(新)人教版新目标七年级英语下册(新)人教版新目标七年级英语下册 Unit5 Why do you like pandas?泰安第十四中学泰安第十四中学 姬明姬明Free talk Practice 2b in Page26.-Lets see the _.-Why do you like?-Because -Where?-Theyre 教学目标1.知识目标:1)练习运用如何描述动物及表述自己对动物的喜好。2)学习谈论动物来自哪里,掌握以下句型:Where are lions from?Theyre from South Africa.2.能力目标:通过听力训练来掌握提高学生们综合听说能力3.情感目标:我们人类应该与动物和谐相处,共同生存,学会关爱动物,保护动物。自主学习自主学习(一)(一)Review the words 1.熊猫 n._ 11.聪明的adj._2.动物园 n._ 12.美丽的adj._3.老虎 n._ 13.吓人的;恐怖的adj._4.大象 n._ 14.有点儿_5.树袋熊;考拉 n._ 15.澳大利亚n._6.狮子 n._ 16.非洲n._7.长颈鹿n._ 17.南非n._8.动物 n._ 18.睡觉v./n._9.可爱的 adj._ 19.友好的adj._10.懒散的adj._ 20.害羞的adj._pandazootigerelephantkoalaliongiraffeanimalcutelazysmartbeautifulscarykind of AustraliaAfricaSouth Africasleepfriendlyshy(二)(二)Show preview(预习展示)(预习展示)1.-Why do you like the cat?-Because its very _ (interest).2.Why do you want _(see)the elephants?3.Lets _(play)football after school.4.He _(sleep)for 12 hours every day.5.Miss Black is from _(Australian).6.-Where_(be)Jane and Kate from?7.The lovely cat is kind of _(害羞的)。8.Theyre dogs.Theyre _(友好的)to us.interestingto seeplaysleepsAustraliaareshyfriendly1.你为什么喜欢熊猫?你为什么喜欢熊猫?_2.因为它们是有趣的。因为它们是有趣的。_3.约翰为什么喜欢考拉?约翰为什么喜欢考拉?_ 阅读阅读Grammar Focus部分部分,完成下列句子。完成下列句子。Because theyre kind of interesting.Why do you like pandas?Why does John like koalas?4.因为它们很可爱。因为它们很可爱。_5.为什么你不喜欢老虎?为什么你不喜欢老虎?_6.因为它们真得很吓人。因为它们真得很吓人。_Because theyre very cute.Because theyre really scary.Why dont you like tigers?7.狮子来自哪里?狮子来自哪里?_8.他们来自南非。他们来自南非。_9.熊猫来自哪里?熊猫来自哪里?_10.他们来自中国。他们来自中国。_Theyre from South Africa.Where are lions from?Where are pandas from?Theyre from China.一、一、why 引引导导的特殊疑的特殊疑问问句。句。用法:用法:why 是是对对原因原因进进行提行提问问的疑的疑问问句,其答句,其答语语多用多用 because 来引来引导导。句子句子结结构构 Why do you+_+其他其他 动词动词原形原形例如:你例如:你为为什么喜什么喜欢欢大象?大象?_ 因因为为它它们聪们聪明。明。_ 知知识识拓展拓展:你:你为为什么不喜什么不喜欢欢?Why dont you like?=Why not+V-原形原形 Why do you like elephants?Because theyre kind of smart.二、二、where 引导的特殊疑问句询问来引导的特殊疑问句询问来自自哪里。哪里。句子结构句子结构 Where+_+名名词词+_?答语:答语:be from主语主语+be+from 考拉来自哪里?考拉来自哪里?_他们来自澳大利亚。他们来自澳大利亚。_ 知识拓展知识拓展:be from=_句型结构:句型结构:_Where are koalas from?They are from Australia.A:Where are pandas from?B:They are from China.=where _pandas_ _?They _ _Chinacome fromWhere+do/does+主语主语+come from?docome fromcome from三、形容三、形容词词在句子中的用法。在句子中的用法。1.形容形容词词在句子中作表在句子中作表语语。置于。置于 _ 之后。之后。如如:大象很大象很聪聪明。明。_狮狮子真得有点吓人。子真得有点吓人。_ Elephants are kind of smart.Lions are really scary.系动词系动词(be)2.形容形容词词在句子中作定在句子中作定语语。形容形容词词+_ 杰克是个杰克是个聪聪明的孩子。明的孩子。_ 这这是一本有趣的故事是一本有趣的故事书书。_ 名名词词Jack is a clever/smart boy.This is an interesting story book.A:_ are lions from?B:_ from South Africa.Do you _ lions?A:No,I dont.B:Why _ you like lions?Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.Then practice the conversation.3abecause theyre do dont cool like why whereWhereTheyrelike dont A:Because theyre really scary.But I like giraffes.B:Really?_ do you like giraffes?A:Well,_ theyre kind of interesting.Do you like pandas?B:Yes,I do.But I like tigers a lot.A:Tigers?Why _ you like tigers?B:Theyre really _!WhybecausecooldoLangue pointa lot 是副词短语,相当于much,在句中作程度状语,表示“很,非常”,修饰动词。例如:Thanks a lot/very much.非常感谢 English will help us a lot in our work and study.英语在我们的工作和生活中帮助很多。1.I like _ because theyre cute.2.I like _ because theyre smart.3.I like _ because theyre interesting.4.I dont like _ because theyre lazy.Write names of animals in the blanks to make sentences that are true for you.3bpandaselephantsgiraffescatsGuess what animals they are.They are beautiful.They are from Africa.They eat leaves.(树叶)(树叶)They are tall.They have a long neck.(脖子脖子)giraffesThey are big.They are really scary.They are from China.They are yellow and black.They are like big cats.They eat other(别的)(别的)animals.They are the king(国王国王)of the mountain.tigersIs the animal smart?Yes,it is.Where is the animal from?Its from India.Is it big and fat?Yes,it is.Its an elephant.Yes,youre right.What do you think of these animals?1.smart _2.friendly _ 3.beautiful _4.cute _ 5.lazy _ 6.scary _7.small _ 8.shy _ dfebfafecI like because Describe the animals in the pictures.I like pandas because theyre kind of shy.I like elephants because theyre kind of smart.I like giraffes because theyre kind of beautiful.I(dont)like because I dont like koalas because theyre really lazy.I dont like tigers because theyre very scary.I dont like lions because theyre really scary.1.smart 3.beautiful 5.lazy 7.small2.friendly 4.cute 6.scary 8.shy Listen and circle the description words you hear in 1a.1bListen again.What words do they use to describe the animals?Fill in the chart.1cAnimalsMarys wordsTonys wordselephantspandasbeautiful,shycuteinteresting,smart lazyTony:Where do you want to go now?Mary:Lets see the _.Tony:The _?Why do you like _?Mary:Oh,theyre _.And theyre really _.Tony:Yes,but theyre _,too.Mary:Oh,Tony!So,where do you want to go?Tony:Lets see the _.Theyre kind of _.Mary:Oh,yeah.I love pandas.Theyre _.But theyre also kind of _.Where are they?Tony:Theyre over there,not far from the_.Listen again and fill in the blanks.elephantselephantselephantsinterestingsmartlazypandascutebeautifulshykoalas1d
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