级 六 学 科 英语 课 题 Unit8 our dreams 总课时[来源:Zxxk.Com] 4 第 3 课时 主备人 参备人 教学内容 Sound time, song time & checkout time 教学目标 1. 学生初步了解单词间的连读,并能自觉运用。 2. 学生愿意并会唱歌曲。 3. 学生理解checkout time 内容,并能正确回答相关问题。 教学重点 1. 学生初步了解单词间的连读,并能自觉运用。 2. 学生愿意并会唱歌曲。 教学难点[来源:学。科。网] 学生理解checkout time 内容,并能正确回答相关问题。 预习作业[来源:Zxxk.Com] 预习cartoon time[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K] 学 习 活 动 设 计 个人再探索 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss… I’m fine./ Good./ …And you? 2. Sing a song 3. Free talk Step 2 Sound time 1. T:Today let’s meet a new friend .Look at this boy . He has a dream.Guess! What’s his dream ?( PPT 呈现歌曲部分男生人物头像) S1: He wants to be a teacher . T: Yes , that’s right .And he wants to teach us something now .Let’s join him . 2.T:Let’s listen to him first .(PPT 呈现Sound time 内容)[来源:学科网ZXXK] 3.Try to follow him . 4.Ask Ss try to find the rules PPT show the rules to link the words together, Ss read the link words together 5 Ss try to read the rhyme in groups T check in the class 6.Practice by yourselves Ss understand the rules to link words together by themselves 7.Consolidation Ss try to read the following sentences: Pick it up. Good evening. Will you please wait for a moment? There is an apple tree in front of the house. Put on your glasses. Step 3 Song time 1 T: Well done !Oh, we’ve learned a lot from him .Is he a good teacher ? Ss: Yes , he is . T & Ss: Hey , you’re a good teacher .( 人机对话) B: Thank you .And I’m so happy .I want to share a song with you ! 2 Listen to the song . 3 Try to follow the song . 4. Sing the song together . Step 4 Checkout time 1.T:Boys and girls , the boy's dream is to be a teacher . What about yours ? T: What’s your dream ? S1/S2/. 2.T:What about theirs ? ( PPT呈现checkout time 中的人物图片) 3.Ss look at the pictures and try to guess their dreams 4.Listen and choose . 5.Check the answer : T:Whose guessing answers are right?. 6.Fill in the blanks . T:I’ve learned some of your dreams. Now it’s your sharing time. Tell your group members about your dreams and then write them down. Ss talk in groups, T helps Ss to say and write 7. T choose some of Ss’ work to check in class. 板书 设计 审核意见 教学反思
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