2022-2023学年下学期高二完形填空最新名校好题 进阶训练100篇基础训练Text2 1. 【2022秋·河南郑州·高二郑州市回民高级中学校考阶段练习】 A friend and I had arranged to spend a whole Sunday taking a long walk in the country. We set off on an only train, each carrying a____201____bag filled with sandwiches, cakes, fruit and bottles of lemonade, I____202____how two people would be able to finish it all. Soon we had left____203____the smoky air of the city and had reached the country station where our____204____was to begin. We were____205____,  because the sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze to make it just right for walking. We decided to go on a walk called the Four Mile Square: it has four____206____sides, each about four miles in length and on a map looks like a rough square. It is____207____because each side passes through a different kind of country. We____208____in high spirits along the first side, which____209____a river, planning to have a swim and our first meal before we left it. Before long, we came to a gate near which there was a_____210_____, “Beware of the Bull”.We were very_____211_____.Our path ran through this field, and, as it was a public footpath, the farmer had no_____212_____to put a dangerous animals in it. “Oh, but it’s all right, ” my friend said. “This bull is tied up. Come on.” I followed, because I could see for myself a strong rope_____213_____to the ring in its nose at one end and round a large tree at the other. We felt very bold and walked nearer, _____214_____a red handkerchief just to show that we weren’t afraid. The bull began to walk towards us—and did not stop. “He_____215_____to have a long rope.” I said, walking more quickly. The bull too was walking more quickly. Then, at the same moment, we both saw that the rope was broken, and without_____216_____we began to run. We were halfway across the field but it didn’t take us long to reach the gate again. We jumped over, very much out of_____217_____, and looked back to see the bull quietly_____218_____a bag of food. “That was a clever_____219_____of mine, wasn’t it?” said my friend, “I dropped the food on purpose to_____220_____away the bull’s attention.” “No,” I cried, it was not clever! I dropped mine — accidentally. 201.A.small B.light C.heavy D.huge 202.A.wondered B.knew C.doubted D.thought 203.A.over B.away C.out D.behind 204.A.destination B.walk C.adventure D.race 205.A.depressed B.thirsty C.lucky D.tired 206.A.equal B.pretty C.short D.strange 207.A.quiet B.convenient C.remote D.famous 208.A.started off B.took up C.ran off D.turned up 209.A.connected B.followed C.surrounded D.reflected 210.A.guide B.report C.sentence D.notice 211.A.scared B.excited C.worried D.ashamed 212.A.chance B.right C.space D.duty 213.A.tied B.applied C.contacted D.added 214.A.waving B.wearing C.folding D.throwing 215.A.fails B.needs C.seems D.happens 216.A.difficulty B.hesitation C.permission D.trouble 217.A.question B.danger C.sight D.breath 218.A.weighing B.examining C.considering D.inspecting 219.A.trap B.game C.trick D.plan 220.A.pay B.give C.take D.draw 【答案】 201.C    202.A    203.D    204.B    205.C    206.A    207.D    208.A    209.B    210.D    211.C    212.B    213.A    214.A    215.C    216.B    217.D    218.B    219.C    220.D 【导语】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者和朋友周末外出乡间散步,带了很多食物,结果在路上遇到了绳子断了的公牛,公牛开始追赶他们,朋友故意把食物扔在地上,引开了公牛的注意力,而作者的食物却意外丢失了。 201.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们乘坐唯一的一列火车出发了,每个人都带着一个装满三明治、蛋糕、水果和瓶装柠檬水的沉重袋子,我不知道两个人怎么能吃完这些东西。A. small小的;B. light轻的;C. heavy沉重的;D. huge巨大的。根据后文“bag filled with sandwiches, cakes, fruit and bottles of lemonade”可知,包里装了很多东西,很沉。故选C。 202.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们乘坐唯一的一列火车出发了,每个人都带着一个装满三明治、蛋糕、水果和瓶装柠檬水的沉重袋子,我不知道两个人怎么能吃完这些东西。A. wondered想知道;B. knew知道;C. doubted怀疑;D. thought认为。根据后文“how two people would be able to finish it all.”可知,作者好奇两个人怎么能吃完这些东西。故选A。 203.考查固定搭配。句意:不久,我们就离开了城市烟雾缭绕的空气,到达了我们徒步旅行的起点——乡村车站。根据后文“the smoky air of the city and had reached the country station”可知,他们不久就离开了城市,固定搭配leave behind,把……留(甩)在身后,故选D。 204.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不久,我们就离开了城市烟雾缭绕的空气,到达了我们徒步旅行的起点——乡村车站。A. destination目的地;B. walk散步;C. adventure冒险;D. race比赛。呼应后文“there was a gentle breeze to make it just right for walking”指他们是去徒步旅行的。故选B。 205.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们很幸运,因为阳光灿烂,和风习习,正好适合散步。A. depressed沮丧的;B. thirsty口渴的;C. lucky幸运的;D. tired疲惫的。根据后文“because the sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze to make it just right for walking”可知他们很幸运,因为赶上一个好天气。故选C。 206.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们决定去一个叫做四里广场的地方散步:它有四条相等的边,每条边大约四英里长,在地图上看起来像一个粗糙的正方形。A. equal相等的;B. pretty美丽的;C. short短暂的;D. strange奇怪的。根据后文“each about four miles in length and on a map looks like a rough square”可知,广场在地图上看起来像一个粗糙的正方形,说明四条边相等。故选A。 207.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它是著名的,因为每一边经过一个不同的国家。A. quiet安静的;B. convenient方便的;C. remote遥远的;D. famous出名的。根据后文“because each side passes through a different kind of country”广场因为经过不同的国家而出名。故选D。 208.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们兴致勃勃地沿着河流的第一边出发了,计划在离开之前游个泳,吃上第一顿饭。A. started off开始、出发;B. took up拿起;C. ran off逃跑;D. turned up出现。根据后文“in high spirits along the first side”指他们出发了。故选A。 209.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们兴致勃勃地沿着河流的第一边出发了,计划在离开之前游个泳,吃上第一顿饭。A. connected连接;B. follo
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