我国刑罚结构完善研究 摘要 刑罚结构是指我国刑法中规定的各种轻重不同的刑罚方法按照比例进行搭配与组 合形成的相互间的关系与稳定的状态。刑罚结构事关罪刑关系的合理性问题,科学、合 理的刑罚结构是保证刑罚公平正义的前提。刑罚结构总体上应体现人道性,避免刑罚的 残酷与非人道;要遵循罪刑均衡原则,根据罪行的社会危害性配置刑罚量;刑罚结构内 部应协调一致,另外,要根据刑事政策的变化做适当调整,以更好地提升刑罚的效率。 我国的刑罚目的应该是兼顾报应和预防,且在刑事立法阶段,是以预防为主、报应 为辅。因而,在配置刑罚结构时应选择兼顾报应与预防的综合配刑论作为理论指导,对 配置刑罚结构时应以报应作为预防犯罪的刑罚程度的限制,同时对不同犯罪规定轻重有 别的刑罚。 我国现行刑法典规定的刑罚结构存在问题,具体表现为:重刑比例过高,轻刑比例 过低,轻重刑种比例失调;各个刑种间衔接不协调;刑法分则中法定刑规定不合理等。 因而,目前我国刑罚结构还是超重的,且刑罚圈不严,有必要改变这种"厉而不严"的 重刑结构,使刑罚结构趋向协调、合理。 对我国刑罚结构进行完善,应首先在宏观上确立"严而不厉"的改革目标,使其轻 轻重重、整体趋轻;在中观上,应当对各个刑种进行完善,使各刑种轻重衔接,增强其 可操作性;微观上,应完善法定刑的设置,使个罪的法定刑适度、罪与罪之间的法定刑 相协调。只有从这三个层面共同努力,才能推动立法使我国刑罚结构得以优化。 关键词:刑罚结构;刑罚目的;预防犯罪 Research into the Improvement of the Penalty Structure of China Abstract The penalty structure refers to a structure formed in a way that all sorts of penalties stipulated in the criminal law are collocated in accordance with their proportion. The penalty structure has an important influence on the rationality of the relation between the crime and penalty. Furthermore, a scientific reasonable penalty structure is the premise of realizing fairness and justice by penalty. Overall the penalty structure should show its humanity and avoid cruelty and inhumanity. The principle of suiting punishment to crime must be firmly followed, which means that the punishment must be set in accordance with he harmfulness of the crime to the public society and it must be balanced and coordinated within the penalty structure. Besides, the penalty structure must be appropriately adjusted according to the country's criminal policy so as to improve the effect of penalty. The purpose of penalty should be the dialectical unity of retribution and prevention. Especially at the stage of legislation, prevention should be the major purpose, retribution as a supplement. Therefore in arranging penalty structure, the theory of comprehensive penalty structure arrangement should be the guidance, the need for retribution and prevention of crime being considered at the same time. To set proper penalty for prevention of certain crime, the purpose of retribution must be the restriction to the degree of the penalty, so that we can make punishment fit the crime. In the current penalty structure of our country's criminal law, there exist so many problems. The proportion of severe punishment is too high, while the proportion of light punishment is too low, which makes a proportion imbalance. All kinds of penalties connect inharmoniously with each other. The legal punishments stipulated in the criminal law are not reasonable. Therefore, at present the penalty structure in our country is overweight, and the penalty circle is too loose to fight against all kinds of crimes. All of these make it necessary to change this "sever but not strict penalty structure and lead it to be reasonable and coordinated. How to consummate the current penalty structure? First of all, we should set a clear goal of reforming the "sever but not strict condition on macro basis, and make the severe punishm晶ts and light punishments coordinated with each other. The penalty structure overall should tend to be light. On the neutral basis, every single kind of punishment should be improved to be connected harmoniously with each other in terms of weight degree and to be more exercisable and efficient. On micro basis, It's necessary to improve the setting of legal punishment for crimes, make the punishment fit the crime properly, and make every legal punishment for each kind of crimes balanced with each other. Only by joint efforts from these three levels, can we lead the legislation to optimize the penalty structure. Keywords: penalty structure, penalty purpose, prevention of crimes 前言 1 一、 课题研究的缘起、意义 1 二、 课题研究的国内外文献综述 2 三、 课题研究的方法、思路 6 四、 课题研究可能的创新和不足 7 第一章刑罚结构概述 8 一、 刑罚结构的概念 8 二、 刑罚结构的基本要求 9 第二章 刑罚目的与配刑理论 14 一、 刑罚目的探究 14 二、 配刑理论选择 17 第三章 我国刑罚结构的演进及存在的问题分析 20 一、 我国刑罚结构的演进 20 二、 我国现行刑罚结构存在的问题分析 25 第四章我国刑罚结构完善的立法构想 35 一、 宏观刑罚结构应严而不厉 35 二、 中观刑罚结构应轻重协调 37 三、 微观刑罚结构应合理适度 46 结语 48 参考文献 49 致谢 53 附:本人在读期间科研成果及获奖情况一览表 54 、f —1— 刖 5 一、课题研究的缘起、意义 (一) 课题研究的缘起 马克思主义认为,“犯罪是伴随着人类最初的社会制度和统治关系的产生而产生 的。”①迪尔凯姆则认为:“犯罪是一个社会的必然现象,它同整个社会生活的基本条件 联系在一起,由此也就成为有益的,因为与犯罪有密切联系的这种基本条件本身是道德 和法律的正常进化所必不可少的”。②因此,一个社会中出现犯罪现象是正常的,无法从 根本上消灭犯罪,那么只能寄希望于如何尽量地减少和预防犯罪,从立法角度实现减少 和预防犯罪则要求刑法不断进化、完善,以应对不断日益变化的犯罪形态。 刑罚结构是伴随着刑法的出现而摆在立法者面前的基础问题,刑事立法者想要达到 预期的立法目的,刑罚本身的公正性和合理性就至关重要,所以就要求在刑法中设置科 学、合理的刑罚结构。纵观我国刑法理论研究和现行刑法的规定,刑罚的结构已经能够 达到惩罚犯罪的目的,给犯罪者以惩罚,维护国家安全、社会秩序和公民的合法权益, 但是对于有效预防犯罪问题上,却不尽如人意。近年来,我国刑罚的功能不足与刑罚效 益发挥不足问题突出,其内在原因在于刑罚结构本身;而我国现行的刑罚结构确实或多 或少存在一些问题,而这很可能就是导致刑罚效能不能充分发挥的主要原因,使得刑罚 结构的改革与完善问题成为学术界讨论的重大话题,也成为我国刑事立法机关关注的重 点问题。在《刑法修正案(八)》“草案说明”中明确地将“调整刑罚结构”作为此次刑 法修正的首要任务。这标志着我国刑法立法重点从原来注重扩张法网转向关注刑罚结构 的完善和刑罚效果的发挥上。同时,《刑法修正案(九)草案》中也有部分内容涉及对 刑罚结构进行调整。 因而,从理论上研究刑罚结构,找出更科学的理论和措施来完善我国刑罚结构,对 于我国刑罚效能的提升尤为重要。 (二) 课题研究的意义 1. 理论意义:通过对刑罚结构理论和刑罚的目的、配刑理论等与刑罚结构相关的问 题进行系统性探讨,并形成系统的理论。同时,借鉴国外相关法律思想,对我国目前刑 罚结构的完善提出相关立法建议,有助于推动我国刑罚结构理论的完善。 ① 赵廷光:《马克思主义犯罪观与传统犯罪概念》,载《犯罪学论丛(第一卷)》,中国检察出版社
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