能力测试试卷能力测试试卷 A A 卷附答案教师招聘之小学教师招聘卷附答案教师招聘之小学教师招聘综合练习试卷综合练习试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、在陆钦斯的一个实验中,要求被试用大小不同的容器量出一定容量的水,用数字进行计算(如下表)。第 1 到第 7 题全部都可以采用 B-A-2C 的方法进行计算,但是第 6、第 7 题还可以分别采用 A-C 或 A+C 的方法进行计算。实验分两组,实验组从第 1 题做到第 7 题,控制组只做第 6、第 7 题。在解第 6、第 7 题时,实验组中大多数人仍采用 B-A-2C 的方法进行计算;而控制组则全部采用了简便的方法进行计算。A.问题呈现的方式 B.情绪与动机状态 C.思维定势 D.原型启发【答案】C 2、He looks normal.That s what everybody says when I tell them my son was just diagnosed as autism(孤独症).They all say it without exception.A.exists B.sleeps C.studies D.works【答案】A 3、根据下面资料,回答 A.gone completely lost nowadays B.been weakened gradually C.been taken back in Obama s day D.come to a turning point【答案】D 4、下列作品与国家匹配正确的是()。A.梭罗河-印度 B.桔梗谣-朝鲜 C.钟声叮叮当-美国 D.红河谷-英国【答案】B 5、The Coolest Club Around A.medal B.message C.experience D.support【答案】A 6、The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only.Distinguishing epithets were rarely added.These might be patronymic,descriptive or occupational.They were,however,hardly surnames.Heritable names gradually became general in the three centuries following the Norman Conquest in 1066.It was not until the 13th and 14th centuries that surnames became fixed,although for many years after that,the degree of stability in family names varied considerably in different parts of the country.A.a name shared by all the members of a family B.a word in front of a person s name to show their rank or profession C.an offensive word or phrase that is used about a person or group of people D.an adjective or phrase that is used to describe somebody/somethings character or most important quality【答案】D 7、不属于三和弦的是()。A.大四六和弦 B.减六和弦 C.小三和弦 D.大二和弦【答案】D 8、一学生决心改掉迟到的毛病,遵守学校纪律,可冬天一到,他迟迟不肯起床,结果又迟到了。对该生的教育应该培养其()A.道德认知 B.道德情感 C.道德意志 D.道德行为【答案】C 9、深入贯彻落实科学发展观,要求我们始终坚持()A.改革开放 B.四项基本原则 C.以经济建设为中心 D.一个中心,两个基本点【答案】D 10、中华人民共和国教育法规定,学校及其他教育机构的基本教学语言文字是()A.地区方言 B.文字 C.汉语言文字 D.普通话【答案】C 11、Now and again I have had horrible dreams,but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams.To begin with,I like the idea of dreaming,of going to bed and lying still and then,by some queer magic,wandering into another kind of existence.As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday.This still puzzles me.I am mystified by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject.It is much more astonishing than if they said they never went out for a walk.Most people or at least more Western Europeans do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives.They appear to see it as an irritating little habit,like sneezing or yawning.A.by dreaming people could live a better life indeed B.he was puzzled by the mysterious quality of dreams C.it was astonishing that adults loved holidays so much D.it was a pity that adults could not enjoy dreams【答案】D 12、Born in 1805,_ produced such great works as the The Ugly Ducking,The Emperors New Clothes and The Little Mermaid.A.William Shakespeare B.Ernest Hemingway C.Hans Christian Andersen D.Jane Austen【答案】C 13、20 世纪 60 年代初期,在美国发起课程改革运动的心理学家是()。A.奥苏伯尔 B.斯金纳 C.华生 D.布鲁纳【答案】D 14、根据下面资料,回答 A.proficient B.enjoyable C.considerate D.straightforward【答案】A 15、某生会背诵九九乘法口诀并懂得“三三得九”就是 3 个 3 相加之和是 9,这种学习属于 _。A.信号学习 B.连锁学习 C.机械学习 D.意义学习【答案】D 16、-Was it not until last week_he decided to give up smoking?A.when;as soon B.that;immediately C.did;that D.that;till【答案】B 17、根据中华人民共和国宪法的规定,国务院有权制定和发布()A.教育法律 B.教育行政法规 C.教育政府规章 D.教育单行条例【答案】B 18、提出“诗中有画,画中有诗”美学境界的诗人是()。A.苏轼 B.范成大 C.杨万里 D.陆游【答案】A 19、Long ago men learned that the world of nature is built with mathematical exactness according to refined and powerful laws;every bee stokes its wings exactly 440 times a second to propel itself forty miles an hour;the eye of every fly has exactly 7,000 lenses;every spider s thread is composed of 300 single threads.A.standard B.accuracy C.method D.process【答案】A 20、当班集体涣散,课堂秩序混乱,人际关系紧张时,能有效地控制局面,使课堂活动走上正常运行轨道的教师领导方式为()。A.民主式 B.权威式 C.放任式 D.温和式【答案】B 21、下列行为中构成犯罪的是()。A.赵某,30 岁,醉酒驾车撞死路人 B.刘某,13 岁,盗窃价值人民币 50 万元的财物 C.张某,20 岁,遇人抢劫奋起反击,将对方打成重伤 D.王某,30 岁,为了躲避仇人追杀,抢了路人的摩托车逃跑【答案】A 22、墨子的素丝说认为,“染于苍则苍,染于黄则黄。所入者变,其色亦变”,这种说法认为影响人身心发展的主要因素是()A.遗传素质 B.成熟程度 C.外部环境 D.个体主观能动性【答案】C 23、Learning Beijing Opera in primary schools is intended _ the traditional cultural treasure.A.to preserve B.to preserving C.to have preserved D.preserving【答案】A 24、教师在篮球传接球教学中,设计了传递抛接游戏,这体现了体育游戏的 A.锻炼性原则 B.单一性原则 C.针对性原则 D.竞技性原则【答案】C 25、20 世纪 60 年代初期,在美国发起课程改革运动的心理学家是()。A.奥苏伯尔 B.斯金纳 C.华生 D.布鲁纳【答案】D 26、进入初中后,刘超突然觉得不认识自己了,“我是谁”“我将来要做什么”等问题常常困扰着他,依据埃里克森的心理社会发展阶段理论,刘超所处的发展阶段是()。A.自我同一性对角色混乱 B.勤奋对自卑 C.信任对怀疑 D.亲密对孤独【答案】A 27、竹席:竹子()A.海带:皮 B.馒头:包子 C.衣服:布料 D.牛:牛奶【答案】C 28、下列心理学家的研究路线可以用“刺激一反应”公式来表示,坚持心理学是研究行为的科学的是()。A.斯金纳 B.奈瑟 C.皮亚杰 D.华生【答案】D 29、送蔡元振序 A.作者认为,一个州的太守无权征召、聘用从事,一个读书人也不能自由选择他要跟随的太守,则上下级相处不会融洽 B.作者告诫蔡君要明确作为从事的责任,不要激化与上司的矛盾,也不要一味随声附和做事要有分寸 C.作者认为,在朝廷做公卿大夫的能担负起自己应尽的职责的都少有,更何况这些做州从事的人呢 D.文章善于运用对比分析说理,说服力强。如古今聘用方式及其效果的对比,今之从事对待上司或“同”或“激”做法的对比等【答案】C 30、孔子说:“三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”这段话体现的德育方法是()。A.读书指导法 B.榜样示范法 C.
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