九年级英语全一册单元模块满分必刷题(人教版) Unit 14【刷基础】(词法句法过关练) 一、单项选择 1.一Everyone should stick to his dream. 一Yes. A life without a dream is like a bird without ________, which can't fly. A.wings B.water C.clouds D.food 2.My father______ me______ newspapers after supper. A.advises; to read B.advises; reading C.advise; to read D.advise; reading 3.Please remember the following things when you are in the museum. ________ , don’t touch the things. Second, don’t make any noise. A.First of all B.By the way C.In fact D.So far 4.—Do you ________ his words? —Sure, I always ________ him. A.believe; believe B.believe in; believe in C.believe; believe in D.believe in; believe 5.I'd like to congratulate you ________ your good grades. A.to B.with C.about D.on 6.Miss Wang is patient ________ me and always encourages me ________ hard. A.to; study B.with; to study C.with; study D.in; studying 7.They hope ________the basketball match. A.win B.won C.to win D.winning 8.I am looking forward to ________ Beijing in the summer holiday. A.visiting B.visit C.visited D.visits 9.—Hurry up! The movie Wolf Warriors Ⅱ ________ for 10 minutes. —OK, I’m coming right now. A.began B.has begun C.has been on D.had begun 10.— I got a message saying my phone number won a prize worth $3,000. — Too good to be true. Don’t ________ it. A.do B.hold C.make D.believe 11.一Could you tell me how to behave politely in public in the UK? 一Yes. ,you should keep your voice down and always queue. A.After all B.First of all C.In all D.At all 12.----_______ people do housework ______twenty years?    ----No, I don’t think so. A.Do; in B.Are; after C.Will; for D.Will; in 13.Now machines do the work ____ men once did by hand. A.Whose B.which C.whom D.who 14.—I wonder ________ . —What about next Saturday? A.what time does she go to work B.when will you watch the movie C.what time is his cousin leaving D.when you can hang out with me 15._____ , he has been to Beijing because he knows so much about the city. A.At last B.However C.Without doubt D.Once in a while 16.—When are you going to _____ for Shanghai ? —Tomorrow morning. A.get off B.turn off C.take off D.set off 17.—Do you still remember ________ this group of friends in 2013?   —Yes. But I forgot where I ________ them. A.seeing; meet B.to see; met C.seeing; met D.seeing; meeting 18.—Have  you ever read the traditional story Yu Gong  Moves a Mountain? —Yes, our teacher often advises us more meaningful traditional books. A.reading B.reads C.read D.to read 19.—It’s his new book, but I think it is more interesting than his other books. —I agree with you. His latest book is up to his highest _________ . A.choice B.standard C.purpose D.wealth 20.He used to ________ problems ________ along with his classmates, but he can get on well with them now. A.have; get B.has; gets C.have; getting D.having; getting 二、根据首字母填空 21.It isn’t an easy t_____ for me to look after the baby. 22.The mother told the boy to go straight a________ and not to look back. 23.—What’s your English l________? —I am afraid it is not that high. Because I have just studied it for one year. 24.Mr. Wang is one of the most popular teachers because he is knowledgeable and c________. 25.The number of trees here almost d________ in two years. 26.The teachers told us to make a s________ of doing chores at home. 27.My mother is very s________ with me. She punishes me every time I make mistakes. 28.I knocked at the door three times in a r________, but there weren’t any answers. 29.I want a white k________ for my birthday. It will match my white computer. 三、根据汉语提示填空 30.She ________ (祝贺) me warmly on my exam results. 31.I am __________(口渴的). Could you give me some water? 32.Mike is interested in history. He wants to get a history _____(学位) in the future. 33.I don’t get a good service today. I want to meet your ________ (经理) of the hotel. 34.Life is full of challenges and difficulties. Only by ________(克服)them can we become stronger. 35.Some teenagers think it hard to meet their parents’ ________(标准)of study. 36.First, I’d like to ________(祝贺)the students who have passed the exams. 37.There are many ladies and ________(绅士)in the meeting hall. 38.Taizhou and Changzhou ________(分离)by the Yangtze River, and a new bridge will connect the two cities in the near future. 39.My mom often tells me to be ________(感激)to those who have helped me. 40.Don’t forget to attend the opening ________(典礼)at half past nine. 41.There is a ten-minute ________(休息)between classes in my school. 42.Many people want to enter fashion ________(行业). 四、用所给单词的正确形式填空 43.The storybook was so interesting that I couldn’t help ________ (read) it in class yesterday. 44.They have some ________ (difficult) in getting to the top of the mountain. 45.My father often encourages me ________ (practice) speaking English. 46.We all received an _______ (invite) to her birthday party. 47.Bob hoped ________ (pass) the exam to
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