八年级下册英语基础知识归纳(一)Unit 1 WhatUnit 1 Whats the matter?s the matter?【短语归纳】【短语归纳】1.1.太多太多 too muchtoo muchtemperaturetemperature4.4.看牙医看牙医 see a dentistsee a dentist5 5.做个做个 X X 光检查光检查 get an X-rayget an X-ray6.6.在上敷药在上敷药put some medicine onput some medicine on7.7.发烧发烧 have a feverhave a fever8 8.整个周末整个周末 all weekendall weekendcomputer gamescomputer games10.10.下车下车 get offget off11.11.看医生看医生 go to a doctorgo to a doctor12.12.送某人去医院送某人去医院9.9.玩电脑游戏玩电脑游戏 playplay2.2.躺下躺下 lie downlie down3.3.量体温量体温 take onetake ones stake sb.to the hospitaltake sb.to the hospital13.13.到达到达 get toget to14.14.立刻立刻;马上马上 right awayright away15.15.休息休息 taketakebreaks/take a breakbreaks/take a break16.16.等待等待 wait forwait forthinking twicethinking twice19.19.及时及时 in timein timeoneones surprises surprise22.22.摔倒摔倒 fall downfall downhave a heart problemhave a heart problem17.17.多亏;由于多亏;由于 thanks tothanks to18.18.没多想没多想 withoutwithout20.20.考虑考虑 think aboutthink about21.21.使使.惊讶的惊讶的 toto23.23.踢足球踢足球 play soccerplay soccer24.24.患有心脏病患有心脏病25.25.几个几个;少数少数 a few 26.a few 26.造成麻烦造成麻烦 get into troubleget into troublethe right thingsthe right things28.28.进来进来 come income inhit/sunburnedhit/sunburned第 1 页27.27.做正确的事做正确的事 dodo29.29.对感兴趣对感兴趣 be interested in 30.be interested in 30.被打击被打击/晒伤晒伤 getget31.31.习惯于习惯于 be used tobe used to 32.32.冒险冒险 take risks/take a risktake risks/take a risk33.33.把放把放在某物上在某物上 putput on sth.on sth.34.34.因为因为 because ofbecause of3 35.5.失去生命失去生命 lose onelose ones lifes lifeout(of)out(of)37.37.切除切除 cut offcut off38.38.离开离开;从出来从出来 get out ofget out of39.39.做决定做决定 makemake36.36.用完用完;耗尽耗尽 runruna decision/decisionsa decision/decisions40.40.放弃放弃 give upgive upmountain climbingmountain climbing【用法集萃】【用法集萃】1.1.需要去做某事需要去做某事 need to do sth.need to do sth.doing sth.doing sth.3.3.询问某人某事询问某人某事 ask sb.sth.ask sb.sth.to do sth.to do sth.5.5.同意做某事同意做某事 agree to do.sth.agree to do.sth.(to)do sth.(to)do sth.7.7.想要做某事想要做某事 want to do sth.want to do sth.sb.to do sth.sb.to do sth.9.9.做某事有困难做某事有困难 have problems(in)doing sth.have problems(in)doing sth.be/get used to doing sth.be/get used to doing sth.11.11.用某物去做某事用某物去做某事 use sth.to do sth.use sth.to do sth.to do sth.to do sth.13.13.继续做某事继续做某事 keep on doing sth.keep on doing sth.doing sth.doing sth.第 2 页14.14.介意做某事介意做某事 mindmind12.12.好像做某事好像做某事 seemseem10.10.习惯于做某事习惯于做某事8.8.告诉某人去做某事告诉某人去做某事 telltell6.6.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 help sb.help sb.4.4.期望某人做某事期望某人做某事 expect sb.expect sb.2.2.看见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事see sb.see sb.41.41.掌管掌管;管理管理 be in control ofbe in control of 42.42.去爬山去爬山 gogoUnit 2 IUnit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.ll help to clean up the city parks.【短语归纳】【短语归纳】1.1.分发分发 give outgive out起来起来 cheer upcheer up4.4.建起建起;设立设立 set upset up去去 used to used to7.7.推迟推迟 put offput offmake a differencemake a difference10.10.张贴张贴 put upput uphelp outhelp out13.13.实现实现 come truecome trueout forout for16.16.修理修理 fix upfix up17.17.用光用光 run out ofrun out of18.18.与相像与相像 take aftertake after14.14.照顾照顾;照看照看 care forcare for15.15.参加选拔参加选拔 trytry11.11.打打给给 call upcall up12.12.帮助帮助.摆脱困难摆脱困难8.8.想出想出 come up withcome up with9.9.影响影响;有作用有作用5.5.赠送赠送;捐赠捐赠 give awaygive away6.6.曾经曾经;过过2.2.打扫打扫(或清除或清除)干净干净 clean up 3.(clean up 3.(使使)变得更高兴变得更高兴;振奋振奋19.19.与相似与相似 be similar tobe similar to【用法集萃】【用法集萃】1.1.制订计划做某事制订计划做某事 make plans to do sth.make plans to do sth.ask sb.(not)to do sth.ask sb.(not)to do sth.3.3.过去常常做某事过去常常做某事 used to do sth.used to do sth.do sth.do sth.5.5.有感觉有感觉 get a feeling ofget a feeling ofdifference todifference to7.7.自愿花时间某事自愿花时间某事 volunteer onevolunteer ones time to do sth.s time to do sth.8.8.放弃时间去做某事放弃时间去做某事give up+give up+时间时间+to do sth.+to do sth.第 3 页6.6.对产生影响对产生影响 make amake a4.4.决定做某事决定做某事 decide todecide to2.2.要求某人要求某人(不要不要)做某事做某事9 9 使得做某事对某人来说是可能的使得做某事对某人来说是可能的 make it possible for sb.to do sth.make it possible for sb.to do sth.Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?【短语归纳】【短语归纳】1.1.洗餐具洗餐具 do the dishesdo the dishestake out the rubbishtake out the rubbish4.4.整理床铺整理床铺 make the bedmake the bed5 5.叠衣服叠衣服 fold the clothesfold the clothesclean the living roomclean the living room5.5.搭车搭车 get a rideget a rideout for dinnerout for dinner8.8.至少至少 at leastat least9.9.在外待得晚在外待得晚 stay out latestay out late10.10.帮助做完某帮助做完某6.6.去看电影去看电影 go to the moviesgo to the movies7.7.出去吃晚饭出去吃晚饭 gogo6.6.打扫起居室打扫起居室2.2.扫地扫地 sweep the floorsweep the floor3.3.倒垃圾倒垃圾事事 help out(with sth.)help out(with sth.)11.11.扔下扔下 throw downthrow downall the timeall the time14.14.过来过来 come overcome over15.15.一就一就 as soon as as soon as16.16.带狗去遛带狗去遛12.12.随时随时 any minute nowany minute now13.13.一直一直;频繁频繁;反复反复遛遛 take the dog for a walktake the dog for a walk17.17.惊讶地惊讶地 in surprisein surprise(时间或金钱时间或金钱)spend)spend on on20.20.为了为了 in order toin order to物物 provide sth.for sb.provide sth.for sb.23.23.照顾照顾;照看照看 look afterlook after24.24.照顾照顾 take care oftake care ofresultresult26.26.进入进入 get intoget into【用法集萃】【用法集萃】第 4 页27.27.保持它干净、整洁保持它干净、整洁 keep it clean and tidykeep it clean and tidy25.25.结果结果 as aas a21.21
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