Unit 9 What does he look like?Section A(1a-2b)BY Yao YanhongNo.14 Middle SchoolNo.14 Middle School1.86m1.25mHeight shortHe is short./hait/(n.高度高度)tallmedium height/mi:dim/(adj.中等的)中等的)He is tall.He is of medium height.1.58m1.71m1.63mShe is tall.She is of medium height.What does she look like?She is-.She is short.What does she look like?She is-.She is thin.She is heavy.thinheavyshort hairlong haircurly hair/k/k:l l i i/straight hair/str ei t/Haircuts/h hee/(n.发型、发式发型、发式)short straight hairlong curly hairshort curly hairlong straight hair What does he/she look like?He/She has-Match the words with the picture.You can use some letters more than once.1.short hair_2.curly hair _3.long hair _4.straight hair _5.tall _6.short _7.of medium height _8.thin _9.heavy_e fb haa e fhfgca dA:Is that your friend?A:Is that your friend?B:No,it isnt.B:No,it isnt.A:What does he look like?A:What does he look like?Is he short or tall?Is he short or tall?B:Well,hes really 1._ B:Well,hes really 1._ And he has 2._ 3._ And he has 2._ 3._1bListen and fill in the blanks below.talltallcurlcurly yhairhair Can you find Amys friend?Guessing gameWhat do he/she look like?He/She-.Who is he/she?2a.Listen and answer the questions.1.Is David tall or short?Hes tall.2.Does Sally have long or short hair?She has long hair.3.Is Peter tall or short?Hes short.2b.Listen again.Fill in the chart.DavidSallyPeteris heavy hastallcurly hairof medium of medium heightheightthinthinlong straightlong straight hair hairshortshortShortShorthairhairWhat does your teacher look like?Summary short hair curly hair long hair straight hair tall short of medium height thin heavy What do you look like?I am thin.I have short hair.What does she look like?She is heavy.She has long straight hair.Homework:Write a short passage about your family.(What do they look like?)Thanks for your listening!
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