人教版英版英语八年八年级下册册2023版课件Unit 2 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up Ill help to clean up the city parksthe city parksUnit 2 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up Ill help to clean up the city parksthe city parksW o r d m a g i cW o r d m a g i cW o r d m a g i cW o r d m a g i cseveralsatisfactionownerfeelingjoyaloneraisestrongL e a d i n L e a d i n L e a d i n L e a d i n What are they?Why do they want to do the job?They are volunteers and they volunteer to help people in need.B e f o r e B e f o r e B e f o r e B e f o r e r e a d i n g r e a d i n g r e a d i n g r e a d i n g n1.Where are the boy and the man?Look at the picture and the title on page 11,then answer the questions.Maybe theyre in an animal hospital.n2.What does the man do?Maybe he is an animal doctor.n3.Do the students work for money?Look at the picture and the title on page 11,then answer the questions.No,“Volunteer”tells us they work for free.Students Who Volunteern4.Where are the girls in the picture?Look at the picture and the title on page 11,then answer the questions.Perhaps they are in the library.n5.What are they doing?Theyre reading books.F a s t F a s t F a s t F a s t r e a d i n g r e a d i n g r e a d i n g r e a d i n g Read the article.What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do?Theyre reading books.Students Who VolunteerMario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor.He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job.“Its hard work,”he says,“but I want to learn more about how to care for animals.I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.”Mary is a book lover.She could read by herself at the age of four.Last year,she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.“The kids are sitting in the library,but you can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each new book.Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”1.What does Mario love?2.What does Mary love?Mario volunteers at an animal hospital andMary helps kids learn to read.Circle the infinitives OTheyre reading books.Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor.He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job.“Its hard work,”he says,“but I want to learn more about how to care for animals.I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.”Circle the infinitives OTheyre reading books.Mary is a book lover.She could read by herself at the age of four.Last year,she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.“The kids are sitting in the library,but you can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each new book.Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.I cando what I love to do and help others at the same time.”C a r e f u l C a r e f u l C a r e f u l C a r e f u l r e a d i n g r e a d i n g r e a d i n g r e a d i n g Read and answer the questions.He loves animals.She loves reading books.1.What does Mario love?目目录录2.What does Mary love?Mario volunteered to work at an animal hospital.Mary volunteered for a volunteer after-school reading program.3.Where did they volunteer to work?4.What did they do there?Mario cared for the animals.Mary helped kids learn to read.Structural analysis主题兴趣志愿观点兴趣志愿观点主题P o s t P o s t P o s t P o s t r e a d i n g r e a d i n g r e a d i n g r e a d i n g Use infinitives to complete the sentences below.Theyre reading books.1.Mario would like _ an animal doctor.2.Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants _ about how _ for animals.3.Mary decided _ for a job at an after-school reading program last year.She still works there now _ kids learn to read.4.Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves _.to doto beto learnto careto try outto helpL a n g u a g e L a n g u a g e L a n g u a g e L a n g u a g e p o i n t sp o i n t sp o i n t sp o i n t s1.Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.介词短语作后置修饰语,翻译时应提前。目的状语目的状语2.Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job.马里奥相信这会帮助他获得他的梦想职业。helpsb.(to)dosth.帮助某人做某事;help后的不定式符号to,可以省略。Mikecalledonhissistertohelphimlookforhislostkeys.迈克叫上他妹妹帮助他找钥匙。3.but I want to learn more about how to care for animals.但是我想学习更多关于如何照顾动物的事。wanttodosth.sth.想要做某事。to不定式做want的宾语。Grandpawantedtolendussomemoneytobuyanewcar.爷爷想借给我们钱去买一辆新车。4.Last year,she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.她决定去参
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