My Pets I have two pretty birds as pets. They are green-and-blue budgies. Their home is a shady tree in the garden where they are free to fly from branch to branch. Yet they are safe from the cat as the whole tree is inside a wire enclosure(围墙). I have nailed a wooden box on the tree. This is their 'nest' where they sleep at night and where they find shelter whenever it rains. My pets are called 'Polly' and 'Sally'. They enjoy flying about among the branches and they chirp happily all day long. Every morning, I feed them with birdseed and give them a bowl of water to drink. I also clean their 'nest'. They are pretty birds and I like to watch their movements. I find them cheery and lively, so I never feel dull spending my time with them. I love my pets very much. 注释: budgie 'budgie' is short for 'budgerigar'. A parakeet native to Australia and having green, yellow, or blue plumage(翅膀). It is a popular cage bird bred in a variety of colors not found in wild populations chirp make high-pitched sounds; of birds cheery bright and happy A Happy Dream I had a happy dream last night. Before going to bed, I had been watching a Walt Disney cartoon programme on television and, in my dream, I was actually at Disneyland! I was overwhelmed with excitement at seeing all the familiar scenes and Disney characters, especially Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto and Snow White. I was indeed thrilled and happy wandering around the 'Fairy Land'. The children I met there were also friendly. We shared the same joys as we moved around, exploring the magic land. Pinnochio, the puppet, gave me a specially warm welcome. Suddenly, as I was about to follow Bambi into the jungle, someone tapped me on my shoulder. It turned out to be my mother waking me up to get ready for school! I woke up reluctantly, wishing I could go back to my dreamland. 注释: overwhelmed to cause someone to feel sudden strong emotion thrilled extremely please wander to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction The Autobiography of a Puppy(小狗的自传) I am a white puppy with sparkling eyes and a short tail. I belong to a little boy who loves me very much and who takes great care of me. I was found by this boy while wandering near his house and he brought me back and fed me with milk and bones. Before that, I had been roaming(=wander) the neighbourhood as I had lost my way during a flood. I sometimes wonder if my mother misses me. There were so many of us -- twelve puppies altogether! Everyday I play with my young master in the garden and he takes me out for a walk in the evening. Then I am given a delicious dinner and a drink of milk at night. He has given me a special box with a soft cushion for me to sleep on and I am very comfortable. He calls me 'Snowy' as my fur is snow white. My Best Friend Norella is my best friend in school. She is a fair, pretty girl with dimpled cheeks. She and I first met at kindergarten and we became great friends. She is kind, jolly and helpful. We are classmates again this year and we go to school together each morning. Norella likes to joke and play games. She lives near my house. In the evenings, we usually meet at my house. We sit in the garden and read story books. She is good at Mathematics. So, whenever I find difficulties in my Mathematics homework, I would ask her to help me. Sometimes, when my parents go out in the evening, she comes over to keep me company and we watch television together. That way I do not feel lonely. I hope Norella and I will be in the same class again next year. I like her very much and she is my best friend. Things I Like To Do I like to play games out in the garden. When it rains, I stay indoors and play card games and scrabble with my family. Alternatively, I indulge in doing jigsaw puzzles. I have completed several scenes and pictures. I also like to play with my puppy. It chases me round the garden and barks at me. It has learnt how to pick up a stick and bring it back to me each time I throw it far off. Besides this, I like watching my fish and feeding them with worms. They have beautiful colours and I enjoy following their movements in the water. Drawing pictures and painting them is another activity I enjoy doing. Reading story books is my favourite pastime too as there are exciting adventure and mystery stories to keep me engrossed. Lastly, I like watching good television programmes. 注释: indulge to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable pastime an activity which is done for enjoyment; a hobby engrossed giving all your attention to something; absorbed My School Concert We had a school concert last year. All the classes took part in it. My class put up a play called 'The Magic Flute'. I can still remember how excited we were when we tried on our colourful costumes. We spent a lot of time on rehearsals. The audience must have enjoyed our play tremendously, judging
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