人人教教版版高高中中英英语语 必必修修三三 2023版课件Key wordscostume kstjum n.march mt n.短语短语march onmarch along the streets congratulationknrtulen n.receive congratulations fromKey wordsriddlesrdlz n.carnival knvln.ceremony sermnin.Key phrasesdress(sb.)up after all attend the ceremony Key phrasesguess riddles give performancesreceive congratulations fromKey phrasescongratulate sb.on pay attention to考考你的记忆力标出单词出现的顺序标出单词出现的顺序guess riddles attend the ceremonygive performancescostume pay attention tocongratulationcarnival dress up 12345678Review Lead inIn this unit,you will1 read about festivals and celebrations around the world.2 listen to different festival experiences and talk about your own.3 write a passage about a festival or a celebration you have experienced.4 explore the origins,customs.and meanings of different festivals.Look and discuss1 What can you see in the photo?2 What is the name of this festival and how do you celebrate it?Lantern Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals.During the Lantern Festival,there are many celebrations in my hometown,such as visit a lantern fair,enjoy beautiful lanterns(赏花灯赏花灯),eating yuanxiao,guess riddles on hanging lanterns(猜灯谜猜灯谜)and setting off fireworks.Lead inPhoenix flutes make musicThe moonlight flashesFish and dragon lanternswhirl the whole night longXin QijiLead inDo you know who wrote this song dynasty poem,and whats its name?Lead inChinese Name:青玉案青玉案元夕元夕 English name of the work:the Lantern Festival nightAuthor:Xin QijiThe age of creation:Southern Song Dynastyliterary style:the poems of the Song Dynastyfestival:Lantern Festival(元宵节元宵节)Group discussion.Do you know who wrote this poem of the Song Dynasty?What festival scene does it mainly describe?Lead in青玉案青玉案 元夕元夕朝代:宋朝朝代:宋朝作者:辛弃疾作者:辛弃疾东风夜放花千树东风夜放花千树,更吹落,星如雨。更吹落,星如雨。宝马雕车香满路宝马雕车香满路,凤箫声动凤箫声动,玉壶光转玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞一夜鱼龙舞。蛾儿雪柳黄金缕蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首蓦然回首,那人却在那人却在,灯火阑珊处。灯火阑珊处。Can you speak out other Chinese festivals?how do you celebrate it?Spring Festival春节春节Tomb-Sweeping Day 清明节清明节Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节中秋节 Lead inDouble Ninth Festival重阳节重阳节 Can you speak out other Chinese festivals?how do you celebrate it?Dragon Boat Festival端午节端午节 Double Seventh Festival七夕节七夕节 Lead inWhich festivals do the following pictures show us?In which country do you think people celebrate the festival?How do people celebrate the festival?DiscussionChina Lantern Festival元宵节灯会元宵节灯会Coming-of-Age Day日本成人节日本成人节Rio Carnival里约热内卢狂欢节里约热内卢狂欢节Discuss in groups and answer the following three questions.DiscussionBefore you listen,look at the photos below and answer the questions blow.China Lantern FestivalComing-of-Age DayRio CarnivalWhat do people do to celebrate the Chinese Lantern festival?Who will celebrate Coming-of-Age Day?How will they celebrate this festival?What do you expect to see if you go to the Rio Carnival?1 Before you listen,look at the photos below.Choose some words or phrases from the box to describe each festival.Pre-ListeningTalk about festival activitiesPre-Listeningwear traditional costumes dress up in carnival costumes visit a lantern fairmarch along the streets receive congratulations from guess riddlesattend the ceremony watch samba dance give performancesmarch vi&n.行进行进;游行游行1 Before you listen,look at the photos below.Choose some words or phrases from the box to describe each festival.costumesn.服装服装;戏装戏装dress up盛装打扮盛装打扮;打扮打扮congratulationn.祝贺的话语祝贺的话语;祝祝贺贺samban.桑巴舞桑巴舞;桑巴舞曲桑巴舞曲 guess riddles猜灯谜猜灯谜China Lantern FestivalPracticevisit a lantern fairguess riddlesgive performancesOn Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns.Choose some words or phrases from the box to describe each festival.PracticeChina Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China,which has a history of more than 2,000 years.People go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns.On the night,the family get together and have a big dinner to celebrate the festival.People go on streets with a variety of lanterns,watching lions or dragons dancing,playing Chinese riddles and games.Group discussion.Write a short speech about the traditional activities of these festival and present it in front of the whole class.China Lantern Festivalwear traditional costumesmarch along the streetsattend the ceremonyPracticeComing-of-Age DayOn the Coming-of-Age Day,young Japanese girls will wear traditional clothes to attend the celebration ceremony.Choose some words or phrases from the box to describe each festival.PracticeYoung people who are 20 years old at the Coming-of-Age Day in Japan usually wear gorgeous traditional kimonos to celebrate.Festival mean that they have become adults,and they must live independently and assume social responsibilities and obligations.Parents,relatives and friends express their congratulations and give gifts,and the parties concerned should also express their thanks and announce their future plans and ideals.Group discussion.Write a short speech a
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