Task 1:Warming up,ListeningUnit 5Task 2:Speaking,Word StudyTask 3:ReadingTask 4:Integrating Skill,Grammar Task 5:Assessing Teaching goals:1.Talk about films,famous actors and directors;2.Practise making comments and giving opinions;3.Use the Attributive Clause with prepositions,such as in which,when,where and why;4.Learn to write about a film.Warming UpJurassic ParkJurassic ParkWarming Up1.strange man.girl,robot,taller,wood,science fiction film,future2.large,meat-eating,big teeth,science fiction film3.three persons,thin,strong,map animation film,history4.two,fly,sword,attack,history,historical filmWarming upListening Text:In the Dialogue,R=reporter,L=Malcolm LanglandR:Today,on your programme about the history of modern theater and film,we will interview Mr.Malcolm Langland.He is a famous actor who plays the leading part in the studio,Mr.Langland.L:Thank you.It s a pleasure to be here.R:As a first question,I should like to ask you how your career in the theatre started.Have you always wanted to be an actor?L:No,not really.When I was a student,I hoped to become a teacher.I sometimes dreamt of being a film_star,but I grew up in a small town in the West.People there don t havebig dreams.When I was young,I looked only town.We lived far away from the big cities.We didn t evenhave a theater.Films were shown in The school library.there wasn t a lotto do.R:When you were eighteen years old,you went to university in Melbourne._ _ You studied law.Why didn t you study father art?L:Because my father didn t not want me to study art.He said that I could never find a good job as an art student.My father wanted me to study medicine,or engineering.Well,Ichose to study law.It was boring to me.In my free time,I joined a StudentClub.I spent many,many evenings _There.We used to sing,dance and act on the stage.R:And when did you decide to become an actor?L:When I met my wife Fiona at the Student Club.She made me leave university and start a career with her in the theatre.R:You had a job in the theaterbefore playing in your first film.How did _It was a small beginning,but it was the beginning of my career.L:In the first film I acted.I was onlygiven a small part.It was The Dream Machine.Fiona introduced me to thedirector I was only a beginning actor,And didn t have any experience.that come about?Thats all._SpeakingSpeaking1.Can you tell us something about the place where you grow up?2.Can you tell us something about the time when you were young?3.What are your dreams?4.What made you decide to become anactress?5.Why did you start working in film?6.What roles did you act?1.Where did you grow up?2.Can you tell me something about the time when you were young?3.What made you decide to become an actor and how?4.What made you stay in the film world?5.What roles did you act?Reading Steven Spielberg was one of the famous film directors and producers in America.He began to make films when he was 12.In 1975 the film Jaws was directed by him was very successful.From then on he made many movies,Introduction of SpielbergSuch as Alien ET The Color Purple,Empire of the Sun and so on.In1983 he made two films:Jurassic Park,Schneider s List.In 1999 he made a film named Saving Private Ryan.He won twoOscar as best Director for them.Spielbergs filmsSpielbergfilmsAnswer the questions:1.Why did Spielberg study English instead of film?2.Why were people who saw the Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?3.How important is his family toSpielberg career?4.What was Spielbergs dream?5.What have you learnt from readingabout Spielberg?The answers to1.Because his grades were not good enough to go to the Film Academy.2.Because they remembered the scenes in which swimmers were attacked or eaten by the shark.3.Spielberg says that he owes much of his career to his family.post-reading4.When Steven Spielberg was young his dream was to go to the Film Academy.5.Working hard and believing in your dream will make your dreams come true.Thats all.The main idea of each paragraph:Para1:Spielberg was passionateabout film from a very early age;Para2:Spielberg couldn t go tothe Film Academy;Para3:Something about Jaws;Para4:Something about ET;Para5:Something about JurassicPark;Para6:Something about his warFilms;Para7.Spielberg owes much of success to his wife and children.Language points:1.While still a student,she played roles.While still a student相当于相当于while shewas still a student.在英语中有些表在英语中有些表示时间,条件,方式或让步等从句示时间,条件,方式或让步等从句有时可省略一些成分:如果从句的有时可省略一些成分:如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致(或者是从主语和主句的主语一致(或者是从句的主语是句的主语是it),而且从句谓语中),而且从句谓语中又包含,那么这个主语和又包含,那么这个主语和be动词动词都可省略。例如:都可省略。例如:1).Dont talk while(you are)eating.2).They looked around the room as if(they were)looking for something.3).The boys will go out to play footballWherever(it is)possible.2.Meryl Streep made her first film,called Julia in 1977.called Julia 在句中作定语,相当于定在句中作定语,相当于定语从句,例如:语从句,例如:a girl called Mary 2.Before method of usingBefore:-e.g.It was a long time before I got to sleep last night.Special method of using:1)do not wait-He went out before I ha
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