6UNITReadingGrammarWritingCulture expressListening and speakinglPronunciation and listening skills lConversationlPassagelNews report在讲座中,发言人一般会首先点明主题及内容结构。充分理解这一部分信息对于理解整个讲座内容很有帮助。发言人一般会用标志性语言去介绍这一部分信息,如:Im going to talk about/explain/describe;随后,用表达顺序的词汇,如 firstly,then,finally,引出讲座的主要内容结构。对于这些标志性语言引出的信息要格外留意。TipsListen to the introduction part of a lecture and complete the table with what you hear.Introduce the topicToday Im going to talk about how to 1)_ healthy eating habits.Explain the structure of the lecture Firstly,Im going to explain what a 2)_ diet is.well-balancedListen to the introduction part of a lecture and complete the table with what you hear.developListen to the introduction part of a lecture and complete the table with what you hear.Explain the structure of the lecture Then,Ill talk about the 3)“_”.Finally,Ill introduce some good 4)_ to you.healthy diet pyramideating habitsScripts:Good morning everyone,welcome to our regular lecture on health issues.Today Im going to talk about how to develop healthy eating habits.Firstly,Im going to explain what a well-balanced diet is.Is your diet balanced?Do you get all the necessary vitamins your body needs?Then,Ill talk about the“healthy diet pyramid”,which can be very helpful for you to judge whether you are eating the right food in the right amount.Finally,Ill introduce some good eating habits to you.I hope my lecture can be helpful to you.Word tips Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔(土耳其西北部港市)graffiti n.(在墙上和公共场所的)涂鸦Gamze Yalcin 戈姆则亚尔钦(女子名)continual a.持续的;不停的1 What type of art explosion is witnessed in Istanbul?A.Live art.B.Comic art.C.Graffiti art.D.Carving art.Listen to a news report and choose the best answer to each of the questions.2 What does Yalcin say about the graffiti art?A.It causes the number of male artists to grow.B.It inspires many trained artists.C.It concerns women and womens issues.D.It encourages the new generation to do what they want.Listen to a news report and choose the best answer to each of the questions.3 What is Yalcins attitude toward the effect of graffiti art on women?A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Neutral.D.Indifferent.Listen to a news report and choose the best answer to each of the questions.Scripts:Istanbul,Turkeys largest city,is witnessing an explosion of graffiti art.Many of those driving this wave of colorful artistic expression are women.Gamze Yalcin,a trained artist,has been painting graffiti on Istanbuls walls for the past six years.She said that it is exciting to see continual growth of graffiti art across the city.“More and more,the new generation is very into painting on the streets.”She says a lot of the graffiti art deals with women and womens issues.Yalcin believes this kind of artwork can inspire women to do whatever they want to do in their own lives.She says the number of female artists in Turkey continues to grow.Word tips overseas ad.向海外;在海外dilemma n.困境;进退两难的境地inform v.正式通知;告知opening n.职位空缺1 Maggie hasnt decided what to do after graduation.2 There is an opening in the Music Department.1 Listen to a conversation and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).3 Tony uses his own experience as an example to give Maggie some suggestions.TFT2 Listen to the conversation again and choose the best answer to each of the questions.1 Why did Maggie want to go abroad in the beginning?A.To do some traveling.B.To further her studies.C.To get a better job.D.To broaden her horizons.2 Listen to the conversation again and choose the best answer to each of the questions.2 What is Maggies dream?A.To be a musician.B.To organize a band.C.To be a music teacher.D.To hold a concert.2 Listen to the conversation again and choose the best answer to each of the questions.3 What is Tonys suggestion for Maggie?A.Studying abroad.B.Furthering her studies at home.C.Taking the job offer.D.Settling abroad.Scripts:Tony:Maggie:Tony:Maggie:Tony:Maggie:Hi,Maggie.Have you decided to go abroad after graduation?Hi,Tony.Not yet.Why?A couple of days ago,you told me that you were almost determined to go overseas in order to continue your studies.Yes,but Im facing a dilemma now.Whats up?You know,Ive been planning to study abroad.But Ive just been informed that there is an opening in the Music Department.Theyve offered it to me.So now Scripts:Tony:Maggie:Tony:Maggie:Tony:Well,I see what you mean.Its really a tough decision.Yes.Go abroad or take this offer.Its hard to choose.Well,I think it depends on what you really want to do with your life.My dream is to be a music teacher,but I also want to study abroad.Thats the problem!Can you give me some suggestions?If I were you,I would take the offer so that I could get some teaching experience before I could further my studies.Situation 1Situation 2B wants to volunteer his/her services in rural areas as a PE teacher after graduation.A,a reporter from the school newspaper,interviews B.B plans to contribute all his/her scholarship to children in remote areas.A,a reporter from the school radio station,interviews B.3 Role-
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