课题: Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. 第四课时:Section B 1a-1d Teaching and Learning Goals: 一、 功能Functions: 学会电话订餐。 二、词汇和常用表达Words and expressions: 词汇:dumpling,porridge,onion, fish ,pancake 句型:① I like dumplings, fish and orange juice. I don’t like onions, green tea or porridge ② I want to order some food. ③ -What kind of dumplings would you like? -I’d like meat and cabbage dumplings. 三、学习策略Strategies: 学会边听边做笔记,捕捉关键信息。 四、文化知识Culture: 合理安排饮食,均衡营养。 Teaching and learning steps: Preview Look at P58, first ask the Ss to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks. 1.肉 ______________ 2.水饺 __________ 3.粥 _____________ 4.绿茶 ___________ 5.橘汁 __________ 6.汤 ____________ 7.洋葱 __________ 8. 鱼 _________ 9. 小薄饼 ________ 10. 我喜欢水饺,鱼和橘汁。_____________________________________ 11. 我不喜欢洋葱,绿茶也不喜欢粥。_____________________________ Step1.Warming up and lead in: T: This is a House of dumplings. There are many delicious food. Let’s see what they are. (设计意图:利用水饺店的图片设置情境,并以此贯穿始终。) Step2. Before listening Task 1. New words T: Look! There are many delicious foods. What are they? S: They are … Task 2. Pair work T: They are very popular in the dumpling house. The most delicious food is dumplings, there are three specials. Look! What are they? S: They are… S1: What kind of dumplings would you like? S2: I’d like… dumplings. Task 3. A guessing game. T: Many people come to the dumpling house, please guess what kind of food they would like. T: What kind of food would he/she like? S: He/She would like… Task 4. Match the words with the pictures. T: There are many kinds of food on the table. What are they? Can you match the words with the pictures? Task 5. Pair work T: Different people like different food. As for me, I like dumplings and orange juice. I don’t like onions or porridge. What about you? S: I like… and …I don’t like … or… (设计意图:通过以上几个任务的设置, 在情境中练习了生词和目标句型。为后面的活动做好了语言铺垫。) Step3. While listening Task1. Listening for the general idea.(听大意) T: Now let’s listen to a conversation. It’s a call. Please listen and tell me what they are talking about. The general idea of the conversation is_______ A. a call about ordering food B. a call between friends C. a call about sports T: This is an order form. If someone wants to order food, the waiter must fill in it. Let’s see what’s on it? (设计意图:在听细节活动之前展示order form, 以便让学生熟悉表格,为接下来的任务做好铺垫。) Task 2. Listen and complete the food order form. T: Now, please listen to the tape and fill in the order form.( If necessary, play it twice.) Task 3. Listen and complete the blanks. A: Hello, House of Dumplings. B: Hello! I want to ______ some food, please. A: Sure. B: I’d like chicken, fish and cabbage, please. A: Uh-huh. B: And _______ dumplings. A: What kind of dumplings would you like? B: Beef and ______dumplings, please. A: OK. What else? B: Umm … I’d like some ______, too. A: OK. What kind of soup would you like? B: _______ soup. A: OK. One tomato soup then. Would you like any drinks? B: One large green tea and two _____ orange juices. A: OK. What’s your address, please? B: 15 North _____. A: And what’s your telephone number? B: 398-2845. A: 398-2845? B: Yup. A: Thank you. That’ll be 65 yuan. Step4 After writing Task1. Retelling. (设计意图:这一任务是对听力原文的信息转换, 通过这一任务的设置培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过复述引导学生更好地内化语言知识) Task 2. Role play. T: You know the food in the dumpling house is very popular. If you like the food, you can order it on the phone.Now please work in pairs to practice the conversation. A: Hello, House of Dumplings! B: Hello! I want to order some food. A: … B: … You can use these sentences: I’d like … please. What kind of … would you like? Would you like …? What’s your address? What’s your telephone number? (设计意图:培养学生用英语交流的能力,以便在具体的语境下开展有效对话。) Step 5 Inquiry into knowledge by translation(翻译探究) 1、I like dumplings, fish and orange juice. 译为: _____________________________________ 这里的fish用作不可数名词,意为“_________”,无复数形式。fish用作可数名词时,其单数形式和复数形式________, fishes多用来表示___________的鱼。 There are many _______. There are many _______. 2、I don’t like onions, green tea or porridge. 译为:_________________________________________ or用于___________,意为“________”。在肯定句中,一般用_________来连接。 My brother likes noodles, meat and orange juice.(变为否定句) My brother _______ ______ noodles, meat, ________ orange juice. (设计意图:首先让学生先独立思考,然后小组讨论,接着让学生展示自己的成果。鼓励学生在讲台前板书讲解。再次鼓励后进生讲解,运用多元评价进行鼓励学生,采取小组加分的形式,让他们体会学习的乐趣。不再向学
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