备考资料备考资料 20222022 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识自测年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识自测提分题库精品含答案提分题库精品含答案 单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、资料:This exhibition brings together outstanding works from the earliest times to the present in a thematic arrangement that is fresh and unique.A.toughness and resistance B.its complex processes C.it has lesser tin,zinc and lead D.its different techniques【答案】A 2、资料:The following passage is the introduction about one of the Monsell international financial products.According to the passage,there will be 5 questions.You should read carefully,then select the right answer.A.Lily,a primary school student who has saved about$300 in cash B.Sue,a secondary school student who wants to open her own account C.Neil,the father of a teenage son aged 14,who want to open an account D.Jane,a post-graduate who wants to manage her own money【答案】B 3、资料:Children back at school,nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable.The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets,theres a whiff of uncertainty in the air.Bond yields are up from their lows,and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset,anywhere,with some yield,is slowing.A.falling B.pushing C.keeping D.changing【答案】A 4、某民政局工作人员冯某利用职务便利挪用救济金 2 万元进行营利活动。冯某的行为构成何种犯罪?()A.挪用特定款物罪 B.挪用公款罪 C.职务侵占罪 D.挪用资金罪【答案】B 5、Thank you for your recent order.Although most of your items have _ shipped,the Full-Spectrum Desk Lamp(model B07)is temporarily out of stock.A.ever B.often C.lastly D.already【答案】D 6、中华民国成立,清王朝统治覆灭是在()。A.1911 年 12 月 B.1912 年元旦 C.1912 年 2 月 D.1912 年 3 月【答案】B 7、_ATA-100,each page is identified by a three element number and a page number.A.According with B.In accordance with C.To D.In according to【答案】B 8、Under no circumstances_without looking carefully to the rear.A.should one back up a motor vehicle B.a motor vehicle should back up C.one should back up a motor vehicle D.should back up a motor vehicle【答案】A 9、根据国现行宪法规定,我国实行由()负责保障宪法实施的体制。A.司法机关 B.立法机关 C.专门机关 D.行政机关【答案】B 10、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers,but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well.Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments.A.It helps special needs students think creatively B.It helps special needs students from all the attending students C.It helps special needs students learn varied ability from classmates D.It helps students work together on solving problems and assignments【答案】D 11、In a desperate move to increase their revenues to meet their sales goal,the company is planning to offer a special discount()its customers.A.by B.to C.with D.upon【答案】B 12、下列关于外汇说法中不正确的是()。A.外汇是以外国货币表示的,必须具有充分的可兑换性,能够自由地兑换成其他国家的货币或者其他信用工具进行多边支付 B.外汇是非主权货币,通常各国政府允许外国货币作为本国市场的计价和结算货币,但不允许外国货币在本国境内流通和使用 C.外汇必须是在国外能得到补偿的债权,具有可靠的物质偿付保证 D.外汇必须是各国普遍接受的支付手段和可用作对外支付的金融资产【答案】C 13、下列提法中,表述正确的是()。A.政府审计是独立性最强的一种审计 B.财务报表的合法性是报表使用者最为关心的 C.注册会计师审计意见旨在提高财务报表的可信赖程度 D.内部审计是注册会计师审计的基础【答案】C 14、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesnt happen magically.It takes lots of planning,time and savings.A.the government B.both the employer and the government C.the employer D.the employer,the government and the media【答案】B 15、行政指导和其他行政行为的最大区别在于()。A.主体不同 B.目的不同 C.范围不同 D.是否具有法律强制力不同【答案】D 16、判断一个计算机程序是否为病毒的最主要依据就是看它是否具有()。A.传染性和破坏性 B.破坏性欺骗性 C.欺骗性和寄生性 D.隐蔽性和潜伏性【答案】A 17、下列不属于审计的职能的是()。A.经济监督功能 B.经济评价功能 C.经济鉴证功能 D.经济核算功能【答案】D 18、Passage 5 A.Definite B.Dubious C.Serious D.Negative【答案】B 19、某商业银行正在进行合同法知识大赛,其中涉及借款合同,根据你对合同法的理解,下列关于借款合同的说法中正确的是()。A.订立借款合同时,贷款人不得要求借款人提供担保,除非借款人自愿提供担保 B.借款人不得在还款期限届满之前向贷款人申请展期,即使贷款人同意,也不可以展期 C.贷款人未按照约定的日期、数额提供借款,造成借款人损失的,应当赔偿损失,借款人未按照约定的日期、数额收取借款的,应当按照约定的日期、数额支付利息 D.借款人没有按照约定的借款用途使用借款的,贷款人可以停止发放借款,但不可以解除合同【答案】C 20、Passage 6 A.Less Screening for More Safety B.PreChecka Belated Solution C.Getting Stuck in Security Lines D.Underused PreCheck Lanes【答案】C 21、对特定地区的经济发展进行倾向性经营的银行是()。A.国家开发银行 B.中国人民银行 C.城市商业银行 D.中国农业银行【答案】A 22、下列各项中不会引起其他货币资金发生变动的是()。A.企业销售商品收到商业汇票 B.企业用银行本票购买办公用品 C.企业将款项汇往外地开立采购专业账户 D.企业为购买基金将资金存入在证券公司指定银行开立账户【答案】A 23、微型计算机中,ROM 的中文含义是()。A.随机存储器 B.只读存储器 C.高速缓冲存储器 D.可编程只读存储器【答案】B 24、2012 年 GDP 增速目标为();全年 CPI 控制在 4%。A.7.5%B.7.8%C.7.6%D.8%【答案】A 25、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business.But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.Chinese businessmen look for ways to combine different options B.Chinese businessmen have stronger sense of national pride C.Chinese businessmen have their own pace doing business D.Chinese business treasure close relationship【答案】B 26、经济一体化的最终目标是()。A.关税同盟 B.共同市场 C.经济联盟 D.自由贸易区【答案】C 27、我国首家金融衍生品交易所是()。A.上海期货交易所 B.中国金融期货交易所 C.大连商品交易所 D.深圳证券交易所【答案】B 28、在 Exce1 中,确认数据输入有三种方法,以下方法中不属于这三种之一的是()。A.按 Enter 键 B.按 Tab 键 C.用鼠标单击编辑栏上的“”D.按 Shift 键【答案】D 29、在保险市场上,“道德风险”是指()。A.保险公司不能区分低风险顾客和高风险顾客 B.高风险顾客有激励提供错误信号使保险公司相信他是低风险顾客 C.保险公司可能会根据种族、性别和年龄来断定哪些是高风险顾客 D.顾客在购买保险后会改变自己的行为,即他在购买保险后的行为比之前更像一个高风险的顾客【答案】D 30、资料:A new Chine
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