2019-2020学年高一上英语期中模拟试卷含答案第一部分:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The tra in she was trave lling was late.A.which B.whe re C.on which D.in that2.Ive just read an excellent b ook of Mo y a n s,y o u cannot afford to miss.A.that B.what C.one D.whom3.I had just se ttled in the new place and didn/t know.A.what to expect B.what to be expectedC.how to expect D.how to be expected4.I have got of the work,b ecause it is too.A.tire d;tiring B.tiring;tiringC.tire d;tiredD.tiring;tired5.The old woman wa lks_d og afte r _A.a;the B./;/_suppe r e ve ry d ay.C.the;theD.the;/6.There is_thing as a free lunch.A.no such B.not suchC.no aD.no such a7.1 had nt seen her for 10 years,b ut 1_A.realized B.recognized_ her at once.C.knewD.found8.All newspapers reported that the Chinese sold iers an important role in fighting against the heavysnowfalls.A.mad e B.acted C.d id D.played9.Jack asked John when he met him in the stre e t.A.he was going whe re B.whe re he was goingC.whe re was he going D.was he going where10.The classmates insisted that Da isy a piece of music on the piano.A.plays B.play C.to play D.playing11.She d re a me d an online b ookshop and now her d ream is finally re alize d.A.opening B.to open C.of opening D.to opening12.Youve d runk too little.of the milk is still left in the b ottle.Im full now.A.Two third sB.Two threeC.Second thirdD.Second s three13.Mr.White pre fe rre d at home with his child ren rather tha n out for Christmas.A.to stay;to go B.stay;go C.to stay;go D.stay;to go14.In the storm in Myanmar(缅甸),huge numb ers of houses la y ruins and the world the re seemed to be_ an e nd.A.in;in B.und er;in C.und er;at D.in;at15.This is the ve ry hospita l Ive b een looking for a long time.A.which B.that C.where D.whose16.Mike wa s to be in prison for 5 years b ecause of what he had d one.A.sentenced B.requested C.allowed D.persuad ed17.Have you b een here b efore?Ye s.This is the third time that I to Shanghai.A.come B.came C.have come D.had come18.The police are offering a(n)for anyone who can give information ab out the traffic accid e nt.A.attention B.prize C.reward D.gift19.In the end,Japan and orea reached the point_ both sid es sat d own and had a peaceful talk.A.where B.that C.when D.which20.He has d evoted all his life the homeless child re n.A.to he lping B.helping C.to help D.help第二部分:完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项,并从答题卡上将该选项涂黑。One day,I was walking with my d aughter;and we saw a man picking b ottle s out of garb age cans(垃圾箱).Hedid not ask us for spare 21 like others had b efore him.My 10-year-old d aughte r asked 22 he was d oingthat,as he appeared to be unclean and possib ly 23 I told her he had his d ignity(尊严),and was d oing what hecould to help 24,Mv d aughter had a 2-d ollar 25 I had given her,and she told me she 26 to giveher money to this man 27 she thought he need ed it more than she 28 I agree d.We are on welfare(福利救济),29 we have a place to live,and food to e at.So we followed the man 30 the local store,where hesold his b ottles and cans.My d aughter 31 UP to him and gave him the coin.He 32 us loud ly as we leftthe store,and 33 God to b less us.The kind ness was 34 to my d aughte r.When she got to the 35 a couple of months later,she 36she had left her 37 at home and it happened that I had not taken my purse along,38 Then a lad ynoticed us and saw how 39 my d aughter was.The lad y gave her the money to go swimming.Surprisingly,itwas two d ollars,which was the 40 amount as that she had given to the man on the stree t.A21.A.roomB.timeC.b ottleD.change22.A.whatB.howC.whyD.where23.A.honestB.homelessC.unnecessaryD.homeful24.A.othersB.usC.child renD.himself25.A.coinB.canC.toyD.b ox26.A.hadB.triedC.wantedD.agreed27.A.becauseB.whileC.unlessD.though28.A.wouldB.need edC.expectedD.did29.A.soB.thusC.b utD.still30.A.offB.intoC.ontoD.at31.A.walkedB.cameC.caughtD.kept32.A.beggedB.calledC.answeredD.thanked33.A.ord eredB.askedC.taughtD.celeb rated34.A.repaidB.paidC.turnedD.sent35.A.squareB.storeC.poolD.park36.A.knewB.thoughtC.und erstoodD.realized37.A.passB.moneyC.clothesD.glasses38.A.tooB.alsoC.e ithe rD.though39.A.sadB.worriedC.badD.lovely40.A.exactB.moreC.d ifferentD.same第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)Two good frie nd s,Sam and Jason,had a car accid e nt.The next morning,Sam woke up b ut Jason was stillunconscious(昏迷的).When Dr.Smith saw Sam awake;he smiled at him and asked,“How are you fe eling tod ay?Sam smiled b ack and said,“Wond erful!Promise me you wont tell Jason anything.Dr.Smith was moved b y Samsword s and said,Z/You are a ve ry b rave man.You know I won*t d o that.Trust m e.”Months later Jason recovered.He stopped hanging out with(与出去玩)Sam.He felt unhappy to spend timewith a d isab led person like Sam.Sam was lone ly and he artb roke n.One d ay Sam d ied in d e spair(失望).When Jasonwas on his b urial(葬礼),Dr.Smith gave Sams letter to him.The letter read,“Dear Jason,I have kept my promise to give you my eyes if anything had happened tot
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