天津市河北区扶轮中学2020年中考英语模拟预测试卷I.单项选择1、一 Would you mind my using your camera?Sorry,theres with it.A.wrong something B.wrong anythingC.anything wrong D.something wrong2、-What fine weather it is!Yes.Why not play guitar in the garden?A.a;the B.an;a C.;theD.;an3、They cheered us on and we felt more confident to win the game.A.angrily B.loudly C.suddenly D.slowly4、You cant predict everything.Often things don*t as you expect.A.run out B break out C.work out D.put out5、Look at the rules.Passengers smoke on the bus.A.mustB.can C.mustnt D.neednt6、We can buy a lot of things with money,but it doesnt always/brig/happiness.A.bright B.brain C.belong D.bring7、一Can you help me with my English?A.Thafs no excuse B.Not reallyC.Certainly D.You9re welcome8、Make sure that all the waste is and safely dealt with.A.actively B.closely C.properly D.simply9、一Who is young man with long hair?Hes a friend of mine.A.a B.an C.the D.10、一These problems are too hard to Could you give me some advice?There are many ways.The most important one is to have a careful plan.A.look out B.hand out C.workout D.take outI I.完形填空11、An 8-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother Andrew.All she knew was that hewas very 1 and they had no money.Only a very expensive operation could 2 him.One morning,the girl heard her father say to her mother:Only a miracle(奇迹)can save Andrew now.”The girl went to her bedroom,collected all of her money and counted it 3 She hurried to a drugstore.“How can 1 help you?”asked the salesman.“I want to buy a miracle,“the girl answered.wMy brother has something 4 growing inside his head.My daddy says only a miracle can save him.So how much does a miracle5?”“We dont sell miracles here,my dear.Pm so sorry,M the salesman said 6“What kind of a miracle does your brother need?”asked a well-dressed man standing nearby.“I dont know,“she answered.uHe9s really sick and needs an operation in his head.So I 7 all mymoney.”“8 do you have?”asked the man.she answered,w but I can try and get some more She said again and again.“Well,what luck,said the man.”$1.11 is the 9 of a miracle.Lets go to see your brother.That man was Dr Carlton Armstrong,a famous brain doctor.The operation was 10 and it wasnt longbefore Andrew was well again.Sometimes miracles do happen.1.A.happy B.sick C.strong D.funny2.A.save B.take C.make D.use3.A.carefully B.early C.really D.hardly4.A.nice B.clean C.bad D.beautiful5.A.spend B.take C.pay D.cost6.A.happily B.wisely C.sadly D.easily7.A.took B.brought C.put D.sent8.A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often9.A.price B.power C.money D.prize10.A.important B.expensive C.difficult D.successfulm.语法填空12、Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)More play and less work makes for more talented(有才能的)children.Some officials suggested that schoolhours for children aged 7 to 12 should be reduced,and that they should bel.to spend at least an hour a dayon team sports.All work and no play makes children depressed.Becky,an 8-year-old girl,used to be happy when sheHnished classes every day,but now,life has become unhappy.To make sure she has enough time for thelessons,she has to study until 11 at night to finish her homework.Some ideas are offered for helping cultivate(培养)kids talents.The ideas2.cutting down classroom hours,introducing more team sports for children,getting parents to stop putting too much pressure on childrenand some other suggestions.It is believed that all these can help train young people to be confident.“I used to go to the park with my parents on weekends before because I like playing tennis with my dad andI can play well J a boy said,“But now,13.have time to do that any more.”“I would like to try other things,such as drawing/9 Nara said.She was interested in drawing,but herparents thought it was not a bright way for her.Children now spend more time doing homework than playing,and we all know ifs quite4.for them to haveplenty of sleep.A lot of homework and heavy school bags are driving more young children away from ajoyful childhood.Parents believe thatS.well in school is a sure way to make their children have a bright future.The studyshowed that about 80 percent of parents said they expected their children to get a university degree or someform of higher education.About 15 percent of students in primary school and 40 percent in middle schoolsaid they thought their parents were not6.with their marks.“Parents must always be willing to talk to their children and make them happy/9 an educator advised,“Encourage him or her to be confident when he or she faces?.Parents should know what their childrenlike and what they want.”013、A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)Caroles Cooking JournalMonday,April 6This month,we had to choose an optional activity.Should it really be called“optional”if you have to do it?Unfortunately,I waited until the last minute to sign up.Many of the activities were already full,but I madea decision to join the Cooking Club because at l
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