七年级英语下第11单元第5课时 Unit 11 How was your school trip? Section B (3a—Self check) 一、【教材分析】 [来源:学科网ZXXK] [来源:学|科|网] 教[来源:学科网ZXXK] 学 目 标 [来源:Zxxk.Com] 知识 目标[来源:学#科#网] 1. 学习掌握以下词汇: 复习词汇: climb → climbed, arrive → arrived, study → studied stop → stopped, get → got, buy → bought, visited the zoo, took some photos, went to the countryside, saw a lot of flowers 2.引导学生复习, 运用自己所学的目标语言,描述自己曾经经历的学校旅行,并对其评价和简述原因。 能力 目标 学会从所学的阅读篇章中吸取供模仿写作的句型和表达,有意识的进行语言输出。 情感 目标 培养学生对所参加的活动怀有积极地情感,学会感恩组织活动的人或单位,从中体验好的东西,丰富课堂内外。 教学重点 让学生掌握与旅行相关的动词短语和描述性形容词,理解阅读篇章中的关于过去的经历的叙述。 教学难点 让学生运用一般过去时态完成笔头输出任务。 教学方法 任务型教学法和分层教学法。 二、【教学流程】 环节 师生活动 I. 复习 热身 1. Revise the words in this unit: Read and have a dictation. Phrases: milk a cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, quite a lot (of…), in the countryside talk with a farmer take some photos grow apples pick some strawberries take them home go fishing go to the zoo visit a fire station climb a mountain along the way teach sb. how to do sth. all in all be interested in It was difficult to do sth. not…at all 2. Revise the target languages : How was your school trip? It was great. What did you do? I fed chickens. Where did you go? I visited a fire station. II. 感知 体验 1.引导学生对单词进行自我检测, 复习所学的词汇。 2. Work in pairs: Ask the students to make conversations according to the phrases above. Every pair makes the conversation at least six sentences. III.强化 巩固 Task 1 Game: 3a Look at the three pictures. Who is the fastest one who can say some phrases that can describe the pictures? Eg: take a bus, take photos, buy gifts Task 2 Description: The teacher show four questions: 1. Where did Bob do? (Bob went to a zoo.) 2. How did he go there? (He took a bus to go there.) 3. What did he see? (He saw many animals.) 4. What did he do there? (He took some photos and bought some gifts.) Ask students to describe the pictures using their own words. Task 3 Read 3a and complete his diary entry. Check the answers: interesting, animals, gift shop, gifts Task 4 3b Read 3b and find the main idea of the diary. (I didn’t like them. It was a boring day.) Complete Linda’s diary entry. Check the answers: boring, saw many animals, the gift shop, they were so expensive Task 5 Ask some of students to read the whole diaries. Encourage and compare them. Task 6 Conclusion. Let students think the points of the traveling diary. Help the students to finish: 1) What was the date? 2) Where did you do? 3) How was the trip? 4) How did you go there? 5) What did you do? / What did you see? 6) Did you like it? / Did you have a good time? / Did you enjoy yourself? IV. 实践 应用 1、 Speaking 让学生大声朗读两篇日记在3a和3b中。鼓励学生背诵并学以致用。 2. Writing 3c Give students enough time to write their own school trip. Teacher walks around and gives them help. Let students check the diaries from each other. Show some good diaries to the class, and explain. V. 总结 反馈 Sum up what they have learned today. 1. Words and sentences 2. The target language. 3. Work in groups. 回顾以往所学过的动词,写出其过去式,根据类别,小组轮流板书在黑板上。再找几位学生复述规则动词过去式的构成规则。齐读所列动词过去式,并且记忆。 4. Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Check the answers: 1) was; was; did, do; fed; swam 2) Did, have; Did, go; went; was saw Ⅵ. 作业 布置 1.写作:请你以一名记者的身份采访你的爸爸或妈妈,谈一下他们最有印象的旅行。写一篇50词的作文。 2.完成同步练习和配套练习册中的练习题。 四、【教后反思】 本节课为复习课,主要教学方式为小组合作学习,整合整个单元知识要点,形成知识体系,谈论能力。鼓励学生自主探究,培养学生善于总结归纳知识,善于反思的品质。
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