【高考专题辅导】四川省【高考专题辅导】四川省 20212021 版高考英语阶段滚动卷版高考英语阶段滚动卷(二)(二)(建议用时建议用时:40:40 分钟分钟).单项填空.单项填空1.The research is importantit confirms the link between aggression and alcohol.A.thatB.by thatC.in which D.in that2.(2020泉州模拟)With some technical problems to be solved,it may be a whilethe system is put into use.A.whenB.afterC.sinceD.before3.(2020成都模拟)There will be times in lifeyou meet with disappointmentand life wont always turn outyou want.A.which;the momentC.that;howB.in which;thatD.when;the way4.How much do I owe you for the beautiful dress?.Its a gift for your birthday.A.Forget itB.My pleasureD.Its for freeC.Think nothing of it5.(2020温州模拟)I have always been honest and straightforward,and it doesntmatterIm talking to.A.who is it thatC.it is who thatB.who it is thatD.it is whom that6.he wanted to tell me,he told me,was his experience in Yaan,SichuanProvince in April in 2020.A.WhatB.ItC.AsD.That7.You must consider what to do in situationsthere are many people involved.A.asB.whenC.thatD.where8.The president was so absorbed in his work that not a sound.A.did she dare to makeC.she dared makeB.dared she to makeD.she did dare to make-1-/99.David has made up his mind to continue with his studies.and.A.So he has;so have IC.So he has;so I haveB.So has he;so have ID.So has he;so I have10.I think they failed to accomplish the task,?A.do IB.dont ID.didnt theyC.did they.完形填空.完形填空A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness.His legs were so badlyhurt that he couldnt move.What was1was he found himself unable to ask forhelphis mobile phone went out of2as a result of exhausted battery.Nothing couldbe done but to 3in cold wilderness.It was 8 hours later that day broke,and thenthe4of the rescue.It is almost5that he could stand the horror in the darknessfor so long.Even more surprising was his6:“First of all I checked up my7conditions and found myself not in mortal(致命的)danger.As there was no8to callfor help,I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from9.Inthis way I dozed(打盹)off.”His story put an end to my regret for the10of an exploration adventure thathappened last year.A group of young men11to explore a mountain cave and got lost.12to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously withouta sense of13.Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion.According to the14people that found them,the place where they got lost was only about 10 metersaway from the15of the cave.If they stayed on the spot when they lost their wayand tried to16themselves,they would probably sense a faint(柔弱的,模糊的)lightglimmering(闪耀)not far away.Dont you think that you can compare it with 17itself?When you meet withobstacles in life and work,you are lost in darkness.18you its unclear yetand you neednt put up struggle19.It seems to be a negative attitude,20a person who can afford to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage inthe first place.-2-/91.A.hopelessB.worseC.moreD.best2.A.servicework3.A.crysleep4.A.delayarrival5.A.untrueC.true6.A.planC.explanation7.A.physicalmedical8.A.methodstrength9.A.rottingC.hurting10.A.lossC.disappointment11.A.hadplanned12.A.WillingC.Determined13.A.hearingdirection14.A.rescuebrave15.A.endside16.A.saveB.wayB.lieB.successB.mentalB.wayB.managedB.sightB.villageB.topB.help-3-/9C.orderC.waitC.teamB.unimaginableD.uselessB.decisionD.excuseC.workingC.toolB.spreadingD.bleedingB.failureD.sadnessC.triedB.UnableD.DecidingC.feelingC.localC.openingC.stopD.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.calm17.A.adventureC.lifeB.workD.mankind18.A.MindC.ImagineB.WatchD.Warn19.A.reallyC.carefullyB.immediatelyD.hopefully20.A.andC.but.阅读明白得.阅读明白得B.soD.whileSurfing the Internet,playing games and hanging out on socialnetworks are important for teen development,a large study of onlineuse has revealed.More than 800 teenagers and parents took part in the three-yearUS project.“They are learning the technological skills and literacy needed for thecontemporary world.They are learning how to communicate online,craft a publicidentity,create a home page,post links.All these things were regarded assophisticated 10 years ago but young people today take them for granted,”said thereports author,Dr Mimi Ito.Geeking outGeeking outOver the period of the study,researchers observed users for more than 5,000hours.The aim of the Digital Youth Project was to provide an“ethnographical(人种论的)view of how children use social media to socialize,learn and relax”.Dr Ito said that connecting online with friends via social networks such asMySpace and Facebook was where teens now“hang out”,compared to t he usual publicplaces like shopping malls,the street and parks.She also said the Internet provided a core group of teens with the opportunityto explore their own creativity and“take a deep dive into a subject”.-4-/9The report referred to this behaviour as“geeking out”.Digital gapThe researchers discovered a digital divide between those who have access tothe web and those who do not.“The quality of access is what matters for some kids who have to just rely
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