20222022 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试题年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试题A A 卷(含答案)卷(含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 9090 题)题)1、关于国际收支,下列说法正确的是()。A.国际收支反映的内容是以货币记录的交易 B.一国的领事馆在所在国的消费不计入国际收支 C.国际收支记录的是一国居民间的交易 D.依据交易双方的国籍可以判定该项交易是否应包含在国际收支的范围内【答案】A 2、资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday,pledging to lend$509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh,upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia,and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan.At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution,the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,the banks president,Jin Liqun,said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.A.Britains exit from European Union will have an impact on its membership in the bank B.United States and Japan will join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank soon C.More countries are interested in the membership in the bank D.Germany and France will join the bank soon【答案】C 3、下列诗句中,出自杜甫笔下的是()A.出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟 B.遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人 C.在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝 D.天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来【答案】A 4、下列关于国内信用证办理和使用要求的表述中,符合支付结算法律制度规定的是()。A.信用证结算方式可以用于转账,也可以支取现金 B.开证行应向申请人收取不低于开证金额 30%的保证金 C.信用证到期不获付款的,议付行可从受益人账户收取议付金额 D.申请人交存的保证金和存款账户余额不足支付的,开证行有权拒绝付款【答案】C 5、下列说法不正确的是()。A.鲁迅是中国现代文学的奠基人 B.郭沫若的女神是现代文学史上第一篇白话文 C.田汉是中国现代戏剧的奠基人 D.巴金是现代家族小说的开拓者【答案】B 6、资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba.Just last week,the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day.A few months back,Alibaba claimed the title of the worlds biggest IPO,raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE.Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.A.35 million B.45 million C.780 million D.80 million【答案】A 7、_them all up,you can finally get the answer.A.Adding B.Added C.To add D.Add【答案】C 8、历时 19 年,由北宋司马光主编的多卷本编年体史书是()。A.史记 B.资治通鉴 C.汉纪 D.二十四史【答案】B 9、We appreciate your patience and hope to serve you in a timelier manner in the future._,please contact our order department at 716-555-0160 with any questions.A.instead B.meanwhile C.in contrast D.besides【答案】D 10、当人静止地站在斜坡式电梯上随电梯一起向上运动时(手与电梯不接触),下列表述准确的是()。A.人不受摩擦力作用 B.人所受的摩擦力方向沿电梯面向下 C.人所受的摩擦力方向沿电梯面向上 D.人所受的摩擦力方向可能沿电梯向上,也可能向下【答案】C 11、How about_in the river with us?A.swim;dont do B.swim;to do C.swimming;not do D.swimming;not to do【答案】D 12、资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday,pledging to lend$509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh,upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia,and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan.At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution,the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,the banks president,Jin Liqun,said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.A.World Bank and the Asian Development Bank emphasize more on poverty reduction than Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank does B.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will be devoted to improve develpomengt in Asia C.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will work together with the World Bank,the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development D.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will pose a challenge to the United States【答案】D 13、唐玄宗在位期间,出现了繁荣景象,这是我国古代史的哪次盛世?()A.文景盛世 B.永宣盛世 C.开元盛世 D.康乾盛世【答案】C 14、资料:Rahul Chadha,co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments,has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to telling a story about investing in China.A.The work force in China has increased in past ten years B.internet firms benefit a lot from the income growth C.The Chinese government is improving the social welfare for people D.the per capita income in China is expected to$12,500 in eight years【答案】A 15、The only decent hotel in town had hung out a“Full House”sign,so their only choice()at a small inn.A.is to put up B.has been to put up C.will be put up D.was to put up【答案】D 16、下列指标中不属于银行管理结构指标的为()。A.资产结构 B.贷款结构 C.客户结构 D.人员结构【答案】D 17、There is a note pinned to the door()when the shop will open again.A.saying B.says C.said D.having said【答案】A 18、甲有一套商品房欲出售,经人介绍与乙签订房屋买卖合同,丙知道后找到甲,表示愿意以更高的价格购买,甲便与丙订立合同并办理房屋过户手续。下列说法正确的是()。A.房屋应归乙,甲向丙承担违约责任 B.房屋应归丙,甲向乙承担违约责任 C.房屋产权登记有误,应重新登记为甲 D.甲与丙订立的合同无效,甲与乙协商房屋的归属权【答案】B 19、货币市场工具一般具有期限短、流动性强、对利率敏感等特点,有()之誉。A.货币 B.票据 C.基础货币 D.准货币【答案】D 20、Advertising has long been viewed as a method of mass _ in that a single message can reach a large number of people.A.promotion B.permission C.fantasy D.popularity【答案】A 21、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821,and moved to New York City when she was ten years old.One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor.That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission(录取)to medical schools,she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia.She was so determined
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