2019-2020学年九上英语期中模拟试卷含答案第 I 卷(选择题,共 75分)第一部分听力理解(一)(共三节,满 分 15分)第 一 节(共 5 小题:每小题1 分,满分5 分)听下面5 段对话,从题中所给的3 个选项中选出与其意思相符的图片,每段对话读一遍。()1.What belongs to Lilys sister?()2.What may be J ohn doing?A()3.Who might be Sam?B()4.What is behind the two speakers?C()5.What may Mr Smith look like?ABC第 二 节(共 5 小题:每小题1 分,满分5 分)听对话,从题中所给的3 个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。()6.What is the relationship of the two speakers?A.A teacher and a student.B.A mother and a son.C.A brother and a sister.()7.How long has the woman lived in S hanghai?A.Three years ago B.For.two years C.S ince four years ago.()8.How many students have passed the exam?A.500 B.503 C.497()9.What does Jill mean?A.S he made the dress herself.B.Her mother bought the dress for her.C.Her mother made the dress for her.()1 0.How much has the man paid for the CDs?A.$10 B.$15 C.$20第 三 节(共 5 小题:每小题1 分,满 分 5 分)听两段对话,从题中所给的3 个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍听第一段对话,回答11、12两小题()11.Whats wrong with the woman?A.S he is tired.B.S he couldnt sleep well last night C.Her head hurts.()1 2.What is the doctors advice?A.Work hard.B.Eat more vegetables.C.Do more sports.听第二段对话,回答1315小题。()13.What does the man do?A.He is a waiter.B.He is a worker.C.He is a teacher.()1 4.What club does the man want to join?A.The swimming club.B.The hiking club.C.The camping club.()1 5.Why does the man want to join the club?A.Because he likes hiking.B.Because he wants to make many new friends.C.Both A and B.第一节单项选择(共 15小题,每小题1 分,满 分 15分))16.Tom is an boy.A.12-year-old B.8-year-old C.8-years-old D.12-years-old)1 7.1 think students should to have at least one hour a day for sports.Thats good for their health.A.allow B.not allow C.be allowed D.not be allowed)1 8.He used to up late,but he is used to up early now.A.get;get B.getting;getting C.getting;get D.get;getting)1 9.-Do you know if he to play basketball with us?-I think he will come if he free tomorrow.A.comes,is B.comes,will be C.will come,is D.will come,will be)2 0.-Listen!S omeone is singing in the next room.Who it be?Is it Wei Fang?-No,it be her.S he is atschool now.A.will,may not B.must,mustnt C.may,cant D.may,wont)2 1.If I were rich enough,I anything you wanted.A.will buy B.would buy C.buy D.bought)2 2.-Amy cut her finger by accident yesterday.-A.S o does she B.S o did she C.S o she does D.S o she did)2 3.How do you study a test?I study working a group.A.for,in,with B.for,by,at C.for,by,with D.of,in,by)24.Our teacher told us the earth round the sun all the time.A.traveled B.travels C.will travel D.travel)25.Do you have any trouble the foreigners?A.to understand B.understand C.understanding D.understood)26.people went to the concert last week.A.Hundred B.Three millions C.Millions of D.Three million of)27.1 would rather English than words.A.reading;write B.read;writing C.read;write D.reading;writing)28.1 really want to know which CDs belong to.A.my B.ours C.us D.mine)29.There are so many beautiful MP3 in the shop.We cant d e c i d e.A.what to buy.B.to buy what C.which to buy D.to buy which.)3 0.My watch doesnt work.I want to get it tomorrow.A.repaired B.repairs C.to repair D.repairing第二节 完 形 填 空(共 15小题;每小题1 分,满 分 15分)I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago.But only one 31 was the mostimportant.It happened last term just after I had got a 32 result in an exam.I was sad and had lost my confidence.Idecided to go to a class which can tell me how to be 33.The speaker walked into the room.But he did not start talking 34 a teacher.Instead,he held up a twenty yuannote(钞票)!“Who wants this?”he asked.Unsurprisingly,35 of us in the class held up our hands.The speaker smiled.Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked 上 he same question.Again,we allput up our hands.The speaker smiled again,but 36 nothing.S uddenly,he threw the note onto the floor!Thenhe asked the same 37 a third time.I didnt 38 what the speaker was doing.Why was he asking the same question again and again?I didntknow what to do.I wanted the note,39 I put my hand up again.After a while,he 40 the note and started tolaugh.You have all just told me how to become successful/41 said to us with the note in his hand.“The note is worth(值 得)twenty yuan.It is 42 worth twenty yuan,even though I throw it on the floor.You are like the note.No matter 43 happens to you,you still have your worth(价 值)“When I heard those words,I was deeply moved.S uddenly,I 44 I was worth a lot.I may have done badly inan exam,but it doesnt 45 I can*t do well in the future.If I believe in myself,I will be successful!()31.A.classroomB.subjectC.classD.school()32.A.sameB.goodC.luckyD.bad()33.A.comfortableB.successfulC.famousD.rich()34.A.likeB.forC.aboutD.by()35.A.bothB.neitherC.allD.none()36.A.said氏 boughtC.sawD.wanted()37.A.studentB.teacherC.questionD.way()38.A.rememberB.understandC.noticeD.find()39.A.soB.thoughC.ifD.or()40.A.took outB.threw awayC.picked upD.put down()41.A.youB.heC.sheD.they()42.A.neverB.sometimesC.hardlyD.always()43.A.whenB.whoC.whatD.how()44.A.realizedB.forgotC.dreamedD.decided()45.A.knowB.meanC.thinkDplain
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