佳句展示佳句展示名师点拨名师点拨1.(2009年山年山东东卷,卷,22T)We are invited to a party to be held in our club next Friday.我我们们被邀被邀请请参加下周五在我参加下周五在我们们俱俱乐乐部部举举行的聚会。行的聚会。(to be held作作后置定后置定语语表将来表将来)2.(2009年湖北卷,年湖北卷,29T)Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request in the form of a question.如果你以如果你以问题问题的形式提出要求,的形式提出要求,那么会那么会显显得更有礼貌。得更有礼貌。(in the form of.以以的形式的形式)3.(2009年四川非延考区年四川非延考区)In the United States,there is always a flow of people to areas of the country where more jobs can be found.在美国,在美国,总总有一些流有一些流动动人口涌入人口涌入那些可以提供大量就那些可以提供大量就业岗业岗位的地位的地区。区。(where引引导导定定语语从句修从句修饰饰areas of the country)1 n幻想,想像2n叙述;描写;报道3 n同伴;伙伴4 vi.说谎;撒谎5 vt.(使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失措6n外形;轮廓7 vt.打扰8 vt.与相似9 vt.警告10 adj.(描述)生动的,逼真的fantasyaccountcompanionliepanicoutlinedisturbresemblewarnvivid11 vi.(雨)倾盆而下12 n遮蔽物;栖身之地13 vt.塑造;创作14 vt.强迫;迫使15 vt.解决solution n解决16 adj.好奇的curiosity n好奇poursheltercreateforcesolvecurious17 n恐惧;害怕frighten vt.使害怕/恐惧frightening adj.令人害怕的frightened adj.感到害怕的18 adj.坚决的determine v决定determination n决心19 vt.确立;确定;建立establishment n建立;确立frightdeterminedestablishaccount n叙述,描写;报告;账单;账户;vi.解释,说明(1)account to sb.for sth.对于向某人作满意的交待account for解释,说明(2)take.into accounttake account of.把考虑在内,斟酌give an account of.报告,叙述,说明(3)on account of因为,由于on no account决不I cant account for his failure,which only he himself knows.我不能说明他为何失败,也只有他本人知道。She gave the police a full account of the incident.她向警方详细地叙述了所发生的事情。My father asked me to open an account in the bank near my school.我爸爸让我在学校附近的银行里开了个账户。We must take everything into account before the exam.在考试之前,我们必须把各种情况都考虑在内。On no account must you put your hand in the tigers cage.千万不要把手伸进虎笼。He had to leave his beloved basketball team on account of his injured legs.因腿部伤痛他不得不离开了自己深爱的篮球队。lie v说谎,撒谎;躺;位于;n.谎言(1)lie to sb.向某人撒谎(2)lie on ones back/side/stomach仰卧/侧卧/俯卧(3)tell a lie/lies撒谎a big lie弥天大谎a white lie善意的谎言a black lie恶意的谎言She lied(to them)about her age in order to get the job.她为了得到那份工作(向他们)谎报了年龄。He said hed never been there,but he was lying.他说他从来没去过那儿,可他是在撒谎。He told a lie to his mother that he borrowed some money from a classmate of his.他对他妈妈撒了个谎说他从一个同学那里借了一些钱。In order to avoid being punished,he told a lie.为了逃避惩罚,他撒谎了。辨析:lie与lay中文中文原原形形过过去去式式过过去分去分词词现现在在分分词词说说明明放,放,下蛋下蛋laylaidlaidlaying及物及物动词动词躺躺lielaylainlying不及物不及物动词动词说谎说谎lieliedliedlying不及物不及物动词动词The little boy lying on the ground lied that his cock laid an egg.躺在地上的小男孩撒谎说他的公鸡下了一只蛋。Its harmful for the eyes to read a book lying in the bed.躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国的东部。She laid the baby on the bed.她把婴儿放在床上。panic(panicked,panicked,panicking)n惊慌;恐慌;vt.使恐慌;使惊慌失措(1)be in a panic处在惊慌中get into a panic陷入惊慌中in a state of panic惊恐万状cause a panic引起恐慌(2)panic at.因(听到/看到)而惊慌panic sb.into doing sth.使某人惊慌地做 On hearing the news of earthquake,people got into a panic.听到地震的消息,人们变得恐慌起来。The audience were thrown into a panic when the fire started.一起火观众顿时陷入一片慌乱。Tom will keep calm and will not be in a panic in case of any emergency.汤姆在任何紧急情况下都能保持镇静,从不会惊慌。The crowd panicked at the sound of the gunfire.那群人听到枪声后惊慌失措。The banks were panicked into selling dollars.银行惊恐地抛售美元。curious adj.好奇的,爱探究的,渴望知道的;奇怪的(1)be curious to do sth.好奇地去干某事be curious about sth.对某事好奇Its curiousthat.真是奇怪(2)curiosity n好奇心out of curiosity出于好奇Children are curious about everything around them.小孩对周围的事情感到好奇。The little boy was curious to know what his mother put in the box.这个小男孩对妈妈放在箱子里的东西十分好奇。It is curious that he should have asked you that question.真奇怪他居然问了你那种问题。Out of curiosity,I opened my fathers drawer.出于好奇,我打开了父亲的抽屉。warn vt.警告,告诫,预告,提醒(1)warn sb.of/against sth.提醒/警告某人注意某事warn sb.(not)to do sth.提醒某人(不)做某事warn(sb.)that提醒某人,预先通知warn sb.against(doing)sth.提醒某人提防(不做)(2)warning n提醒;警告;adj.警告的,预告的We all warned him not to drive in the downtown before he got a driving permit.我们都警告他在拿到驾证之前不要开车到闹市。The doctor warned the patient against smoking;at the same time,he never stopped smoking.医生告诫病人不要吸烟,可是他从来没停止过吸烟。He warned me to stay away from those people.他警告我离那些人远点。I warn you that you must knock at the door before entering my office next time.我警告你,下一次进我的办公室要先敲门。disturb(1)vt.&vi.妨碍,打扰(睡眠、工作等)The noise in the street disturbed my study.街上的噪音干扰我学习。I am sorry to disturb you,but can I talk to you for a moment?很抱歉打扰你,我能跟你谈一会儿吗?(2)vt.扰乱,搞乱The wind disturbed the newspapers on the desk.风吹乱了桌上的报纸。A light wind disturbed the surface of the water.一阵微风打破了水面的平静。(3)vt.使心神不宁I was disturbed to hear of his illness.听到他生病了,我很不安。辨析:disturb与interrupt(1)disturb打扰;扰乱;妨碍,但不一定使中断Playing with mobilephones in class can disturb other students study.上课玩弄手机会影响其他同学的学习。(2)interrupt打断,打扰,阻断,往往使中断We have to interrupt you,because your speech has gone beyond the time limit.我们不得不打断你,因为你的演讲已经超时了。1At times the balance in nature is_,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.AtroubledBconfusedCdisturbed Dpuzzled【解析】句意为:自然平衡不时地受到干扰,结果导致许多不可预见的影响。trouble麻烦,烦恼;confuse使混乱;disturb打扰;puzzle使迷惑。因此,只有C项符合句意。【答案】C2He_and ran as fast as he could to safety.Apaniced BpanickedCto panic Dpanicking【解析】句意为“他很惊慌,赶快跑到安全的地方”。panic的过去式和过去分词是panicked;另外,空白处是句子的谓语,非谓语形式是不能独立作谓语的。【答案
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