新课标人教版教学设计设计内容:高 一 必u n i t 3 R e a d i n g:J ou r n e y D ow n T h e M e k on g单位:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.姓名:._ _ _ _ _ _.联系电话:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _电子邮箱:一、设计思想与教学策略本课时是阅读课,重在培养学生的阅读理解能力和阅读技能。但阅读课并不是孤立的阅读策略和阅读技能的训练。听说写的技能在阅读课上也可以进行渗透,以读为主,以听说写促读,各项语言技能有机结合,提高综合运用语言的能力。笔者在教学中先从说入手,让学生谈论河流的话题,然后过渡到阅读课文,让学生进行略读、找读和细读,培养学生的阅读策略与阅读技能。之后,针对阅读文章所体现的语言特点,让学生寻找文中作者怎样用不同的表达形式来表述相同的意思。阅读课文的最后一段文字不仅文字优美,而且运用了一系列表时间顺序的词,是学生书面表达应该学习的内容。所以,笔者在设计时,故意将这些词挖空,让学生听录音填空,突出这些词的作用,并让学生将他们灵活运用到对文章内容的复述上。在作业的设计上,笔者旨在引导学生在回顾阅读课文的基础上,将阅读课中所学的语言知识和写作技能运用到写作上来。二、教材分析本单元的中心话题是旅游,通过游记的方式描述旅游见闻。本单元所要学习的游记Journey Down The Mekong由六部分组成。阅读课上所要学习的是第一部分:The Dream AndThe P la n.游记的其余部分分别穿插在Using Language,Listening,以 及workbook的1istening 与 reading task 中。三、学情分析本单元的中心话题“旅游”是学生熟悉且感兴趣的话题。在初中阶段学生也学过类似的话题,包括如何用英语表达祝愿和告别以及交通方式等。但对于阅读文章所描述的湄公河,学生几乎是一无所知。所以学生已有知识储备的不足给阅读文章的学习带来了障碍。基于这一点,笔者在单元内容重组时,将阅读课放在第二课时,第一课时设计成Warming up&Speaking,让学生在课堂上分享讨论从课外收集的有关湄公河的资料和信息,为阅读课做好必要的知识储备。四、教学目标英语课程目标教学目标三维目标领域语言技能能够根据标题预测课文内容读懂课文内容,了解主旨大意,获取重要细节能用联系词来衔接文章的前后内容在学习文章之后,会写相应的名信片知识与技能领域语言知识学习、掌握课文涉及的重要词汇、句型、语法结构学习策略通过小组活动,学会积极交流与合作学习过程与方法领域情感态度尊重和理解对于旅游的不同看法体 会“读万卷书,行万里路”的旅游文化内涵情感、态度领域五、重点难点(1)培养学生的阅读策略,能够准确快速的获取关键信息,了解文章主旨内容(2)能够运用正确的语言表达形式复述课文内容(3)掌握课文中有关词汇,并把他们恰当地运用到书面表达中六、课前准备(1)学生在课前自行预习阅读课文中所要出现的生词和短语(2)教师准备课堂上要使用的多媒体材料,听力材料,以及学生在课堂上学习使用的worksheet.七、教学过程Stepl Lead-in1、Show students pictures of the Nanxi River.And ask them to think over anddiscuss the question with group members.If you 1ive along the Nanxi River,how can you make use of the river?2、Ask students to match the great rivers with their locationsthe great river LocationMekong River 2r EnglandSeine EgyptN ile-Central AfricaGongo -夕U SAmazon/FranceM-h M ississippi/China and Southeast AsiaThames/BrazilAsk students“If you could travel down only one of them,which one would you choose?Why?【设计说明】以优美的楠溪江图片引发学生对河流的兴趣,从学生熟悉的楠溪江入手,讨论人们怎样利用及开发河流资源,然后就世界知名的河流引出沿河旅游的话题,激发学生的想象力,并为文章的学习做好必要的铺垫。Step 2 reading1、PredictingAccording to the title,what do you want to know about the text?(Who?What to see?Where?When?How?Why?)【设计说明】通过预测,激发学生学习文章的兴趣,使学生阅读的目的更准确。2、SkimmingSkim the text quickly,and then match the information about paragraphs and mainideas.The passage contains six parts.What we 11 learn today is Part 1:the dreamand the plan.Try to find what their dream and plan areWang Wei and Wang Kun5 s dream:take a great bike tripMore inforniation about the Mekong River、Wang Wei,s plan:find the source of the aiver and begin thejourney thereto find some specific information:W ho are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?W ho are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter?【设计说明】略读和找读旨在让学生了解文章的主要内容、段落结构及关键信息,以此形成对课文Para 1ParaPara3、ScanningScan the text内容的大体了解。4、Close readingRead the text carefully,and try to fill in the tablePara 1Character(人物)Wang Kun and Wang WeiTheir dreamPara 2Wang Wei believes1)They must begin the journey f rom2)They don9 t need_3)Their journey wi11 be _Wang Kun bel ieves1 )It is too_ to start in Qinghai.It is important _Para 3What they learnedThe Mekong begins at_in the libraryAlong the river,people can see_At last,the river enters_【设计说明】通过细读课文,学生进一步理解文脉,了解王唯和王昆对于旅游的不同态度,并掌握湄公河的具体信息。5、Study reading(1)Read the sentences f rom the text,and try to find the words and expressionswi th the same meaning.1.It was my sister who firsthad the idea to cycle alongthe Mekong River from whereit begins to where it ends.2.When we graduated fromcoll egeT -3.Wang Wei c a i i 一stubborn.4.begin our journey there5.Fina.llv I had tc 刀i v e/M y sister Wang Wei and I havedreamed about taking a greatbikT r)SMinsisted that we find the飞。/Y豆gf the river.-o u T d n t change herminenters Southeast Asia,ittravels slowly through hi 1 Is.(7 last the river9 s deltaRenters the South China Sea【设计说明】本活动的目的,不仅在于让学生学习课文中的新词,更在于让学生学习在书面表达中是使用不同的表达方式来表述相同的内容,避免重复用词。(2)Read the following paragraph and guess the missing words without referringto the text.Close the book and listen to the tape,and try to write the missingwords down.From the atlas we could see that the Mekong River begins at a glacier on a TibetanMountain.,the river is small,and the water is clear and cold.it begins to move quickly.It becomes as it passes through deepval leys,travel 1 ing across western Yunnan province.Somet imes the river enters widevalleys and becomes a.W e were both surprised to learn that half of theriver is in China.it leaves China and the high altitudes,the Mekongbecomes wide,brown and wa r m.i t enters southeast Asia,it travels slowlythrough hills and l ow,and the plains where rice gr ows.,theriver5 s delta enters the South China Sea.一 fir s t Then rapid waterfall After As valleys 4/lastThe underlined words are the 1 inking words that express time.【设计说明】以上填空中的单词既有文章中的生词,也有表时间关系的连接词。通过听力形式完成填空,学生将更多的注意力放在文章前后内容的衔接和语境上,突出了这些词的功能和作用,并为接下来的语言输出打下基础。Step 3、SummaryPut the fol lowing informat ion into the correct order according to the texta.went to the libraryb.had t
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