LOI Finding fossil manWe can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the NearEast,where people first learned to write.But there are some partsof the world where even now people cannot write.The only waythat they can preserve their history is to recount it a ssagas-legends handeddown from one generation of storytellers to another.Tliese legendsare useful because they can tell us something about migrations ofpeople who lived long ago,but none could write down what theydid.Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of thePolynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from.The sagas of these people explain that some of them came fromIndonesia about 2,000 years ago.But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago thateven their sagas,if they had any,are forgotten.So archaeologistshave neither history nor legends to help them to find out where thefirstmodem men came from.Fortunately,however,ancient men made tools of stone,especiallyflint,because this is easier to shape than other kinds.They mayalso have used wood and skins,but these have rotted away.Stonedoes not decay,and so the tools of long ago have remained wheneven the bones of the men who made them have disappearedwithout trace.New words and expressionsrecount/rikaunt/v.叙述/reikaunt/再数一次record/rekd/ri kC:d/第一个音节带重音,名前动后叙述:recount:emotionless 重复describedepict:a little emotionalnarrate:temporal&spacial根据时间或空间顺序描述。portray:描述saga,sa:g/n.英雄故事 描述的内容mostly real北欧海盗活动的故事legend/ledVnd/n.传说,传奇 unreal e.g robin hoodanthropologist/AnWrpCldVist/n.人类学家anthrop:人phiiosophere:philo+sopherl爱+智慧=哲学家philanthropist:慈善家(对人有爱心的人)anthropology:人类学带-gy结尾的都是学科:biology生物学 geography地理学ecology生态学remote/rimfut/n.遥远ancestor/Ansest/n.祖先an-在前面forefather,forebear,predecessor 祖先rot/rCt/v.烂掉leave me rot.=leave me alongrot to death.soon ripe,soon rotten.decay国家民族逐渐衰亡decompose逐渐衰竭deteriorate关系逐渐恶化trace/treis/n.痕迹,踪迹trace the problemi follow your trace=i follow where you goPolynesia波利尼西亚poly-多polyandric:a wife with more than one husbandpolygeny:a husband with more than one wifeflint/flint/n.燧石 flinting heartedfossil/,fCsl/n.化石 cobble 鹅卵石read o f读到谈至lj:speak of,talk of,know of,hear ofnear east:近东 mediterranean,south europe,north africfar east非限定性从句,表原因oral(spoken)language is earlier than written language.precede:什么在什么之前,不用比较,直接跟名词counterpart:two things or two people have the same positionoral(spoken)language is earlier than written counterpart.preserve:保 留,保 存(腌制)如果句中有o n ly,那后面的表语结构就要用to do sth,而不是doing sth.storyteller:讲故事的人fortuneteller,palmreader:算命先生migration:移民 1 )migrant 2)immigrantv.migrate:迁移,迁徙migratory bird:候鸟none:no bodypeople+s 民族if they had any:即便是有his relatives,if he had any,never went to visit him when he washospitalized.find out千方百计,费尽周折=乂口10。modem men:thc men who were like ourselveshowever-anywhere you want,力 口 逗 号but,yet一不力口标点,only at the beginning of the sentencetherefore-fl 由s o-自由tool:小工具instrument:实验器械equipment:设备shape:成型;教育,改造may also have:表推测peel:果皮leather:皮革hide:兽皮 cowhide:牛皮without(any)race:无影无踪L 2 Spare that spiderWhy,you may wonder,should spiders be our friends?Becausethey destroy so many insects,and insects include some of thegreatest enemies of the human race.Insects would make itimpossible.for us to live in the world;they would devour all ourcrops and kill our flocks and herds,if it were not for the protectionwe get from insect-eating animals.We owe a lot to the birds andbeasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only afraction of the number destroyed by spiders.Moreover,unlikesome of the other insect eaters,spiders never do the least harm tous or ourbelongings.Spiders are not insects,as many people think,nor even nearlyrelated to them.One can tell the difference almost at a glance fbr aspider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six.How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf?Oneauthority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field inthe south of England,and he estimated that there were more than2,250,000 in one acre,that is something like 6,000,000 spiders ofdifferent kinds on a football pitch.Spiders are busy for at least halfthe year in killing insects.It is impossible to make more than thewildest guess at how many they kill,but they are hungry creatures,not content with only three meals a day.It has been estimated thatthe weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in oneyear would be greater than the total weight of all the human beingsin the country.T.H.GILLESPIE Spare that Spider from The ListenerNew words and expressions flocks and herds 牛群和羊群/flCk/the birds of the same feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分you are the same flock.也 hj 指人herd 多指牛群 cowherd cowboythrong and crowd swarmowe vt.感激欠 i owe you.i owe you a big favor.欠issueoblige indebt appreciate常用 口语词 正式:gratefulthankfulbeast n兽形容人野蛮无比,不能用anim al形容creature可以指小孩,女人,不用于男性.Fraction 小部分 分数,小数 a fraction of rice will sufficeon one s behalf 代表.利益I beat you on your behalf.我打你是为你好 on behalf of somebody/som
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