.重点单词聚焦重点单词聚焦1We shall not arrive at our _(目目的的地地)before evening if we dont hurry.答案:答案:destination2The beautiful sunny morning put me in an unusual light hearted _(心情心情)答案:答案:mood3You break the law if you drive without a driving _(许许可可证证)答案:答案:permit4The money will be used to_(提提供供)the school with new computer equipment.答案:答案:provide5This book is one of the most_(给给人人印印象象深深刻刻的的)novels of recent years.答案:答案:impressive6China is sure to lead the way in_(探索探索)space.答案:答案:exploring7The number of private cars running on the street should be_(限制限制)答案:答案:limited8Im afraid this isnt a very_(方便的方便的)moment to see you.答案:答案:convenient9After you buy something from a shop,you will be given a_(收据收据)for your payment.答案:答案:receipt10She argued with the taxi driver after refusing to pay her _(车费车费)答案:答案:fare.重点短语扫描重点短语扫描1 与与相连相连2 被困在被困在3 立刻,马上立刻,马上4 到处旅行,四处走动到处旅行,四处走动5 正在建设之中正在建设之中6 关上关上(电灯、电视等电灯、电视等);断掉;断掉(电源电源)7 保持冷静保持冷静8 情绪、心情很好情绪、心情很好9 没门,肯定不没门,肯定不10 而且,此外而且,此外be connected tobe/get stuck inin no timeget aroundunder constructionswitch offkeep coolbe in a good moodno waywhats more.课文原句突破课文原句突破1Simply raise your hand,_a taxi appears in no time.只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来。只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来。答案:答案:and2Tricycles_ _ _if you want to explore the narrow alleys(hutong)of old Beijing.如果你想探究一下老北京狭窄的胡同,乘坐三轮车是值得的。如果你想探究一下老北京狭窄的胡同,乘坐三轮车是值得的。答案:答案:are worth using3You should_ _listen to the teachers and your classmates pronunciation,_ _to tapes and broadcasting.你不但你不但应应听你老听你老师师和同学和同学们们的的发发音,而且音,而且应应听听录录音音带带和广播。和广播。答案:答案:not only;but also4There was_ _I was going to catch the plane.我不可能赶上我不可能赶上飞飞机。机。答案:答案:no way5 _ _,central London shops did not lose business_ _there were fewer cars.而而且且,位位于于伦伦敦敦中中心心的的商店即使只有商店即使只有较较少的汽少的汽车经过车经过也没有减少生意。也没有减少生意。答案:答案:Whats more;even thoughpermit v允允许许;容;容许许;许许可;可;n.许许可可证证;执执照;通行照;通行证证(教教材材原原句句P12)You should check the cab has a business permit,and make sure you ask for a receipt.你得确保出租你得确保出租车车有有营业执营业执照,并且一定要索要照,并且一定要索要发发票。票。You cant work here without a work permit.没有没有许许可可证证你就不能在你就不能在这这里工作。里工作。Visitors are not permitted to take photographs.参参观观者者请请勿拍照。勿拍照。My parents didnt permit my going with you.我父母不准我和你一起去。我父母不准我和你一起去。Well have a picnic in the woods,weather permitting.如果天气好,我如果天气好,我们们将在将在树树林里野餐。林里野餐。1.(2011宁宁夏夏银银川川一一中中高高三三月月考考)The local government announced that only when the fire was under control_to return to their homes.Athe residents would be permittedBhad the residents been permittedCwould the residents be permittedDthe residents had been permitted解解析析:“only状状语语”位位于于句句首首要要用用部部分分倒倒装装的的结结构构,另另外外本本句句用用了了permit sb.to do的结构,其被动语态形式为的结构,其被动语态形式为sb.be permitted to do。答案:答案:Cprovide v提供提供(教教材材原原句句P12)Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing.在北京公共交通在北京公共交通(为为人人们们)提供了低价位的出行方式。提供了低价位的出行方式。These books will provide us with all the information we need.这这本本书书将将为为我我们们提供所需要的全部信息。提供所需要的全部信息。The sun provides us with light and heat.(The sun provides light and heat for us.)太阳供太阳供给给我我们们光和光和热热。I will accompany you provided that I am well enough.只要我身体好,我将陪伴你。只要我身体好,我将陪伴你。He offered me help when I was in trouble.我困我困难时难时他主他主动动帮了我。帮了我。This shop supplies us with all we need.这这家商店家商店给给我我们们提供了我提供了我们们所需要的一切。所需要的一切。2.His son _ the old man with all the food and the money he needed.Aprovided BfedCafforded Dcharged解解析析:句句意意为为:老老人人的的儿儿子子提提供供给给老老人人所所需需的的食食物物和和钱钱。provide sb.with sth.提供给某人某物。提供给某人某物。答案:答案:A3In order to reduce the unemployment rate,many jobs are _ to the graduates by the local government.Aprovided BsuppliedCoffered Dafforded解解析析:句句意意为为:为为了了减减少少失失业业率率,当当地地政政府府给给大大学学毕毕业业生生提提供供了了许许多多工工作作。offer主主动动提提供供,符符合合句句意意。作作“提提供供”讲讲时时,provide的的搭搭配配是是provide sth.for sb.或或provide sb.with sth.;而而offer则则是是offer sb.sth.或或offer sth.to sb.;afford负担得起,买得起,常与负担得起,买得起,常与can或或be able to连用。连用。答案:答案:Cconvenient adj.便利的;方便的;就近的便利的;方便的;就近的(教教材材原原句句P12)Trains are fast and convenient,but rush hours can be terrible.地地铁铁方便快捷,但在高峰期,情况会很糟糕。方便快捷,但在高峰期,情况会很糟糕。Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.只要你方便,随只要你方便,随时过时过来看我。来看我。Trains are fast and convenient,but rush hours can be terrible.城城铁铁方便快捷,但上下班高峰方便快捷,但上下班高峰时时也会也会拥挤拥挤得可怕。得可怕。Our house is very convenient for schools and stores.我我们们的房子离学校和商店很近。的房子离学校和商店很近。These things all bring great convenience and delight to peoples lives.所有所有这这些些东东西都西都给给人人们们的生活的生活带带来了极大的便利和来了极大的便利和欢乐欢乐。Come by to pick me up at your convenience.在你方便的在你方便的时时候,候,请请来接我。来接我。4.Have you decided which house to buy?No,not yet.I must find a house that is_for all kinds of transportation.Aconvenient BappropriateCavailable Dcontent解析:解析:convenient方便的;便利的,其主语通常是物,符合题意。方便的;便利的,其主语通常是物,符合题意。答案:答案:A5(山山东东高高考考)Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?Afree BvacantChandy Dconvenient解解析析:句句意意为为:四四点点钟钟接接我我并并把把我我送送到到机机场场,你你方方便便吗吗?It is convenient for sb.to do sth.某人做某事很方便。某人做某事很方便。答案:答案:Dget stuck in卡住,陷入卡住,陷入(教材原句教材原句P11)Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam?你曾被困于交通阻塞中你曾被困于交通阻塞中吗吗?Help!Im stuck in the mud!救命啊!我陷救命啊!我陷进进泥里不能泥里不能动动了!了!We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.我我们们因交通堵塞而受阻一个小因交通堵塞而受阻一个
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