Unit 1Lifestyles生活方式生活方式真真题题回放回放(2010辽辽宁卷宁卷)你校学生会需招聘一名留学生做英你校学生会需招聘一名留学生做英语语学学习顾问习顾问,请请你以短文形式写一你以短文形式写一则则招聘启事。内容主要包招聘启事。内容主要包括:括:母母语语是英是英语语,汉语汉语流利者流利者优优先先解答英解答英语语学学习问题习问题,协协助助组织组织英英语语活活动动每周每周4小小时时,报报酬面酬面议议联联系人:李系人:李华华(Tel:13011223344)真真题题回放回放注意:注意:1.词词数数100左右;左右;2可以适当增加可以适当增加细节细节,以使行文,以使行文连贯连贯;3启事启事标题标题和和结结尾已尾已为为你写好。你写好。English Study Advisor Wanted_Students UnionYucai High School佳作展示佳作展示English Study Advisor WantedThe Students Union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term.The main responsibilities of the advisor include helping students to practice their oral English,answering their questions,and helping organize activities such as singing English songs,English evenings,or lectures on interesting topics.佳作展示佳作展示The applicant should be a native speaker of English.Fluency in Chinese is preferred.The advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week.If you are interested,please call Li Hua at 13011223344 for an interview.Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview.Students UnionYucai High School.重点单词聚焦重点单词聚焦1We must try to find a p_solution to the conflict.答案:答案:peaceful2We feel quite bored whenever we watch too many a_on TV.答案:答案:advertisements3Listening to soft music can help you get rid of your s_in a way.答案:答案:stress4A_(挑战挑战)is an opportunity to prove your ability to yourself and others.答案:答案:challenge5At that moment we all_(支持支持)his decision and he succeeded at last.答案:答案:supported6Many students keep_(抱怨抱怨)about their too much homework.They almost have no time to relax themselves.答案:答案:complaining7He_(毕业毕业)from Tsinghua University last year and he is working in a big company now.答案:答案:graduated8My father told me if there is a stealer,_(拨打拨打)110 as soon as possible.答案:答案:dial9Charlie thinks money will_(解决解决)all his problems.答案:答案:solve10He was getting_(bore)with doing the same thing every day.答案:答案:bored11Reducing damage to the area is a matter of great_(urgent)答案:答案:urgency12My brother is very popular.He has a very good_(society)life.答案:答案:social13It is difficult to know Jack,because he always keeps others at a_(distant)答案:答案:distance.重点短语扫描重点短语扫描1_把开关打开,接通把开关打开,接通2_ 把把关掉,关上关掉,关上3_ 转换频道;转变转换频道;转变4_(爆竹、铃等爆竹、铃等)响响5_ 占据占据Switch onSwitch offSwitch overGo offTake up6_ 充满着充满着7_ 忍受,遭受忍受,遭受8_ 给给施加压力施加压力9_ 为为做好准备做好准备10_ 此刻,目前此刻,目前11_ 数年间数年间Be filled withSuffer fromPut pressure onBe prepared forAt the momentOver the years12_ 换衣服,更衣换衣服,更衣13_ 轮流做某事轮流做某事14_ 在在中起作用中起作用15_ 追上,赶上;想出,找到追上,赶上;想出,找到16_ 盼望,期望盼望,期望17_ 除除之外还;既之外还;既又又,和,和一样好一样好Get changedTake turns to do sth.Play a role/part inCome up withLook forward toAs well as.课文原句突破课文原句突破1你认为这些人会有什么样的生活方式?你认为这些人会有什么样的生活方式?What kind of lifestyle_ _ _the people have?答案:答案:do you think2我总是第一个到达办公室的人。我总是第一个到达办公室的人。I am always the first person_ _ _ _ _.答案:答案:to get to the office3有可能不止一个答案。有可能不止一个答案。_ _ _answer is possible.答案:答案:More than one4通常,地铁太拥挤了,我找不到地方坐。通常,地铁太拥挤了,我找不到地方坐。Usually,its _crowded _I cant find anywhere to sit.答案:答案:so;that5他和我学习同样的课程!他和我学习同样的课程!Hes on_ _course_ me!答案:答案:the same;as6在伦敦,这被人们称之为地铁。在伦敦,这被人们称之为地铁。Thats_ _ _the underground in London.答案:答案:what people call7我们的工作是依需要而定,可能是在一大我们的工作是依需要而定,可能是在一大早,也可能是在半夜。早,也可能是在半夜。We do jobs when they need to be done and_could be early in the morning or late at night.答案:答案:thatmatter vi.要紧,重要,有重大关系;要紧,重要,有重大关系;n.物质;物质;问题;毛病问题;毛病回归课本回归课本P4:As long as I get good marks in my tests,it doesnt matter if I can speak English or not.It doesnt matter whether you agree to the plan or not.你是否同意这个计划并不重要。你是否同意这个计划并不重要。There are several important matters we should discuss.我们有许多重要事情应该讨论一下。我们有许多重要事情应该讨论一下。Believe it or not,that is a matter of life and death.信不信由你,这是个生死攸关的问题。信不信由你,这是个生死攸关的问题。(上海高考上海高考)No matter how hard the rain falls and the wind blows,the police keep to their posts.无论风多大、雨多急,警察一直坚守在岗位无论风多大、雨多急,警察一直坚守在岗位上。上。I didnt know what was the matter.我不知我不知道发生了何事。道发生了何事。To make matters worse,some people do not follow traffic rules.更糟糕的是,有些人不遵守交通规则。更糟糕的是,有些人不遵守交通规则。1.(山东高考山东高考)I cant say which wine is bestits a(n)_of personal taste.AAffairBeventCmatter Dvariety解析:解析:句意为:我不能说哪个酒最好,这句意为:我不能说哪个酒最好,这是一个个人口味的问题。是一个个人口味的问题。a matter of一个一个的问题,符合句意,故的问题,符合句意,故C项正确。项正确。答案:答案:C2(2011银川检测银川检测)You dont need to explain so much about this theory to Peter._,he is clever enough to understand it.AAs a matter of fact BAnywayCIn return DIn a way解析:解析:句意为:你不必向彼得解释这么多句意为:你不必向彼得解释这么多理论。实际上,他很聪明,能够理解它。理论。实际上,他很聪明,能够理解它。as a matter of fact实际上;实际上;anyway无论如何;无论如何;in return作为回报;作为回报;in a way在某种程度上。在某种程度上。答案:答案:Asuppose vt.认为,猜想认为,猜想(1)supposethat从句认为从句认为(2)supposesb./sth.(to be/to have done.)认为某人认为某人/某事物某事物(是是/做了做了)(3)be supposed to do sth.理应做某事理应做某事(4)suppose/supposingthat从句假定,假从句假定,假设设He supposed it was too late to change his mind.他认为改变主意已太晚了。他认为改变主意已太晚了。We supposed them to have finished their homework.我们想他们已完成了作业。我们想他们已完成了作业。I supposed him in his bosss office but Mary supposed him to be with his parents.我我认为他在他老板的办公室,但是玛丽则认为认为他在他老板的办公室,但是玛丽则认为他在他父母那里。他在他父母那里。You are supposed to
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