自考英语二课文精解(珍藏版)UNIT1 Text A What Is a Decision?I.课文内容简介段落大意:课文分成三部分第一、二段:决策的定义 The definition of decision第三、四段:作决策的一般过程 The general process of making a decision第五至九段:在管理层次上,多种因素影响决策的制定Various factors influencing decision makingat the managerial level词汇精讲l.goal n.目标,进 球,球 门(同义词:aim,end,purpose,objective)Her goal is a place at university.她的目标是在大学任教。2.objective:n./a.目的;目 标(尤指较长远的目标);宗旨/客观的,如实的派生词:object n.物体反义词:subjective n./a.主语;主观事物;/主观的,用法:Her objective is to get a college education.她的目标是接受大学教育。If you dont work hard,youll never achieve your objectives.假如你不努力工作,你将永远达不到目的。Achieve表示较难达到的目标。It is an objective report.这是一篇如实的报道。3.accomplish v.完 成(任务)等The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.学生们在不到10分钟内完成了任务。4.predict:v 预言,预示,预告同义词:forecast v.预测,预报It*s hard to predict when it will happen.很难预见这件事何时发生。5.accompany:v.伴随,陪同The lonely old man is accompanied by his dog.这位孤独的老人让他的狗做伴。All orders must be accompanied with cash.所有的订货单必须随付现金。派生词:company n.公司;v.陪伴6.implement v.实现,实施,履 行(诺言)等The committees suggestions will be implemented immediately.委员会的意见将立即贯彻执行。The changes to the national health system will be implemented next year。对全国医疗体系的改革将在明年进行。7.constraint n.限制,约束They told the truth but only under constraint.Constraint on the rules of grammer他们说了实话但是有所保留(是被迫的)。语法规则的限制(约束)8.tendency:n.趋势,倾向There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.人们在家里而不是在办公室里工作的趋势“益增长。派生词:tend v.趋向,倾向 用法:tend to do sth.He tends to get angry when people disagree with him.当人们不同意他的意见时,他很容易生气。9.achievemenl n.完成,成就,An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.对一个如此年轻的人来说,获得奥运会银牌是个了不起的成就。派生词:achieve v.完成,做到,达 到(目的),实现,获得He will never achieve his objectives if he doesnt work hard.如果他不努力,将会永远达不到目的。lO.attain:v.达到;获 得(长期努力后而获得)同义词:obtain,get用法:She has made up her mind to attain her goal in life.她 F定决心要达到生活中的目标。The apple tree has attained to a great height.苹果树已长得很高了。11.optimal adj 最佳的The sailors are waiting for optimal weather conditions before taking off.船员们正在等待出航的最佳天气条件。12.argue:vt./vi.争辩,争论,辩论用法:作不及物动词用时,后边可以接with,about或 over(就争论),for(赞成)或 against(反对)She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues,她总喜欢为极小的问题进行争论。He often argues philosophy with Jam es.他常和詹姆斯讨论哲学。He argued for immediate action.他主张立即行动。They argued against such a policy.他们反对这种政策。作及物动词时.,表示 说服、用辩论证明”的意思I argued him out going on such a dangerous journey.我说服他不做这样危险的旅行。He argued that man was descended from 叩e s.他论证人类的祖先是猿。13.scheme n 计划方案He has got a crazy scheme for getting rich before he is 20.他制定了一个在20岁之前发财的疯狂计划。14.multiple a d j多样的 复合的What the person does next is the result of the multiple influences to which they have been exposed.一个人下一步会做什么是他受到的多种影响的结果。15.ongoing a d j进行中的,前进的No agreement has yet been reached and the negotiations one still ongoing.目前还没有达成任何协议,谈判仍在进行。16.entity n 存在实体He regarded the north of the country as a separate cultural entity.他把这个国家的北方看成一个单独的文化实体。17.skilled a d j熟练的,有技能的My mother is very skilled at/in dress-making.我母亲非常擅长做衣服。Phrases and Expressions1 .(stand,get,be)in the w ay碍 事,挡道的;妨碍人的If you are not going to help,at least dont get in the w ay!如果你不愿帮忙,至少别妨碍人家。The chair is in the way,please move it away.这把椅子挡着路,请把它移开。相关短语:Lin a w ay在某种程度上;在某些方面;从某一点上看in no w ay决不;一点也不;in the way o f 按照;就.而言by way o f 取道,经由by the w ay顺便问一下2.to make a guess at 猜测You might have been able to make a guess at who she w as,你本来能够猜到她是谁。Can you make a guess at the price?你猜得出价钱吗?3.to seek to(i n f)寻求,争取Power stations are seeking to reduce their use of oil.发电站正在设法减少石油的使用4.i n part:部分地;有些部分;在某种程度上This was in part due to financial difficulties.部分是山于财政困难。The responsibility was in part because of m e.部分责任在我。5.point of view 视点,视角The book looks at college life from a students point of view.这本书从一个学生的视角来看大学生活。6.to vary from.to.从到不同,因 而异Salary scales vary from state to state.工资级别因州而异。7.contribute.t o 把 贡献给.Well contribute ourselves to this career after we graduate.我们毕业后将为此事业作贡献。contribute to 导致Smoking is the main factor contributing to lung cancer.吸烟是导致肺癌的主要因素。8.be beneficial to 对 有利Jogging is beneficial to our health.慢跑有利于我们的健康。Reciting passages is beneficial to improving oral English.朗读(背诵)短文段落对提高英语口语有利。in.课文精讲Para.1l.A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available.made from among alternative courses of action 是过去分词短语作定语courses of action 行动方针that are available是定语从句,修饰概念短语”行动方针“2.The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives.重点句子 3.The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists,goals or objectives are wrong,orsomething is standing in the way of accomplishing them.此句是山that引导的表语从句,表语从句山 a problem exist;goals of objectives are wrong;及 something is standing in the way of accomplishing them 三个并歹ll句构成。The reason for.is that 是一个常用的句子。例:The reason for canceling the travel is thatthey lack of money.取消旅行的原因是他们手头缺钱。The reason why.是另外一个常用的句子。例:There are 3 reasons why they are unwilling todiscuss insurance.他们不愿意谈论保险的原因有三个。Para.2l.Thus the deci
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