Hm(B fm hmmg EngHsh刘 华 整 理January 7,2012亲爱的同学:在龙年来临之际,首先,祝你们全家幸福!回首我们走过的路,有成功时的欢笑,也有失意时的泪水。求学的路本不平坦,我们要想创造人生的辉煌,要想实现生命的价值,就要敢于承受“地狱”的折磨,“地狱”的挑战。只有经得住暴风雪的扑打,松柏才会更加青翠;只有经得住寂寞的考验,绚丽才会分外娇艳;只有经得住失败的砥砺,生命之树才会郁郁葱葱。寒假是短暂的,在严寒与诱惑面前可以是无所事事,也可以是更进一步。史记曰“知所以自治,然后知所以治人。天下未有不能自治而能治人者也,此百世不易之道也。希望家长和同学能自我管理、相互监督,能经得住诱惑与寂寞的考验,抛弃尘世之喧嚣,在寂寞中寻找文学之美,在寂寞中探索数理之妙。只要踏踏实实做好每一天,相信,严寒和阴霾过后一定有明媚的春光!Happy New Yeail这本小册子包含名题荟萃、美文欣赏和资料汇编三章内容,希望借助于它,能让你的寒假生活更快乐更充实,希望它助你的英语学习更有效更有趣。第一章名题荟萃第二章写作之旅第三章资料汇编第3至32页第33至36页第37至146页第一 章 名 题 荟 萃第一极决单项追措这里汇集的是近年中考出现的经典考题。1 What do you think solve the problem?A you can do B can you do C you can do to D can you do to2 In the past he often made his sister_,but now he is often made_by his sister.22 He is known to the world and has a lot of friendsA to cry;to cry B cry;cryC to cry;cry D cry;to cry3 The teacher told us that the sun in the east.A rises B rose4 He lives in a village there are a lot of trees.C raisesD raisedA there B where C that5 He_ Alice for ten years.A manied to B has married to C has married6 We need fifteen more oeoole our team to do the job.D whichD has been married toA but B except7 They wont allow us at this beach.CaswellD besidesA swimming B to swim8 Is this factory_you visited last week?A that B where9 The reason he was absent from the meeting wasC swam D swimC the one D in whichhis car broke down on the wav.A that;because B why;that10 Is the river through that town very laree?C that;thatD for;thatA which flows B flows C that flowing D whose flows11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen_football on the playground just now.A playing B to be playing C play D to play12 The red rose is the only one_I real like.A which B who C that D whom13 All the apples_ fell down were eaten by the pigs.A those B which C what D that14 Dont forget the day_ you were received into the Youth League.A when B that C at which D where15 I orefer at home to outside.A staying,playing B to stay,play16 The box is_what I saw in the shop.A same as B the same like17 The pen she writes letters is broken.C staying,playC the same thatD to stay,playingD the same asA which B that18 Would vou like to us in our discussion.C with whichD by whichA take part in B join C taking part in19 Pm sure the red team will_the game.A win B beat C defeat20 Ahead of me I saw a woman_ I thought was my aunt.A who B whom C of whom21 vour help,everything in the room is in good order now.joiningD succeedD whoseA Since B BecauseC thanks forD Thanks toA in and out of abroadC at home and at abroad23-Are you going there with them?-If you go,_.AI also go B so do I24-The flower is beautiful.B at home and abroadD in home and out of abroadC so I will D so will IA So is it B So it isC It is so D So it is25 The number of people invited fifty,but a number of them absent fordifferent reasons.A were;was B was;was C was;were D were;were26 We havent had any successA before long B so long C by far D so far27 Travellers _our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing,Hangzhou andmany other places of interest.A for Bto CtillDby28 If a man_succeed,he must work as hard as he can.A will B should C is going to D is to29 I am sorry I didnt do a good job.-Never mind._ you have tried your best.AAbove all Bln all C At all D After all30 The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to_ healthy eating habits.A find B create C develop D prepare31 We have spent_money on English books.A a great deal of B a good many C a plenty of D a number of32 met,it wont be easily forgotten.A If only B When if C Once D Once you were33 The differences_these two pictures_ colour are easy to see.A in,of B from,of C between,in D of,in34 You should put_s at the end of this word.Aa B/C an D the35-W hafs_ population of China?-China has_ population of 1.2 billion.A a;the B the;a CTJ D the;the36 Its_here.We cant work long hours here.A very much cold B much cold C much too cold D too much cold37 terrible weather weve been having these days!A How a B What a CHow D What38 Have you decided when_?-Yes,tomorrow morning.A will you leave B to be leaving C are you leaving D to leave39 The song My heart will go on is liked by the young people.A call B calling C called D to call40 Train services are now back to_after three days of typhoon.A usual B common C ordinary D normal41 He is the best_ English in our class.A at B in C for D to42 The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him_the head.Ain the B on his C on the D in his43 Did John hit Bob_eye?Ain the B on the Cin his D on his44There is_interesting_ todays newspaper.A anything.in B nothing,.in C something,.on45 Has your teacher given you any advice_your study?Ain B to Con46 Ifs bad manners to laugh_others when they are_ trouble.D nothing.,onD withA at,in B over,at C with,onD to,with47 Betty doesnt have enough money to buy that coat.If s very_.The price is t oo.A high,high B expensive,expensive C expensive,high D high,expensive48 This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen comfortably.A wearing B wear C
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