课题 Unit 9 What does he look like? 话题 Describe a person’s look 教 学 目 标 功能 点 Describe height Describe build Describe hair Describe your favorite teacher 知 识 点 A:What does he/she look like? B: He is tall/short/of medium height. A: What does he/she look like? B: He is heavy/thin/of medium build. A: What does he/she look like? B: He/she has long hair/short hair/straight hair/curly hair. My favorite teacher is … … he is tall and thin and he has short straight hair. I think he is very handsome. #/★ ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★★ 任务 Task: Who is your favorite teacher? Please describe him or her to all the students. Tips 真实(语境、语料、行为)– 有效(目标达成)– 趣味(驱动)– 难度(量的控制)– 综合(内容、形式)– 交互(多维) 2楼 任 务 环 活动形式 语 言 内 容 阶段目标 Step12: Writing Task. Step11: Guessing Game: who is he/she? Step10: Listen and draw. Step8: describe your classmates about height, build and hair. 台阶4 What does he look like? He is heavy/thin/of medium build. He is tall/short/of medium height. He has long/short/straight/curly hair. Using what have learned today to write a passage to describe a certain person. Interesting games: check what students have learned Make three aspects together to describe a person’s look Step5: describe your classmates about height and build. 台阶3 What does he look like? He is heavy/thin/of medium build. He is tall/short/of medium height. Make two aspects together to describe a person’s look Step7: describe your classmates about hair. Step4: describe your classmates about height. Step2: describe your classmates about height. 台阶2 What does he look like? He has long/short/straight/curly hair. What does he look like? He is heavy/thin/of medium build. What does he look like? He is tall/short/of medium height. Learn to use what have learned Learn to use what have learned Learn to use what have learned Step9: other description words. Step6: picture talking: How to describe a person’s hair? Step3: picture talking: How to describe a person’s build? Step1: picture talking: How to describe a person’s height? 台阶1 Wear glasses, big eyes, beautiful, handsome…… What does he look like? He has long/short/straight/curly hair. What does he look like? He is heavy/thin/of medium build. What does he look like? He is tall/short/of medium height. Learn some other words to describe a person’s look. Learn to describe hair Learn to describe build Learn to describe height Tips 知识准备+技能提升:感知(呈现、输入)– 熟悉(操练)– 记忆(操练)– 运用(应用、输出) 任务前 T: Do you like cartoons? Ss: Yes! T: If you like cartoons, you must know them, please tall me who they are? Ss: 工藤新一and柯南. T: Yes, what are the differences between them? Ss: tall, short, glasses… … T: Yes, you are all right. Today we will learn how to describe a person’s look. Let’s start the new lesson. Tips 1楼 创设语境,激活心境
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