e.g.the names of countries or the meanings of words.So,how can you improve your memory?It is important to exercise your brain.For example,you can do new things and change your daily habits.If you walk a different way to school or take a different bus,you will keep your brain active.You can try to memorize something new.You can try a Maths puzzl(e 益智游戏).You can also try to learn new skills or study a foreign language.Your brain gets lots of regular exercise if you do any of these things.If you live a healthy life,your memory will work better.You must have a balanced diet(均衡的 饮食).You must give your brain enough time to rest.Unless you get enough sleep every night,you will not remember things well.If you want your brain to work well,you also need to relax.If you get too worried,your brain will slow down,and your memory will become less excellent.So,to improve your memory,you should exercise your brain,live a healthy life and stay relaxed.根据短文内容完成表格。Information about memory 1 Immediate memory:It holds information for less than a second.Short-term memory:It holds about seven items of information at a time.Long-term memory:It holds information for the whole of our lives.Exercise yourDo new things.How tobrainChange2.improveHave a balanced diet.your 3Have enough time to rest.If you4every night,you will notmemoryremember things well.Stay relaxed 5,or your brain will slow down.(2022辽宁锦州中考真题)根据短文内容完成短文后的图表,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。Little life skills are a big help.Starting with the upcoming fall term,students in primary and middle schools will have at least one class every week to learn basic life skills like cooking and cleaning.These skills will help them for the rest of their lives.What will students learn in labor education(劳动教育)?Housework labor:cleaning,cooking,using and repairing home appliances(家用电器).Productive labor(生产劳动):farming,making traditional handicrafts(手工艺),experience and use of new technologies like 3D printing.First and secondgraders in primary school*Do basic cleaning.*Wash vegetables and peel fruit.*Learn to raise one or two kinds of plants or small animals.Third and fourthgraders*Wash socks and shoes.*Learn how to make cold dishes and use simple home appliances.*Clean classrooms.*Try growing vegetables or keeping pet animals.Fifthand sixth graders*Learn to make a healthy recipe(食谱).*Cook two or three common dishes.*Grow one or two kinds of common local vegetables.Middle school students*Cook three or four dishes independently.*Learn to repair some home appliances.*Take part in local productive labor like potting plants(盆栽植物)and fishing.*Learn how to make one or two kinds of traditional handicrafts.Topic:What will students learn in6?WhyLife skills will help7for the rest of their lives.How 8Primary school students*Do basic cleaning.*Wash socks and shoes.*Learn to make a healthy recipe.Middle school students*Cook three or four dishes independently*9some home appliances.Productive laborPrimary school students*Learn to raise one or two kinds of plants or small animals.*10or keeping pet animals.*Grow one or two kinds of common local vegetables.Middle school students*Take part in local productive labor.*Learn how to make one or two kinds of traditional handicrafts.(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)阅读下面短文,完成表格。Congratulations!Youll enter a new high school.Are you ready for the future life?Here is some advice for a new senior high school student.Be a positive(乐乐观观的的)personPositive attitudes(态度)can make you full of energy.Do remember to encourage yourself when youre down.You can keep your old friends close and make new friends with the students who make your life better and happier.Make a planYou might have more difficult courses but high school teachers wont take care of you like in junior high.Mostly,you have to learn by yourself.Getting enough sleep and exercising more are both important.You need to manage your time wisely.Youd better make a time plan or a calendar can help.Be responsible(负负责责的的)for yourselfThere is always someone smarter,richer or better looking than you.I hope that you only pay attention to your own work.Please find out your goals and make them clear.Then stick to your decisions and be responsible for the results.Help other studentsNot everyone is going to be nice to you.But you should give him a hand when you fi
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