课时规范练(二十) 题型组合练——练准度 (完形填空+语法填空)限时:35分钟 单独成册:对应学生用书第330页 Ⅰ.完形填空 My most rewarding experience in the past two years was volunteering at the swimming competition of Special Olympics where a disabled friend of my community took part. This had special 1 for me because experiencing it helped improve my leadership skills, develop my character, and support my community. Firstly, my 2 skills developed when I independently told each swimmer where to 3 at the platform. And I 4 each competitor when they needed to swim. I had to make sure that the swimmers were 5 and ready to compete. This kept me on my feet at all times and 6 of each event's time and location. I learned each swimmer's name, 7 many of them swam in more than one event. Secondly, my 8 was greatly influenced. When I saw the swimmers get their awards for winning each swimming event, I was deeply moved. I was 9 that most swimmers could swim better than I. Their 10 lost.This astonished me, whether they won or lost.This also enlarged my view, offering me the opportunity to 11 people I would normally not run into. I went out of my 12 zone and did whatever was needed to be done, even if it was sometimes difficult for me. It was especially 13 when I saw the smiling faces of the competitors. Lastly, I was of 14 to my community by lending a hand to this organization. To be a part of it gave me a chance to improve my community and become 15 with the people living in this area. As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a(n) 16 by what we give.” The importance of 17 should be stressed throughout your life. 18 through the many opportunities my community has offered I was privileged to be 19 in this exciting and important event in these competitors' lives. I hope to be a(n) 20 again at this event in years to come. [语篇解读] 本文是记叙文。作者两年来最有益的经历就是在特奥会游泳项目中做志愿者,这次经历提升了作者的领导能力、培养了作者的品格并让作者为自己的社区做出了贡献。 1.A.purpose B.attention C.regulation D.meaning leadership.supporteriencing it helped improve my leadership.support my community”可知,在特奥会游泳项目中做志愿者的经历对作者来说有特殊的意义。meaning“意义”;purpose“目的”;attention“注意”; regulation“制度”。 答案:D 2.A.speaking B.swimming C.leadership D.exercise 解析:根据上文中的“because experiencing it helped improve my leadership skills, develop my character, and support my community”以及该空前的“Firstly”和本段表述的作者独立帮忙做一些事可知,此处表示作者的领导能力得到提升。故选C。 答案:C 3.A.line up B.pile up C.put up D.set up 解析:根据语境可知,在参赛者开始比赛之前,作者需要指导每一位选手先排好队。line up“排队”,故选A。 答案:A 4.A.informed B.awarded C.taught Dpared 解析:根据语境可知,作者作为志愿者要通知每一个选手什么时候游泳。inform“通知”,故选A。 答案:A 5.A.preserved B.positioned C.presented D.predicted 解析:根据空后的“ready to compete”可知,作者必须确保选手就位并准备比赛。故选B。position“就位”;preserve“保存”;present“呈现”;predict“预测”。 答案:B 6.A.full B.ignorant C.convinced D.aware 解析:根据第4小题的解析及该空前的“This kept me on my feet at all times”可知,引导运动员参加比赛这件事使作者一直站着,而且作者要知道每场赛事的时间和地点。故选D。aware“知道”;ignorant“无知的”;convinced“确信的”。 答案:D 7.A.if B.because C.so D.though 解析:根据空后的“many of them swam in more than one event”可知,因为许多运动员要参加不止一项比赛,所以作者要熟悉每个人的名字。故选B。 答案:B 8.A.technique B.imagination C.character D.figure 解析:根据第一段尾句,下文中的“I was deeply moved”以及第11空前的“This also enlarged my view”可知,这次经历让作者的品格受到了很大的影响。故选C。character“品格”;technique“技巧”;imagination“想象”;figure“身材”。 答案:C 9.A.impressed B.reminded C.blamed D.concerned 解析:根据第8小题的解析及该空后的“most swimmers could swim better than I”可知,让作者印象深刻的是,大多数运动员游得比作者还好。故选A。impress“给……印象”;remind“提醒”;blame“责备”;concern“担忧”。 答案:A 10.A.various B.controversial C.changeable D.positive 解析:根据该空后的“whether they won or lost”可知,他们积极的态度让作者非常惊讶。故选D。controversial“有争议的”;various“多样的”;changeable“易变的”;positive“积极的”。 答案:D 11.A.educate Bmand C.meet D.recommend 解析:根据空后的“I would normally not run into”可知,这次志愿者服务让作者有机会遇到许多人,而这些人在通常情况下作者是见不到的。故选C。 答案:C 12.Afort B.safety C.time D.development 解析:根据该句中的“did whatever was needed to be done, even if it was sometimes difficult for me”可知,作者走出了自己的舒适区,开始做任何需要做的事情,即使有时对于作者来说很困难。故选A。comfort zone“舒适区”;safety“安全”;time“时间”;development“发展”。 答案:A 13.A.outstanding B.rewarding C.interesting D.demanding 解析:根据空后的“when I saw the smiling faces of the competitors”可知,当看到参赛者的笑脸,作者觉得自己的付出是特别值得的。故选B。outstanding“杰出的”;rewarding“值得做的”;demanding“要求高的”。 答案:B 14.A.wisdom B.courage C.encouragement D.service 解析:根据上文中的“support my community”以及下文中的“To be a part of it”可知,作者通过帮助这个机构来帮助自己的社区。be of service“有用,有帮助”,符合语境。 答案:D 15.A.crowded Bbined C.acquainted D.supplied 解析:根据上文中的“offering me the opportunity to 11 people I would normally not run into”可知,做志愿者让作者能够熟悉社区里的人。故选C。be acquainted with“熟悉”,符合语境。 答案:C 16.A.exception B.way C.analysis D.life 解析:根据语境并结合该句中的“living”可知,这里表示的是“我们通过得到的东西谋生,但我们通过给予创造生活”。故选D。analysis“分析”;exception“例外”。 答案:D 17.A.volunteering B.evaluating C.traveling Dpeting 解析:根据第一段第一句中的“volunteering”并结合上文讲述的内容可知,此处表示志愿者工作的重要性。故选A。evaluate“评估”;travel“旅游”;compete“竞争”。 答案:A 18.A.Stra
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