Unit 5 why do you like pandas? Section B (2a—2c) 阅读课 第五课时 Teaching and Learning goals 一、语言知识: 1) 能掌握以下单词:friendly, shy, save, symbol, flag, forget, place, water, danger, cut, down, cut down, tree, kill, ivory, over 2) 能掌握以下句型: ① —What animals do you like? —I like elephants. ② The elephants is one of Thailand's symbols. ③ Let's save the Elephants. ④通过阅读训练来让学生们逐步提高英语阅读能力。 二、语言功能: Talk about animals and describe their likes. They practice the reading ability. By reading, they can catch the general idea of the passage, and get the specific information about elephants. After learning, they can write a description of an animal with their own ideas by using the target language. 三、学习策略:阅读策略 1. 依据所给图片,谈论动物及对动物喜欢和不喜欢进行描述。 2.学生快速阅读文章的能力,并从中获取有效信息。 3. 细读文章并解决问题、细读后写下问题的答案,训练了学生的动手能力。 4. 在阅读中尝试概括段落大意,加强篇章的整体理解。 四、情感态度: 动物和人类都生活在同一地球上,动物是我们的朋友。我们人类应该与动物和谐相处,共同生存。我们应当学会关爱动物,保护动物。 Step1 预习检测 Get the students to read the book and put the Chinese into English orally, then write them down without looking at books. 1. 让我们救助大象吧。 2. 大象是泰国的标志之一。 3. 大象可以走很长时间并且从不迷路。 4. 大象处于极大危险当中。 5. 人们砍了很多树,所以大象正在失去它们的家园。 6. 我们必须救助树木并且也不要买象牙制品。 Check the answers on the screen. Step2 Warm up and lead in热身导入 Show a picture : T: What are they? Ss: They are pandas. T: How many pandas are there in China, do you know? If the students don’t know, tell them the answer: about three hundred. T: So, are pandas in great danger? Ss: Yes. T: What animals do you think are in great danger? Show the six pictures (in step 1) again. Students’ answers may vary. T: Elephants are also in great danger. Let’s learn something about elephants today. (设计意图:用可爱的大熊猫的图片激发学生对本课的兴趣,并引出濒危动物----大象,自然地过渡到本课要阅读的文章。) Complete 1a Step3 读前预测 . Look at the pictures and answer some questions. 看图片,回答问题。 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. What can it do? 3. What do you think of it? (设计意图:出示图片让学生回答以上问题,让学生先从视觉感知然后动口,跟有效地进行目标语言练习。) Step4 Show some pictures and let the Ss talk about them. 出示一些图片,并让学生讨论这些图片,并跟读部分新单词。 This is Thailand’s flag. There is a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck. But people kill them for ivory. I don’t think it’s a good idea to buy things made of ivory. At the same time, people cut down many trees and the elephants are losing their home. So the elephants are in great danger. Now, people want to save them. Read the new words following the tape. Then choose the words from the box and complete the sentences. 跟着录音机读29、30页的新单词。并选择恰当的单词,完成下列句子。 forget kill danger cut symbol 1. We should help the people in great _________. 2. Don’t _________ to close the windows after school. 3. The elephant is one of Thailand’s ________ 4. Don’t ________ down trees. Many animals are losing their homes. 5. People _________ elephants for their ivory. While reading (设计意图:让生在短文中学习新单词培养学生的阅读技巧。并从中掌握单词的使用语境。) Step5 1. Fast reading Look through 2b and choose the right answer. 浏览2b,选择最佳答案。 (1) What does this passage talk about? A. What is an Elephant? B. Come to Thailand. C. Elephants. D. Elephants are good pets.[来源: (2) Check(√) the best title for it. What is an elephant? Come to Thailand Let’s Save the Elephants Elephants Are Good Pets学科网 (设计意图:训练学生快速阅读文章的能力,并从中获取有效信息。) ] 2. Careful reading Read 2b and match the headings with the paragraphs. 阅读2b,连线每段段落大意。 Paragraph 1 A. Elephants are in great danger (Facts and figures; How to save them). Paragraph 2 B. Elephants are smart animals (Abilities). Paragraph 3 C. We want to save the elephants (Importance in Thailand). (When you look for the main idea, the first sentence in each paragraph can help you. 当你找寻大意时,每段的首句可以帮助你。) Read the passage again, and complete the mind map. Ⅰ. Read Paragraph 1 in 2b and answer these questions. 阅读2b第一段,回答问题。 1. Where are the students from? __________________________________________________ 2. What is on the Thailand’s first flag? __________________________________________________ 3. What’s the one of Thailand’s symbols? ___________ is one of Thailand’s symbols. Ⅱ. Read Paragraph 2 in 2b and fill in the blanks. 阅读2b第二段,填空。 Elephants are 1._____. They can 4.______very well. 2._____soccer or music. 5._______ places with food and water. 3.____ for a long time and never _____ lost. This helps them to 6.______. Ⅲ. Read Paragraph 3 in 2b and finish the chart. 阅读2b第三段,完成下面的表格。 Elephants are in great danger. Reasons Solutions (解决办法) Reason 1 People (1) _____ _____many trees. So th
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