2022-2023学年下学期浙江杭州富阳区中考第一次模拟 英语笔试题90分(有答案) 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40 分) 第一节(共 15小题, 每小题 2分, 满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。 A In a MinuteHave you been curious about what can happen in a minute? The clocks around the world show different times, so people spend the same minute in very different ways. 11:01 A.M. in Scoresbysund is 2:01 P. M. in Makumbi, Congo. School is over. Kahli lives near a tropical rain forest, and there is no road from the school to her home. Kahli loves the daily boat ride. Her brother and sister push the boat along while they all talk about their day and sing songs. It’s 9:01. ALM. in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Adilson and his father sit staring at each other in a hospital waiting room. The city is about to grow by one more person. The delivery-room door swings open, and Dr. Prado announces, “It’s a girl!” Adilson’s dad shakes the doctor’s hand, then hugs Adilson tightly. 9:01 A.M. in Sao Paulo is 11:01 A.M. in Scoresbysund, Greenland. At this time of year, it is dark twenty-four hours a day. Sonja does not like the long, sunless winter days. Since she is too young for school, her father has promised to take her fishing today. She walks down the dock towards the boat with his father. 16.________ is meeting his new-born sister at the time of 9:01 A.M. A.Adilson B.Prado C.Sonja D.Kahli 17.At 11:01 A.M. in Scoresbysund, Sonja is ________ with his father. A.taking a boat to school B.going home from school C.enjoying the sunshine D.walking towards the boat 18.When it’s 1:01 P. M. in Makumbi, Congo, it’s ________ in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A.8:01 A.M. B.10:01 A.M. C.4:01 P. M. D.6:01 P. M. B It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t like traveling. The human’s hopes to explore (探索) new areas drive us to visit new countries and discover new places. It’s a pity that it is impossible to explore every corner of the world even if you travel the whole life. So people search travel articles to learn more. If you want to become a travel writer who helps people to choose a trip, you should know how to create an article about traveling experience. Maybe the following can help you. Read different resources (资源). Do you want to improve your skills and do great writings? Start by exploring how experts do. Start following famous travel writers and discover how they engage readers, which means you should know how to get readers’ attention. Also, it will help you to know about the latest news in the traveling. For sure, anyone can create a blog (博客) about traveling. But the top travel writers don’t create articles according to stories of other people. They make every trip by themselves and share their experience in their articles. If you want to become a very successful writer, you should have a large background in traveling. It will help you create original (原创) articles and share your traveling secrets with your readers. Don’t forget about your opinions when you discover how to write a travel article. If you want to copy someone’s story, you can rewrite it and collect a few points. But if you’re going to become a famous travel writer, you need to create original articles. Feel free to share your opinions and feelings. Being a travel writer is exciting. You have to travel, explore new areas and share your experience with readers. 19.What is the possible meaning of the underlined words “engage readers” in Paragraph 3? A.Make readers interested. B.Tell readers opinions. C.Get readers bored. D.Help readers understand. 20.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to? A.Becoming a very successful writer. B.Having a large traveling background. C.Creating a blog that is about traveling. D.Writing articles based on other stories. 21.What would a famous travel writer most probably do according to the text? A.Copy someone’s story. B.Rewrite someone’s travel articles. C.Share someone’s points. D.Having his or her own opinions. 22.Which of the following best shows the structure of the text? (P=Paragraph) A. B. C. D. C Singapore, as a small island country, has depended mostly on water supplies from neighboring Malaysia for a long time. Low Pei Chin, a water engineer from the government, told reporters from Agency France-Press, “Singapore is short of natural resources. That is why we are always looking for ways to explore water resources. One major plan is to “collect every drop” and “reuse endlessly”. The government has created a highly developed system that turns wastewater into drinkable water. Reused wastewater can meet 40 percent of Singapore’s water need. The government expects to meet 55 percent of the need by the year 2060. Most of the water is used for micro-chip producing factories. But some of it is added to the country’s drinking water supplies. The system also helps reduce ocean pollution, as only a small amount of the treated water is sent into the sea. According to the United Nations, 80 percent of the world’s wastewater runs bac
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