公开 人体健康水质基准是水质标准制定的基础,对于人群的饮用水和水环境 安全有着重大意义。我国对于水质基准的研究起步较晚,系统不完善,主要 参照国外的基准来制定水质标准,但是水环境污染情况、人群暴露参数等数 据存在较大差异,直接利用国外的参数推荐值或者方法会造成较大的误差或 者不确定性。基于此,开展地表水碑水质健康基准限值研究,研究对保护人 体健康和控制水体污染具有重大意义,为我国水体碑的环境基准和环境标准 的制修订依据。 所以本研究以重金属碑为目标污染物,通过环境暴露行为模式问卷调查 获取人群环境暴露模式特征;通过系统的文献梳理,分析环境介质碑污染特 征;通过碑的多介质多途径综合暴露评估,研究地表水及水水产品对人体综 合暴露健康风险的相对源贡献率。按照七大流域水体,三个年龄段居民,采 用文献梳理和总结分析的方法推导中国人体地表水碑的健康水质基准限值, 以期为我国水体碑的环境基准和环境标准的制修订提供依据。 基于系统的文献梳理和总结分析,我国地表水中碑的污染水平分为 9.9489mg/L, PM2.5、PM10、土壤和水产品中碑的污染水平分别为0.022l|ig/m\ 0.0293pig/m\ 10.4290mg/kg和0.2467mg/kg,总体均低于相应的环境质量标 准限值,但是不同地区各介质碑污染水平差异较大。多介质多途径的碑综合 暴露评估表明,人群碑暴露量主要来源于主食和蔬菜的经口摄入,水体和水 产品类占总暴露的67.68%。碑的多介质多途径综合暴露健康风险评估表明, 我国各地区的,重金属As的暴露对于所有人群均存在一定的致癌和非致癌 风险,经统计发现,且随着年龄的降低,人群所面临的风险增大。经过百分 比法计算得出,全国水平下0~5岁儿童、6~17岁儿童和成年人As的相对源 贡献率分别为29.39%、30.32%和25.15 %。致癌水质基准小于非致癌水质基 础,为最大限度的保护人体健康,本研究采用保守策略,所以采用致癌水质 基准值作为我国人体健康水质基准值,0~5岁儿童、6~17岁儿童和成年人的 水质基准值分别为 3.86xl(y6mg/L、6.90x10'6mg/L 和 1.09xl(y5mg/L。 关键词:水质基准,重金属As,人体健康,健康风险评估,相对源贡 献率 Study on health baseline value of arsenic in surface water Abstract The human health ambient water quality criteria is the scientific basis for the formulation of water quality standard, which is of great significance for people's drinking water and water environmental safety. The research of water quality criteria in China started late and the research system is not mature. It is mainly based on foreign standards to establish water quality criteria. However, there are regional differences in the data of water environment pollution and exposure factors. The direct use of foreign factors recommendations or methods will cause greater differences. Based on this, it is of great significance to carry out the research on the health baseline value of arsenic in surface water, which is the basis for the formulation and revision of environmental standards and environmental benchmark of water arsenic in China. Therefore, this study takes arsenic as the target pollutant, obtains the environmental exposure pattern characteristics of the population through the environmental exposure behavior pattern questionnaire survey; analyzes the environmental medium arsenic pollution characteristics through the systematic literature review, studies the relative source contribution rate of surface water and aquatic products to the comprehensive exposure health risk of human body through the multi-media and multi-approach comprehensive exposure assessment of arsenic. According to the seven river basins and three age groups of residents, this paper uses the method of literature review and summary analysis to deduce the health baseline value of arsenic in surface water, in order to provide the basis for the formulation and revision of the environmental standards of arsenic in China's water. Based on the systematic literature review and summary analysis, the arsenic pollution level of surface water in China is 9.9489mg/L, and the arsenic pollution levels of PM2 5、PMio> soil and aquatic products are 0.022 l|ig/m3, 0.0293|ig/m3, 10.4290mg/kg and 0.2467mg/kg, respectively, which are generally lower than the corresponding environmental quality standard limits, but the arsenic pollution levels of different media in different regions are quite different. The multi-media and multi-approach arsenic exposure assessment showed that the arsenic exposure of the population mainly came from the oral intake of staple food and vegetables, and water and aquatic products accounted for 67.68% of the total exposure. The health risk assessment of multi-media and multi-approach comprehensive exposure of arsenic shows that the exposure of heavy metal as in various regions of China has certain carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks for all populations. According to the statistics, with the decrease of age, the risk faced by the population increases. According to the percentage method, the relative source contribution rate of as of children aged 0〜5, children aged 6〜17 and adults at the national level is 29.39%, 30.32% and 25.15% respectively. In order to protect human health to the maximum extent, this study adopts a conservative strategy. Therefore, the water quality criteria value of carcinogenic is used as the water quality standard value of human health in China. The water quality standard values of 0-5-year-old children, 6-17-year-old children and adults are divided into 3.86x10-6mg/L, 6.90x10-6mg/Land 1.09x10-5mg/L. Key Words: human health ambient water quality criteria, As, health risk assessment, relative source contribution rate 目录 摘要 I Abstract Ill 1 弓I 言 1 2文献综述 2 2.1碑的概述 2 2.1.1碑的存在形态 2 2.1.2碑的来源 2 2.1.3碑的毒性和健康危害 2 2.2环境碑的污染特征 3 2.2.1水体环境 3 2.2.2大气环境 4 2.2.3 土壤环境 5 2.2.4水产品类食品介质 5 2.2.5非水产品类食品介质 6 2.3水质健康基准研究进展 6 2.3.1基准研究方法 6 2.3.2国外研究进展 7 2.3.3国内研究进展 9 2.4相对源贡献率研究进展 10 2.4.1相对源贡献率 10 2.4.2国外相对源贡献率的研究进展 11 2.4.3国内相对源贡献率的研究进展 12 2.5人体环境暴露行为模式研究进展 13 2.5.1环境暴露行为模式研究方法 13 2.5.2国内人群环境暴露行为模式 14 2.5.3国外人群环境暴露行为模式 14 3研究内容、方法和技术路线 16 3.1研究内容 16 3.2研究方法 17 3.2.1环境碑污染数据均一化 17
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