一、完型填空(共5题) 1、 A group of boys from a primary school soccer team in Anshun, Guizhou Province, are doing daily training on the playground. The team was made 1 their P. E. teacher Mr. Zeng. And their headmaster Mr. Xiong also 2 a lot. Although the members practice 2 hours every day, playing soccer does not 3 their studies or farm work. Most of these boys’ parents work in big cities far from the village. In the past, they were afraid of showing themselves in public, 4 now through soccer, they have become outgoing, active and brave. And their skills in soccer have improved rapidly by working hard. In a short time, they have 5 the other teams from nearby schools in the city. To open 6 minds, Mr. Xiong encouraged them to join in a “Who’s the King”national soccer game. They did not play well in the 7 . However, with the physical advantages they 8 the game. Unluckily, they were short of 9 in such competitions, so they finally lost 1-0. 10 , after Mr. Zeng moved to another school, Miss Yu took his place. The young teacher who was born in 1985 11 to teach there. She is their soccer coach and also teaches them English, math and other 12 . To her surprise, these village boys are not like 13 she thought. She says that every time the team travels to another city to take part in a soccer game, the kids are just very 14 in themselves. Soccer gives these kids a 15 to see the wonderful things of the outside world. And it makes them strongly believe that they would go beyond (在另一边) the mountains one day. 1 . A . in B . by C . from D . of 2 . A . celebrated B . changed C . supported D . achieved 3 . A . influence B . shake C . afford D . cover 4 . A . or B . so C . for D . but 5 . A . directed B . compared C . beaten D . interviewed 6 . A . her B . our C . his D . their 7 . A . end B . beginning C . middle D . process 8 . A . controlled B . passed C . finished D . recorded 9 . A . experience B . development C . progress D . information 10 . A . Now B . Later C . Before D . Firstly 11 . A . invited B . volunteered C . remembered D . dared 12 . A . challenges B . choices C . purposes D . subjects 13 . A . how B . when C . what D . where 14 . A . confident B . talented C . interested D . rich 15 . A . rule B . role C . chance D . result 2、 A young man went for a job interview in a big company. The employer( 雇主 ) found that the young man’s college grades were excellent. Then he asked the young man who paid for his 1 . The young man told the employer that his parents did and they 2 as laundry( 洗衣店 )workers. The employer noticed that the young man’s hands were 3 and perfect. He asked, “Have you ever helped your parents wash clothes?” “No. My parents always make me study. 4 , they wash clothes faster than I do.” The employer asked the young man to go back home and wash his parents’ 5 . When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands. His parents felt surprised but 6 . Then the young man began to wash their hands slowly. He was in tears. He 7 his parents’ hands were so rough( 粗糙的 )and pale because of washing a lot of clothes in the cold water. There were also many injuries( 伤口 ) in their hands. 8 washing his parents’ hands, the young man quietly washed all the 9 clothes. The next morning, the young man went to the employer’s office. The employer noticed the young man’s 10 hands. He told the young man that he was employed. 1 . A . journey B . training C . education 2 . A . worked B . knew C . moved 3 . A . dirty B . smooth C . ugly 4 . A . Besides B . Except C . However 5 . A . clothes B . feet C . hands 6 . A . sorry B . happy C . angry 7 . A . found B . made C . expected 8 . A . Before B . Through C . After 9 . A . selling B . missing C . remaining 10 . A . nice B . pale C . perfect 3、 When I was a 9-year-old boy, I once decided to run away from home. With some bread in my 1 , I started for the front door and said to Mom, “I’m leaving.” “If you want to 2 , that’s all right,” she said, “but you came into this home with nothing and you can leave the same way.” I threw my schoolbag on the floor 3 and started for the door again. “Wait a minute,” Mom said, “You didn’t wear 4 when you were born.” This really made me get mad. I 5 my clothes-jacket, shoes, socks, underwear and all, shouting, “Can I go now?” “Yeah,” Mom answered, “but if you close that door, don’t come back again.” I was so 6 that I shut the door and started again. When I stepped out, I suddenly realized that I was outside with no clothes on. Then I saw three girls walking towards our house. I ran to 7 behind a big tree quickly. After a while, I was sure the girls had walked away. I rushed to the front door and knocked on it loudly. “Who’s there?” I heard. “It’s Mike! Let me 8 !” The voice behind the door answered, “Mike doesn’t live here anymore. He ran away from home.” I begged, “Mom! Mom! I’m 9 your son. Don’t keep me out of the door!” Mom 10 the door with a sm
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