江苏省宜兴市周铁区达标名校2020年中考冲刺卷英语试题I.单项选择1、Da vid Burf s drea m in China is to go into the west a nd a n ea rly childhood school there.A.clea n up B.look up C.give up D.set up2、2300 libra ries in the Hope Prima ry Schools in f ive yea rs.A.a re built B.were builtC.will be built D.must be built3、-Wha t would you like to drink,cof f ee or tea?-is OK.Tm thirsty.A.Both B.Either C.Every D.All4、一The 24th Winter Olympics will be held in China in 2022._exciting news it is!A.How B.Wha t a n C.Wha t D.How a n5、一 Why did Ja ne look so upset yesterda y,Betty?Beca use she f a iled the English exa m a ga in,a nd she didnt know wha t to do.A.didn9t ta ke B.didn9t like C didnt pa ss6、How ca n I get some a bout the Boa o Forum f or Asia(博鳌亚洲论坛)?-Why not sea rch the Internet?A.inf orma tion B.experience C.pra ctice7、Is Ja ck in the next room?一 Its ha rd to sa y.But I hea rd him loudly when I pa ssed by just now.A.spea k B.to spea k C.spoken D.spea king8、You wont wa nt to visit a ny other mounta in if you ha ve seen wu yue,but you wont wish to see even wuyue you return f rom Mount Hua ngsha n.A.though B.unless C.until D.a f ter9-Excuse me,ha vent you lea rned the rules?Drivers ca nt go when the light is yellow.-Sorry,we wont do tha t a ga in.A tra f f ic B.f oodC.medicine D.educa tion10 I will be ha ppy if one of the works the a rtist.-I a m not sure.Perha ps he the one you pa inted in Tibet la st yea r.A.sa tisf ies;is sa tisf ied with B.sa tisf ied with;is sa tisf ied withC.sa tisf ying;sa tisHes D.sa tisf ies with;sa tisHesn.完形填空11、Ma ny yea rs a go,a 10yea rold boy wa lked into a soda shop.He a sked the 1 How much is a nice crea m sunda e(圣代)?H“Fif ty cents/*the wa itress replied.The boy 2 into his pockets,pulled out a ha ndf ul of cha nge a ndbega n counting.The wa itress looked a t the boy impa tiently 3,she ha d other customers to wa it on.Af ter counting,the boy a sked the wa itress a ga in,n How much is a dish of pla in(普通的)ice crea m?nThirty-f ive cents,n the wa itress sa id a little 4Aga in the boy counted his coins.At la st,he sa id,Mr il ha ve the pla in ice crea m plea se.H He put 35 cents_5 the countei(柜台).The wa itress took the coins,brought the ice crea m a nd wa lked a wa y.About ten minutes la ter,she returned a nd f ound the ice crea m dish 6 The boy wa s gone.She 7the empty dishthen she wa s surprised.There on the counter,next to the wet spot where the dish ha d been,were 15 cents.The boy ha d 8money f or a sunda e,but he ha d ordered pla in ice crea m 9 he could lea ve her a tip.In a world tha t tells us to*Tget 10 we ca n,every so of ten its good to be reminded to give something,a wa y”.1.A.woma nB.wa itressC.wa iter D.ma n2.A.rea chedB.took C,moved D.looked3.A.Af ter a llB.In the endC.To be honest D.At la st4.A.ha ppilyB.a ngrilyC.pa tiently D.worriedly5.A.In B.under C.ori D.over6.A.dirty 1 B.empty C.broken D.gone7.A.picked up1put upC.cut up D.a te up8.A.a lot ofB.enoughC.much D.a little9.A.so B.orC.a ndD.but10.A.a ll B.nothing C.someyhing D.a nym.语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.每空不超过3 个单词.A young ma nl.(tra vel)through a desert when he ca me a cross a spring of clea r wa ter.The wa ter wa ssweet.He f illed his lea ther ba g so tha t he could bring some ba ck to 2,elder,who ha d been histea cher.Af ter a journey of f our 3r_(da y),the young ma n f ina lly 4i_(bring)the wa ter to him.Thetea cher took a deep drink,smiled 52_(wa rm),a nd tha nked his student very much f or the sweet wa ter.Theyoung ma n went home6.a ha ppy hea rt.Af ter the student lef t,the tea cher let a nother student ta ste the wa ter.He spit it out,sa ying it wa s a wf ul.Inf a ct,it wa s no longer f resh beca use of the old lea ther ba g.He a sked his tea cher,Sir,the wa ter wa sa wf ul.Why did you seem 7.(enjoy)it?H The tea cher a nswered,nYou ta sted the wa ter.I ta sted thegif t.The wa ter wa s not just wa ter,8_ a n a ct of kindness a nd love.Nothing could be9.(sw eet).We understa nd this lesson best when we receive gif ts of love f rom children.WhetherlO.is a chea p pipe ora dia mond(宝 石 的)neckla ce,the proper response is a pprecia tion(感激).We love the idea within the gif tra ther tha n the thing itself.IV.阅读理解A13、A sunf lower is a sunf lower.A mobile phone is a mobile phone.But ca n you combine the two to dosomething f or your loca l environment?As ea rly a s next yea r it ma y well be possible.When you ha vef inished with your mobile phone you will be a ble to bury(埋葬)it in the ga rden a nd wa it f or it to f lower(开花).A biodegra da ble(生物可降解的)mobile phone wa s,this month,introduced by scientists.It is hopedtha t the new type of phone will encoura ge users to recycle.Scientists ha ve come up with a new ma teria lover the la st f ive yea rs.It looks like a ny other pla stic a nd ca n be ha rd or sof t,a nd a ble to cha nge sha pe.Overtime it ca n a lso brea k down into the soil without giving out a ny poisonous(有毒的)chemica ls.Britishresea rchers used the new ma teria l to develop a phone cover tha t includes a sunf lower seed.Whe
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