2023年浙江省衢州市柯城区巨化中学高一英语模拟试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. It’s required that the students ________ mobile phones in their school,so seldom ________ them using one. A.not use;will you see B.should not use;you will see C.don’t use;will you see D.would not use;you will see 参考答案: A It’s required that.句型中that从句的谓语为“should+动词原形”,should可省略。否定词seldom置于句首时,句子要倒装。句意为:按要求,学生在学校内不能用手机,因此你很少见到他们使用手机。 2. I wish there would be a way to describe China in simple terms but that's impossible. For the most part Chinese people are friendly, easy-going and optimistic. They are curious and unusually patient and they are also the hardest-working people I have ever met. In China, family is everything. In my English classes when the students were asked what they would do if they only had a few hours to live, most students told me how they would spend their last few hours with their families and parents. Many times the subjects in the classes center on families and friends. I teach many students a year, talking to them freely. The cost of living here is very low compared with that of the US. The city of Xiang Fan I live in isn't large and I live better. Non-imported(非进口的)foods are very cheap, so are clothing and articles of everyday use. The cost of public transportation is very low, too. Chinese value education. However, it is reported that many children can't afford the expenses of schooling and are forced to leave school in some poor areas in China. But they organized Project Hope many years ago. It creates conditions for the poor children to go back to school. In my opinion, Project Hope is of great importance to the development of the rural education. When we read news of China in the west, rarely, if ever, will we see anything mentioned of the positive changes China has gone through. While it is true that economic miracles have not reached many areas of China, but we also have the same problems. When I am asked which country I consider better, China or the US, my answer has always been the same, “We are not worse or better than each other, we are only different.” 21.What does the author think of Chinese people? A. He thinks most Chinese people hardly work. B. He thinks most Chinese people are proud. C. He praises most Chinese people a lot. D. He dislikes most Chinese people. 22.What is the author doing in China? A. He is visiting the places of interest. B. He is teaching English in a school. C. He is studying in a college. D. He is on business. 23.What are NOT cheap in China in the author's opinion? A. Clothes and shoes made in China. B. Local foods. C. Public transportation tickets. D. Imported foods. 24.We can infer from the passage that the author thinks ________. A. the westerners have got to know China well B. China's economic miracles have appeared everywhere C. the progress of China is seldom reported in the US D. the education in rural areas is never cared about in China 参考答案: 21.C   22.B   23.D   24.C 解析: 21.C 根据文章第一段中的“For the most part Chinese people are friendly, easy-going and optimistic. They are curious and unusually patient and they also the hardest-working people I have ever met.”可知,作者谈到了许多中国人的优点,这是对中国人的赞扬。故选C项。 22.B 根据文章第二段中的“I teach many students a year, talking to them freely.”可知. 他在一所学校教英语。故选B项。 23.D 根据文章第三段中的“Non-imported foods are cheap.”可知,非进口的食品便宜,这就意味着进口的食品不便宜。故选D项。 24.C 根据文章第四段的“When we read news of China in the west, rarely, if ever, will we see anything mentioned of the positive changes China has gone through.”可知,很少看到中国的报道,如果有也是中国经历的积极变化。故选C项。   3. When reading, you should _____ your attention on the main idea and the structure of the passage, not on specific words or sentences. A. pay           B. focus        C. put        D. expand 参考答案: B 4. ______troubles me most is _______I don’t know ________is to be done with the accident. A. What , what , that                   B. What , that ,  what   C. What , that ,how                    D. What ,because, which 参考答案: B 28. After________ by the police for several days, the robber had to give in.   A. surrounding       B. surrounded     C. surround            D. being surrounded 参考答案: D 6. The lecture hall______ by Doctor Li in the 1980s can contain at most 6,000 people. A. set up      B. was set up       C. is set up       D. setting up 参考答案: A 7. Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours _______ a decision. A. they reached B. did they reach C. they reach  D. do they reach 参考答案: B 8. Anything _____ could be found has been used to repair the damaged bridge. A. which   B. that               C. what              D. 不填 参考答案: B 9. ---Hi, Susan, you look very tired. ---I ______ the report for my boss the whole afternoon. It will be finished in ten minutes. A. was preparing  B. have prepared    C. have been preparing D. had been preparing 参考答案: C 略 10. More attention should be _______ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production. A. paid
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