湖南省邵阳市大祥区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末质量检测英语试题(含听力) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、听句子选答语 1. A.On foot. B.By studying hard. C.I like it. 2. A.To bow. B.To kiss. C.To shake hands. 3. A.OK. Here you are. B.It must be Sam’s. C.It doesn’t matter. 4. A.In 1876. B.By air. C.Beijing. 5. A.I’m sorry. B.That’s true. C.I agree. 二、听长对话选答案 听对话,回答以下各小题。 6.How often does the boy go to the animal hospital? A.Every Saturday morning. B.Every Saturday evening. C.Every Sunday morning. 7.Why does the boy like to be a volunteer at an animal hospital? A.Because it’s easy and interesting for him. B.Because it can help him to get his future dream job. C.Because he can play with animals. 听对话,回答以下各小题。 8.What will Lisa do for her father? A.Make a cake. B.Buy a T-shirt. C.Order some flowers. 9.What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Teacher and student. B.Brother and sister. C.Husband and wife. 听对话,回答以下各小题。 10.What kind of music does the woman like best? A.Rock music. B.Jazz music. C.Pop music. 11.How can the man get the tickets? A.He will buy them online. B.He will buy them in the theatre. C.His classmate will give them to him. 12.When will the concert begin? A.At 7:00 tomorrow evening. B.At 9:00 this evening. C.At 7:00 tomorrow morning. 听对话,回答以下各小题。 13.What do we know about the boy? A.He doesn’t study hard. B.He studies and does well. C.He studies but doesn’t do well. 14.Where does the boy usually study? A.In the library. B.In his bedroom. C.In his friend’s house. 15.What are on the boy’s desk? A.Papers, books and pens. B.Toys, books and pens. C.Toys, snacks and pens . 16.How long does the girl have a break after studying for thirty minutes? A.For 5 minutes. B.For 10 minutes. C.For 15 minutes. 三、听短文选答案 听独白,回答以下各小题。 17.Where was tea fist discovered? A.In Japan. B.In India. C.In China. 18.When did drinking tea get popular in Northern China? A.In the Mid-Tang Dynasty. B.In the Ming Dynasty. C.In the Qing Dynasty. 19.Why did Lu Yu make tea for the man in the temple? A.Because the man was his father. B.Because the man was a tea lover. C.Because the man was getting sick. 20.What did Lu Yu write in his book Cha Jing? A.Something about his childhood. B.Life in the temple. C.All known information about Chinese tea culture. 四、单项选择 21.— Have you seen ________ film “The Wandering Earth”? — Yes, it’s ________ exciting and moving film! A.a;the B.the;an C.a;an 22.—This desk is made ________ wood. —Yeah! And the paper on the desk is made ________ wood. A.from, of B.of, from C.of, of 23.—How does Bill usually go to work?   —He ________ drive a car, but now he ________ there. A.used to; is used to walk B.was used to; is used to walking C.used to; is used to walking 24.—Many people like reading newspapers ________ they can learn what’s happening in the world. —That’s right! A.so that B.as if C.even though 25.— Alan prefers ________ books rather than ________ computer games to relax himself in his spare time. —Me, too. A.to read; to play B.to read; play C.reading; playing 26.—I want to borrow the book. How long may I ________ it ? —For two weeks. A.keep B.borrow C.lend 27.—Whose CD is this? —The CD ________ to Grace. She always listens to pop music. A.must be B.must belong C.mustn’t belong 28.—Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting ________ held on time? —If it ________ rainy, we’ll put it off. A.will be, is B.will, is C.is, will be 29.—What kind of movies do you like? —I like the movies ________ me something to think about. A.which gives B.that gives C.which give 30.—I haven’t seen Tony for a few days. Where is he ? —Sorry, I really don’t know ________. A.where has he gone B.where he has gone C.where he has been 五、完形填空 One afternoon, I went to a hospital in Ghana to visit a doctor friend. When I ____31____ the hospital hall, I saw a woman. She had traveled from a faraway village just to bring an injured girl to the hospital. The girl ____32____ to be dying. But the nurses in the hospital wouldn’t help her. Perhaps she didn’t have ____33____ money. When I saw that she was crying for ____34____, I took her straight to the doctors. The doctors ____35____ her daughter and told the mother that her daughter needed a transfusion(输血). She would need blood. This sad woman was too poor to ____36____ blood. I said I would give her the blood. A nurse then tested my blood. “Your type was O.”the nurse said. “The girl is lucky. You have the ____37____ type as hers.” The nurse then took my blood and gave ____38____ to the girl. The mother was ____39____ thankful that she said I brought back hope to her family. I was very _____40_____ that I had been able to save the girl’s life. Since that day, I’ve always tried to help where I could. 31.A.arrived B.got C.reached 32.A.seemed B.wanted C.looked 33.A.few B.little C.enough 34.A.money B.help C.nurses 35.A.found B.looked C.examined 36.A.ask for B.look for
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